And the Empress came to Rogge Town this time because she went to another island with her father.

I know that a lot of people don't like this kind of setting, but I can't force anyone. As for the brother who scolded me in the book review area, I saw dozens of bad reviews you gave me, and I didn't scold you either. I'm not angry either.

But what I'm saying is, I can't change the plot to what you like just for the plot you like alone.The novel is written for everyone to read, not for one person. I hope everyone understands!

In addition, every time the flower breaks 200, it will be added one more. For every [-] broken VIP collections, one more update will be added.

The author did not save the manuscript, and can only find the code now, plus some handicap, if the update is not satisfactory, I hope to forgive me!However, two or three chapters a day, there is no problem.

Ask for flowers, ask for collections, okay?*

Chapter [-]: No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat

"Now I'll give you two ways, either you will be crushed to death by me, or you will tie yourself up." Bai Chen was not polite to this tauren, but the other party was a pirate with many evildoings, and being polite to such a pirate would only harm himself. .

"Big, my lord... I can't tie myself up!" No matter how stupid the tauren was, he knew that he was no match for the kid in front of him.He wanted to run away, but Bai Chen blocked the only way out, making him unable to retreat!

I knew I had brought a few muskets here...

Bai Chen rewarded this guy directly, and the huge force erupted from his feet kicked him to the ground, and said coldly: "Do you need to recharge your IQ? Wouldn't you let your subordinates help you tie it up? "

A cold light flashed in the Tauren's eyes, but he chose to endure it because of the current form.

Turning his head to look at these unsatisfactory subordinates, he vented his anger on them, and shouted: "What are you bastards still doing, didn't you hear what this lord said? Remember to tie it tightly!"

His subordinates all had innocent expressions on their faces, so he had to find a stronger rope and tied him up according to the tauren's will.

And the tauren, who was tightly tied into a zongzi, looked like he was unlovable.

What the heck, didn't you idiots hear what the uncle said was ironic?Let you tie up and tie up, pigs?I have never seen you so obedient as you are today.

"Xiao...Xiao Bai, how did you become so powerful?" Bai Lina covered her mouth and looked at the majestic Bai Chen in disbelief. She felt that what she saw today was a fake brother.

The corners of Bai Chen's mouth twitched, and a big drop of cold sweat appeared on his head.In shock, this cheap sister shook out his nickname.

Xiaobai is such a shame!

Helpless, Bai Chen had no choice but to say nonsense: "Sister elder sister, this is the physical technique taught to me by an old man like a beggar when I was young. I didn't expect it to be so powerful after practicing."

Well, if his words were put on the earth, they would definitely be sprayed with rice.After all, this is already a rotten routine, and almost no one uses this kind of bloody routine that can no longer be bloody.

But in One Piece, this kind of routine seems to be relatively new. Bai Lina didn't doubt the authenticity, but nodded as a matter of course: "Yes, I'm afraid that old man is a folk master with strange behavior."

"Uh... it should be?"

Bai Chen reluctantly pulled out a smile, trying to keep himself from revealing any flaws, it's really hard to lie!

After chatting, Bai Chen suddenly heard a slight sound of Shen Yin, turned his head and looked at it, suddenly embarrassed.Just now I was just pretending to be forceful, and I forgot that there were still a few bleeding wounded on the ground.

He quickly stopped the blood from the wounded on the ground based on the medical skills he had learned from Sun Gohan, but their condition was still not very good. If they were not treated in time, they would still stop.

Looking at the group of bar guests who were still squatting in the corner, Bai Chen shouted in annoyance, "You idiots, won't you come over and send them for medical treatment? If you drag them on, they will die!"

With such a roar, these talents woke up like a dream, and quickly helped Bai Chen to lift several wounded on the ground and ran towards the nearby hospital.

Although running without a stretcher might cause secondary injuries, it's better than letting them die here quietly!

As for the remaining people who have died, Bai Chen is powerless.Although he was barely considered a god, he was too much of a god to have the ability to bring the dead back to life.

"Sister, let's go to the navy to collect the bounty!" Bai Chen poked the tauren's horn, hehe laughed.

"Bounty?" Bai Lina couldn't react.

"Yeah, this guy is worth 3000W Bailey! In addition to his more than 20 subordinates, why is it worth more than 3000W Bailey!" Bai Chen nodded heavily.

However, he didn't hear Bai Lina's reply, he only heard the other person keep saying: "3000w...3000w...3000w..."

Seeing that Bai Lina was about to turn into Bailey's eyes, Bai Chen couldn't help but help his forehead, it seems that this cheap sister is also a small money fan!

In other words, the attributes of his financial fanaticism, shouldn't it be learned from her?

Bai Chen looked at his remaining 2500 reincarnation points and nodded thoughtfully.

Afterwards, Bai Chen saw Bai Lina staring at the Tauren with fiery eyes, and said eagerly: "Then what are you waiting for, before this stupid pirate can break free of the rope, quickly send him to the navy for a bounty. !"

This looks, it seems to be more anxious than him!

Soon, Bai Chen escorted the tauren away, followed by a dozen or so little pirates who were strung together by long ropes.

According to the cheap sister's words, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is also meat, and it cannot be wasted! *

Chapter [-]: The task of protecting the newcomer

When Bai Chen and Bai Lina took the captain of the Crazy Bull Pirates and a group of minions to the naval branch and said they wanted to get the bounty, the navy there almost dropped their jaws.

A girl who seems to have just grown up, plus a little kid who is only ten years old, actually caught a pirate with a reward of 3000w?And it's still a pirate from a great route!

My God, isn't the world a little too crazy?

But catch is to catch, a group of vicious pirates are placed in front of you, you can't help but believe it!

Not to mention, the efficiency of the navy in Rogge Town is not bad, and it is registered in a few moments.

However, 3000w Bailey is not a small amount in this small place in the East China Sea. After all, the local pirates with the highest reward in the East China Sea in this era are not even 3000w.

Because of this, these Baileys couldn't pay Bai Chen and the others so quickly, and could only come over to withdraw the money in a week.

In this regard, Bai Chen and the two were not dissatisfied.After all, I have lived in the East China Sea for more than ten years, and I know that 3000w Bailey is a huge amount in this sea area.It was so huge that even the naval branch in Rogue Town could not raise this huge sum of money so quickly.

As for this Mad Cow Pirates?Now he has been escorted to the prison by the navy. It is said that because of the fact that the mad cow pirate group has done so much resentment, the tauren captain will be escorted to the push city.

Advance the city, that is the nightmare of all pirates!

At first, the tauren was thinking about how to escape from prison, and then came back to take revenge.But as soon as he heard the words "advance the city", he kicked his legs, rolled his eyes, and fainted.

Pushing the city is a place where the pirates are not as good as dead. There are many strange tortures in the pushing city, and there are even too many to count.

Bai Chen had to observe a few seconds of silence for the Tauren to express his condolences.I hope he goes in and pushes into the city, so that he can save that tender little chrysanthemum!

Perhaps, in the first hour, I lost my virginity...

Hiss, I was terrified to think about it.

Bai Chen forced himself not to think about that kind of hot-eyed picture, and after taking an IOU worth 3300w from the Navy, he followed the smiling Bai Lina back.

As for why 3300w instead of 3000w?Is not this nonsensical?Aren't the twenty or so subordinates of the Tauren worthless?

Anyway, the other party is also on the great route. They may be worthless on the great route, but when they reach the East China Sea, the weakest sea in the world, the value of the reward has changed from zero to hundreds of thousands.

I don't know if they should be happy or cry.

Time passed day by day, and a week passed in the blink of an eye.The two brothers and sisters Bai Chen also got their wish and got a huge bounty, and they were promoted to the level of the little rich in Rogge Town.

It is very simple to build a well-off family, as long as you catch a stupid pirate with a weak head.

And today, Bai Chen wants to open the main god space again and open a new world.

Due to the absorption of enough luck in the Dragon Ball world, the main god system can now open some worlds that are not very high-level, and it does not need to be a random world like the first time crossing.

It means that Bai Chen, as the main god, can completely choose any world with a low level and turn it into a reincarnation world in the main god space.

Now there are two remaining places for the three reincarnators, and there are still 2500 in luck. It is time to expand the team of reincarnators.

In addition to the remaining one free quota, Bai Chen's remaining luck can also open two reincarnation places, and there are still 500 luck left, which can be used as a reward for the reincarnation task.

This time, he did not intend to pull people into the world of One Piece as reincarnations, but randomly selected three places in the heavens and the world, and pulled them into the main god space.

Of course, you can't pull too strong, otherwise, if Bai Chen, the main god, is not enough to fight with reincarnation, you can't justify it!

"The main god system, give me three random messages in three different worlds. The strength of the new reincarnator must not exceed the five-star mortal." Bai Chen ordered.


The main god system responded, and according to Bai Chen's instructions, three different worlds were randomly selected, and three pull messages were released in the three worlds.

Just look at the three lucky ones who can become the third, fourth, and fifth reincarnators in the main god space.

At the same time, he also sent a message to Hancock, a reincarnation mission.

The mission is very clear, that is to bring new people in the new world of reincarnation. If a new person survives, he can get 50 reincarnation points, two are 100, and three are 150.

At this time, on a merchant ship sailing to Nine Snake Island, Hancock saw a new mission released by the main god space, and murmured: "Is there a newcomer here? The task of protecting the newcomer shouldn't be difficult, right!" *

Chapter [-]: Three new ones

The world of "Stealing Stars and September Sky"——

Lucy feels very unlucky today, especially unlucky!Because, the precious gem "Lagerstroemia" that their security company is responsible for protecting was stolen by Jiang Yang thief Jiyuetian just last night!

That is a precious gem worth ten figures!It is rare in the world, but if it is stolen, their security company cannot afford to pay the huge liquidated damages at all, and his family is bankrupt! !

The most irritating thing is that his parents left him and ran away overnight. Is this Nima such a parent?He felt that the road of life was dark.

But the top priority is... hurry up and pack up and run!

However, just as he was rolling up something, a phone call came.

With a frown, Liu Xing answered the phone, and a cold voice rang in his ear: "Hello, this is the customer service of the main god space, may I ask Mr. Liu Xing, do you want to understand the true meaning of life? Do you want to really... live? If you want, hang up. If you don't, kill yourself."



Liu Xing hung up the phone directly, and said with a flat mouth: "There are really all kinds of scam calls now, but I, Liu Xing, are so resourceful, such a little trick can't deceive me."

Then, then he disappeared.

In the world of Stealing Stars and Nine Moons, the time was also fixed at this moment.

Yu Mom's version of "Swordsman" world——

The female version of Dongfang Invincible looked at the line of words in the water pool with a dumbfounded expression, and the scene in front of her was completely beyond her understanding.

Understand the true meaning of life?What means?

She knows very well that no one in the rivers and lakes has this kind of cultivation, can write on the water, and the word actually glows!

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