"Ma, Captain Majido actually beat him with one move...with one move!"

A navy soldier muttered to himself, his tone full of disbelief.

He was very suspicious that he was dreaming now, so he pinched his thigh severely, and then tears of pain flowed out.

It hurts, this is not a dream! This 11-year-old rear admiral really punched Captain Majido, who was the captain of the Navy headquarters, and smashed him more than ten meters away, and instantly lost Majido. The power to fight again! Oh my god, are all the kids now so perverted? This guy, it is said that he is only 11 years old this year! He can kill the captain in seconds at the age of 11, does he really have real materials But at such a young age, he can be comparable to a major general, which is unlikely.

After the captain was easily knocked away with a punch, Bai Chen looked around the audience, yawned and said, "There's no one there, if anyone wants to come up and discuss with me, I'll be happy to accompany you, but if there's no one, then I'll accompany you. I won't make trouble with you."

After waiting for a few seconds, after no one dared to come up, Bai Chen opened his legs and left.

He didn't want to continue to make trouble with these guys, he finally gave himself a few days off, but he couldn't just be ruined.

The rest of the navy are just a group of ordinary soldiers. Even if their strength is compared to the one just now... Captain Majido is still [-] miles worse, not to mention the one who can beat the captain Bai Chen with a single punch. Ruthless.

Although they were not very convinced by Bai Chen, they still had a little self-knowledge, at least they didn't know that they couldn't beat the opponent, and they rushed forward stupidly.

[-] "Navy Boot Camp Elite Class" uh, just a few of you?"

When Bai Chen came to the elite class that Gang Gukong had arranged for him, a few black lines were quietly hung on his head. This so-called elite class is really a fool! What the hell is an elite class with only three people, even if you're perfunctory, it's fine, can you make up for it with such nonsense? It's unscientific! Aokiji, red dog, kiwi, Nima, why don't you bring it to me? A white hunter or Tina is fine! But what the hell are these guys, he doesn't seem to have seen them before.

Looking at the only three naval recruits in the so-called elite class of the recruit battalion, Bai Chen's heart is not a normal collapse, he suddenly feels that he has been placed by the bastard Gang Gukong.

Sure enough, Jiang is still old and hot, and fighting wits with these guys is... looking for abuse.

After calming down his extremely sloppy mood, he asked the three meager students: "What, you know Kuzan, Polusalino and Sakaski, the three navies."

The three students looked at each other, among them the beautiful girl nodded and replied, "Of course we know each other! They were our previous seniors, and all of them were natural fruit powers, very powerful.

They've graduated from the elite class, and maybe they're catching pirates at sea now."

Bi... Graduated! When he heard these three words, Bai Chen almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Most of his knowledge of .. One Piece is limited to fan fiction, and he has no idea when .. the future three major naval admirals will graduate.

I thought they were still in the recruit camp of the Navy Headquarters, but the fact told others that they had already graduated.

With the talents of these three people, it is possible that they are now at the rank of major general, the same rank as his Bai Chen.

What a scumbag, Nima, this luck is too bad! Now it's not the steel frame, let's put it together, but put yourself out! What does it mean to be immortal? Bai Chen's experience this time is perfectly explained This sentence.

Phew - calm down, you must be calm! Although the three future generals of the navy have already flew away with wings, at least there are still many elites in the navy.

For example, Huoshaoshan in the future, and vice admirals such as ghost spiders, their strength is also not bad.

However, these... The future lieutenant general, Bai Chen's impression of them is second only to these people's nicknames, and now they have not become famous, they should not be so handsome. No.

So... Bai Chen couldn't recognize these at all... The future Vice Admiral.

I feel like I'm already a scumbag.

At this moment, the girl who replied just now said again: "By the way, kid, you are a family member of the navy. You are not allowed to break in here casually. If our instructor sees it, you will be spanked. of."

A young man next to him shrugged and added: "But we have just joined this elite class, and we still don't know who the instructor is.

Maybe a lieutenant general in the navy, maybe a major general.

Anyway, kid, you should hurry back, or else the instructor will find out."


Bai Chen was silent for a moment, and endured the heartache and said, "Can I say, am I your instructor? I will teach you in the future... the three of you."

Speaking of "Three People"

At the time, Bai Chen deliberately increased his tone, and his resentment towards Steel Gukong can be said to have reached a peak.

I will never deal with these old foxes in the future, and none of them know how to love children! "Pfft hahaha, kid, stop joking! If you are our instructor, then I'll run out and run naked now.


A young man with pimples all over his body laughed. He was probably the oldest in the elite class, probably twenty-nine or even thirty years old.

"Uh... everyone, I think he seems to be our instructor."

The girl student stared blankly at Bai Chen's cloak of justice, trying to swallow a mouthful of saliva, she felt like she was dreaming today.

The navy's cloak of justice is not something that everyone can wear. Only officers with the rank of general can have a navy cloak of justice.

And the justice cloak on Bai Chen's body is the same in texture and appearance as other general-level officers' justice cloaks, except that the style is a bit small, there is no difference.

This is definitely a genuine naval justice cape, which means that this kid is actually a general-level officer!! My God, is this world crazy?

Chapter [-]: Students who are not convinced

Gu dong - the sound of swallowing saliva sounded one after another, and the three students of the 3 elite class seemed to have seen a ghost in broad daylight, and their faces were shocked and inconceivable.

They suddenly felt that their worldview collapsed in an instant.

The juvenile admiral-level officer of the Navy Headquarters, a little boy who didn't even grow a beard, turned into a naval officer, and he was a major admiral! This Nima, what did the people of the Navy Headquarters think of the three of them? People's shock was already expected by Bai Chen, because at his age he became a major general officer of the Navy Headquarters, no matter what the news was, everyone would be extremely shocked.

It can be said that he has set a new record, the youngest naval officer in history, and the youngest admiral rank officer.

As for whether there will be younger major generals in the future, Bai Chen is not quite sure, but before this, no one was like him.

It is said that the youngest major admiral in the Navy was already in his thirties, but he was more than twenty years younger than others. One was in the sky and the other was in the ground.

Moreover, Bai Chen's strength has already surpassed that of the major general. Before, he had upgraded the authority of the main god, and his strength had reached 44 stars in the realm of mortals. Now he can completely turn the world upside down with the general.

Even against Garp, who is full of firepower, he is absolutely not cowardly.

Bai Chen held a manual in his hand, looked at the information of the three 3 students above, and said to himself: "Jimmy Chell.

. Ringtone.

This year, he is 17 years old, and he is a natural fruit person! His parents are both in the navy, so he can be regarded as a standard second-generation army."

Bai Chen looked at the black-haired and black-eyed girl with some surprise. He didn't expect that she was actually a natural devil fruit person, which greatly exceeded his expectations.

The guy in the steel bone is willing to give him a natural ability person, isn't he afraid of teaching others bad? But this girl named Ling Yin, Bai Chen is not in the One Piece anime, or in the fan fiction. heard her name.

Even her fruit ability "Yunyun Fruit"

, did not appear in One Piece.

Of course it can't be denied...the ability of Yunyun Fruit is definitely very strong.

Bai Chen vaguely remembered that in the world of "Stealing the Star", Lucy had awakened a superpower called the seventh sense, which was also able to control clouds and even generate clouds, and its power was not bad.

When he said that the girl Suzune was a natural devil fruit person, the other two male students were also shocked.

Originally, they had already been added to by Bai Chen, and now they learned that their classmate was a natural devil fruit person.

, and also a very powerful Devil Fruit ability... God, is this Nima still alive? But for Bai Chen, even if Lingyin is a natural ability person, it will not attract him much... Attention, Because there are a lot of Devil Fruits in the exchange mall, and there are even those... Devil Fruits that have no side effects at all.

As long as he is willing, even if it is to create hundreds or thousands of natural devil fruit abilities in batches, it is not a problem, as long as there are enough reincarnation points.

He looked at the student information in his hand and continued: "Mianchel.

Daquan, 29 years old.

Inheriting the bloodlines of the murlocs and humans, his own physical skills are very good.

He is proficient in murloc karate and other martial arts, and is a rare martial arts genius."

Bai Chen looked up at the only muscular man among the three students. This guy was at least two meters tall, close to three meters. Likewise, no one underestimates the strength in his muscles.

The only difference with humans is that his ears are two gills, and the rest is no different from humans.

Murlocs and humans...two completely different races can even have children, this Nima is breeding across races, I don't know if the stuff of humans and the stuff of murlocs are not. one kind.

"The last one... Locke.

Jess, 20 years old this year.

It is a superhuman type of jumping fruit ability, with extremely powerful jumping ability, the current highest record can jump to an altitude of [-] meters, and the ability to avoid enemy attacks is very powerful."

Among the three 3 students, one is a natural devil fruit person, one is a superhuman type devil fruit ability person, and the other is a mixed-race genius who practices physical arts.

In general, Gang Gu Kong is a very kind guy. Although he only gave him three 3 students, each of these three 3 students is a potential seed. If you train well, the lieutenant will definitely be a runner. No way.

After clearing his throat, Bai Chen said loudly, "It's the first time we meet, so let me introduce myself first.

My name is Bai Chen, my surname is Bai Chen, and I am a major admiral of the Navy Headquarters, you can call me Instructor Bai, or you can call me Instructor directly."

Suddenly, a rough and hearty voice sounded: "Instructor, since you are so young to be an instructor in the elite class of the boot camp, I want to see what skills you have to train us."

Turning his head to look, it was exactly what the murloc student who was half-human was saying, and seeing his somewhat indignant expression, he knew that he was very unconvinced in his heart.

In fact, this is not surprising. If it was Bai Chen, she would be unconvinced.

After all, they are already in their twenties and nearly 11 years old. If they are disciplined by an [-]-year-old child in the future, no matter how they think about it, they will feel extremely awkward.

Although the other two students didn't speak, judging from their attitudes, they didn't quite believe that Bai Chen could teach them well.

In the eyes of many people, no matter how powerful an 11-year-old kid is, can it still be as powerful as an adult, but the three of them have gone through layers of training before entering the elite class. If the future is ruined by a kid , who should they turn to in the future? If it wasn't for the fact that they didn't offend anyone on weekdays, they would have thought that someone deliberately tricked them and refrigerated them! As for the mixed-race "big fist"

Bai Chen didn't get angry at all, but chuckled: "So Sergeant Daquan, Warrant Officer Lingyin, and Sergeant Jace, how can you guys trust me Bai Chen's ability?"

called "Big Fist"

The mixed-race student Huo Ran stood up and shouted to Bai Chen on the podium, "Unless you can beat my big fist, I won't recognize you as my instructor even if I die!"

Chapter [-]: One move to defeat the enemy

"beat you"

Bai Chen touched his smooth chin, and suddenly grinned: "Why don't you three get on together! It's too slow to come one by one, it's better to come all at once, it can save a lot of time."

Hearing Bai Chen's confident words, Lingyin couldn't help but narrow her eyes and reminded: "Instructor Bai Chen, although our rank is not high, our strength is comparable to that of school-level officers.

If the three of us make a joint shot, even the brigadier general will be overwhelmed, are you sure you want us to go together?"

As she spoke, a layer of white mist shrouded her faintly, revealing the magic of nature's Devil Fruit abilities.

If it was a simple physical attack, maybe even the corners of other girls' clothes wouldn't be able to be touched.

But Bai Chen still looked relaxed, and said lazily, "How many times do you want me to remind you? You all said that you should do it together. It's too troublesome to come one by one. I don't have so much time to accompany you all."

Blind... fooling around with such a serious thing, you actually call it a foolish big brother, you are only 11 years old, are you not afraid of being slapped in the face when you speak so complacently? Whether it is Ringtone, Jace, or It's a big punch with an insane mind.

They all looked at Bai Chen with a look of caring for mentally retarded children, and felt that Bai Chen was... a guy who could only talk on paper.

As long as he fights, his true face can be revealed.

Big Fist with a weak mind was the first to be unable to endure this kind of provocation, and regardless of whether it was a classroom or not, he sprinted directly to Bai Chen, his huge palm shot out, and a gust of wind swept in.

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