Bai Chen nodded, not showing much respect for this lieutenant general.

After all, his current strength is not even afraid of Garp, and he is also afraid of a small vice admiral, not to mention this vice admiral in the original book, it is estimated that he has not even shown a face.

The lieutenant general frowned and snorted coldly: "I really don't know what the headquarters is thinking, to actually send a stinky little devil over to carry out this kind of task, isn't this purely just here to add trouble?"

"Major Admiral kid, since you can become a major admiral of the Navy Headquarters, you must have some ability, you stop these... the escape route of the evil people.

And I am responsible for slaughtering them!"

After he finished speaking, the lieutenant general charged forward with a pair of knives, and the speed was so fast that the guards couldn't react at all, and he was already in front of him.

"Go to hell, chops!"

The lieutenant general roared with a grin, and the two knives actually slashed at Nicole.

Olvia slashed over! Who made this woman's silver hair too conspicuous? Faced with this sudden double knife, Olvia couldn't escape at all! The breath of death was approaching, and she closed it in despair. binocular.

When—it was a crisp sound of metal collision, a turbulent airflow swept out in all directions.

Chapter [-]: Kill the Vice Admiral

"Major General Bai Chen, do you know what you are doing! Do you want to keep these... sinful people and become a traitor to the navy? Hurry up and get out of my way, or I will kill him. about you!"

With an angry expression on his face, the vice admiral glared angrily at Bai Chen who blocked his attack.

If Bai Chen didn't give him a satisfactory answer, maybe he would even attack Bai Chen.

This lieutenant general, at first glance... one of the loyal lackeys cultivated by the Five Old Stars, his temper is even hotter than that of Akainu.

But maybe it's because of this hot character that the Navy Headquarters never let him go out to kill pirates. His irritable character will screw everything up.

In contrast, Akainu's personality is exactly the same as his fruit ability, but at least he can control his emotions.

After all, when he and Aokiji competed for the position of Marshal in the future, he once let Aokiji go.

For his reprimand, Bai Chen just raised his eyelids and said casually: "If you kill other people, I will not stop you, and I don't want to stop you from killing.

However, I have secured the mother and daughter, and no one can touch them, including you!"

"Bai, do you want to die? Are you going to violate the justice of the navy?"

The lieutenant general tightly squeezed the two knives in his hand, and his aura slowly climbed up, the air around him was slightly distorted, and an aura pressed down.

But for Bai Chen, this little imposing manner is simply not enough to see.

After wiping his hands, Bai Chen said blankly, "I said, I, Bai Chen, have secured these two mothers and daughters.

If you want to kill them, then I'll stop you, and... kill you!"

His remarks not only shocked the Vice Admiral in front of him, but also Nicole.

Olvia and the others were shocked.

You must know that he is just a rear admiral, and he dares to threaten the lieutenant general with such a tone. Isn't he afraid of being sanctioned by the world government? The lieutenant general's killing intent has reached a peak, if not for the naval justice cloak on Bai Chen If you let him keep a little sanity, he has already done something to Bai Chen now.

But around this, with the character of this lieutenant general, he couldn't bear it for long.

"Give me a reason."

"I like their mother and daughter, is this reason enough to keep them?"

Bai Chen replied casually, he didn't take this murderous lieutenant general in his eyes at all, the other party was just an ant in the eyes of his lord god.

"Okay! You're fine! That's a very good reason too!"

The red-eyed lieutenant general said three good things in a row, and a majestic murderous aura immediately enveloped Bai Chen, shouting: "This reason is enough for me to clear the door for the navy, but I want to see you, a so-called genius. How awesome is the Major General!"

As soon as the words fell, two vacuum slashes slashed towards Bai Chen, the slashes so sharp that even steel could be easily cut, aimed at Bai Chen's neck and chest.

If there is no protective measures, it is very likely that he will be seriously injured by these two! Even death is not surprising, after all, the strength of this lieutenant general is already a sword, and every move is fierce.

However, this level of attack is not enough for Bai Chen.

A layer of black dark matter covered the arm, as if wearing a layer of black tight armor.

But this "armor"

, which is much harder than other armors, and even more flexible.

Bai Chen stretched out his claws and grabbed it in front of him as if nothing had happened. The vacuum slash known as nothing could slash, just like that, he was firmly grasped in his hand, unable to move! If the previous slash was a highly poisonous snake, then now turned into a dead snake.

Seizing the two slashes before they were about to dissipate, Bai Chen returned the two vacuum slashes to the Vice Admiral, even more powerful than before! "No! How is it possible? "

The lieutenant general shrank his pupils and quickly raised his knife to defend it, but he was still knocked away by the vacuum slash thrown out by Bai Chen for several steps, and even the tiger's mouth was aching.

Looking at Bai Chen, who still had a calm expression on his face, the Vice Admiral gritted his teeth and exclaimed in disbelief: "How can you bastard have such a powerful strength to catch my slash with your bare hands? , this at least...... It is only the strength of the general that can do it.

What method did you use, could it be that you only practiced an armed arrogance?"

"Why should I tell you"

Bai Chen patted the dust on his body, and there was some killing intent in his plain eyes, this lieutenant general already knew that he wanted to keep Nicole.

Robin and her mother, so can't stay.

Killing a Vice Admiral is not a burden to Bai Chen. After all, the Vice Admiral in front of him is not a good person.

Although it is not a vegetarian meal, a lot of indiscriminate killing of innocent people has definitely been done.

This kind of navy is very likely to be obtained by recruiting pirates. The other party is not a good bird. If you kill it, you will kill it! "I'm going to kill you!"

The two knives in the lieutenant general's hands were swaying through the water, and countless slashes swept out like a violent storm, and the power was very terrifying.

And the so-called guards and archaeologists behind Bai Chen all looked at those...the continuous vacuum slashes in horror.

Although they saw the slash flying towards them, their bodies couldn't react at all, and they didn't even have a chance to escape! "Are you going to die? It seems that the world government really can't tolerate us... .... archaeologists who study history, otherwise they would not resolutely launch the demon slaughter order."

Olvia closed her eyes, the power of the lieutenant general's attack was really too powerful, so powerful that she didn't even have the strength to resist.

It's a pity that Robin is only four years old this year and is about to say goodbye to this wonderful world.

However, the expected pain and loss of consciousness did not happen. When she opened her eyes suspiciously, she was shocked to see that the original slashes had disappeared.

Instead, it was a tall, headless body.

And in front of her... a small rear admiral, holding a huge human head in his hand, he stood there expressionlessly.

In just a blink of an eye, he actually killed the opponent. Is this really just a major general? Although Olvia has not practiced any physical arts, nor has she eaten Devil Fruits.

But she is still relatively clear, to be able to easily kill the Vice Admiral, at least.......must be the strength of a general! A general at such a young age... If you say it, you will be scared. Kill a lot of people!

Chapter [-]: Bai Chen's Maid

Looking at Bai Chen who was making little Robin happy, Olvia's face was very complicated. She didn't know what Bai Chen's purpose was to save their mother and daughter, and she didn't know why the other party wanted to save his colleagues even at the cost of killing them. Their mother and daughter.

Even though Olvia is now in her twenties and almost thirty years old, she still feels that this little boy who is a dozen years younger than her is full of mysteries, and she can't understand him at all.

Taking a deep breath, Olvia plucked up her courage and asked, "Mr. Major General, why did you betray the Navy to save our mother and daughter. It looks like we are mother and daughter, and it's not worthy of your enmity with the Navy."

Bai Chen amused little Robin by the side, raised his head and said helplessly to her: "Didn't I just say that I have a crush on your mother and daughter, so I will save you both.

It's such a simple reason, don't think about it any more."

The ghosts believe you! Olvia rolled her eyes and said softly, "I don't know why you saved our mother and daughter, but you are still our mother and daughter's savior.

We can't repay you now, but we will definitely repay this kindness in the future."

Looking up at this woman with a resolute face, Bai Chen couldn't help shaking his head, and said lightly, "Are you two women who are powerless and one of them is a child, can you escape the navy like this? I don’t even know if I want to chase and kill, but I want to repay my gratitude.”

He slowly picked up the little Robin and continued: "If you insist on repaying my life-saving grace, it is not impossible, then you mother and daughter will follow me in the future! I can take you to escape the navy. hunt."

"Yes, but our identity will bring you a lot of trouble."

Although Olvia was very moved, she still didn't want Bai Chen to be unable to even be a navy because of her identity, and she might even be imprisoned in Push City Grand Prison because of this.

That way, it's not to repay the kindness, but to kill the savior! "Haha, don't worry! If I'm afraid that the world government will trouble me, why should I come to save you?"

Bai Chen suddenly laughed loudly, no matter if it was the sanctions of the navy or the world government, he was not afraid of any of them! If there is a real conflict, it's a big deal! Anyway... Bai Chen is more fortunate now. , In addition, he can buy everything in the exchange mall at a 10% discount. It is not too simple to destroy a world government.

In contrast, in Bai Chen's heart, a world government is probably less important than a little loli and a beautiful young woman.

It's a pity, why does our body grow so slowly? Bai Chen suddenly raised a trace of resentment. If he were to wear it on an adult, it would be great...Cough cough, we must think about it. Pure, not too filthy.

"From today onwards, you Olvia are no longer a famous archaeologist, but a maid in my Bai Chen family.

Well...and the only maid so far, of course you.

If you don't agree, I won't force you."

Bai Chen shrugged and directly gave Olvia a new identity.

when you hear "maid"

When the two words were spoken, Olvia couldn't help but blushed, after all these two words could trigger too many reverie.

But when she saw Bai Chen's age, she suddenly laughed a little.

He's just a little boy who hasn't grown physically yet, but he wants to go to that... blushing place, he really is a bit of a villain's heart to treat a gentleman's belly.

After some complicated thinking, Olvia nodded lightly and said, "Okay, but my identity may cause you a lot of trouble, Mr. Major General, please forgive me!"

She has already figured it out thoroughly. After all, it is not a problem to deal with some little pirates with her strength, but if you face some pirates with a bounty over [-] million, they will not be the opponent's opponent at all.

With his own weak strength in this world, he can't protect his daughter's safety at all.

Rather than... living a frightening escape life with Robin, it is better to rely on a strong man, so that Robin can grow up happily and carefree.

And Bai Chen is the powerhouse in her eyes! If she can kill a vice-admiral in the blink of an eye, isn't that kind of strength strong enough, what kind of strength is strong enough to be like Whitebeard and Golden Lion? Not powerful, but legendary! "Hai, Lord Navy, can you also protect us so that we can safely escape from O'Hara Island"

Suddenly, an archaeologist's guard licked his face and leaned over, smiling coquettishly at Bai Chen.

That expression is so similar to the puppet army in the anti-Japanese drama, and most of the men in the world of Pirate King are not very good-looking, and that smile is like a chrysanthemum! The same face, Bai Chen almost vomited the overnight meal. .

"As big as O'Hara's diameter is, roll as far as you want."

Bai Chen didn't want to pay attention to these guys at all. The purpose of his trip was just to save Robin's mother and daughter. As for the others, he didn't even think about it.

Maybe Aokiji or Kisaragi came, and they would save these people. After all, these... The value of historians is still very high. Together, these people can be said to carry a world history. doesn't help.

Bai Chen looked at these guys coldly.... The guy with his head turned his head, and said coldly: "If you want to follow me, you can also follow me.

But I've made it clear in advance that if there is another...the navy attacking and killing you, I won't take action.

It's already for the sake of my new maid to take you away."

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