Bai Chen nodded, although he didn't answer Hancock, his meaning was already very obvious.

And Hancock is not stupid either, so she can naturally understand what Bai Chen means by nodding.

"Okay, let's take it as your confession to me.

But I have a question for you, what do you like about me?"

Hancock wondered, she didn't understand why Bai Chen kept beating her.

"Do you really want me to answer this question?"

Bai Chen scratched his head and asked Hancock with some embarrassment.


This time it was Hancock's turn to nod.

Facing this... a stubborn little girl, Bai Chen replied with a smile: "Because you like me too! Since you already like me, why can't I like you?"

"Bah, when did I fall in love with you"

Hancock said quickly.

"If you don't like me, why do you want to cooperate with me like this? I just don't know who has been hugging me all the time. It's so tight! And it's been holding me all the time..."

"Shut up, shut up, don't talk!"

Before Bai Chen could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Hancock, whose face was flushed.

In fact, just now Bai Chen was strong on her, and in the end it even became her taking the initiative.

But she really didn't want to admit that she would actually like such a shameless guy! Looking annoyed.

Embarrassed, embarrassed.

The red-colored little loli, Bai Chen suddenly wrapped her arms around her savage man.

Waist, the heads of the two were leaning against each other again.

He lightly bit Hancock's ear 'Mugen', which was as red as blood and jade, and exhaled heat in the middle of the other party's electric shock.

He said angrily: "Little Hancock, do you say you like me or not?"

", don't like it!"

"Still quibble"

No matter how Bai Chen has experienced so many reincarnation worlds, it can be said that his ability to observe words and expressions has reached a top level. Whether Hancock is telling the truth or a lie, he can hear it as soon as he hears it.

"Um...uh...don't, don't touch there!"

One-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one The sound insulation of the building is really not very good. No matter how much movement is inside Hancock's villa, there is no sound outside.

Even if you stick it on the wall, you can't hear it, because for the sake of safety, Bai Chen has set up a soundproof cover in the villa.

After all, the entire main god space is his, and it is not too easy to get a soundproof cover to isolate the sound, it can be done with a single thought.

As for what happened in the villa, this story can be explained by a title - a remarkable little story between a master god with a soul in his twenties, and a pure and innocent little queen.

Ahem, in fact, Bai Chen just gave Hancock a test, how to put a huge goldfish into a narrow fish tank, that's all! As for the pool of red unknown objects on the quilt, Bai Chen said that he recently took supplements There are too many, I'm a little angry, I really don't lie! Hancock is just a little loli who has just grown up, but it started in three years, and the highest death penalty! Bai Chen will not be so mad, to a The child is doing this poison.

Whoever said that three years of blood earned, and the death penalty is not a loss, stand up for me, and promise not to kill you!

Chapter two hundred and seventeen: it's over

In the world of One Piece, Lingyin looked at Bai Chen who was lying on a reclining chair, drinking an iced drink with a refreshing look on his face, and couldn't help but wonder: "Instructor, what are you happy about today? How are you laughing? …smiled a little happily."

Lingyin actually wanted to ask Bai Chen why he was smiling so stupidly, like an idiot who picked up a treasure and giggled, but she didn't dare to ask Bai Chen this kind of thing, people would never have a good end of.

Bai Chen raised the big sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, glanced at Ling Yin with a curious face, and replied, "The children ask so many things, what are you doing? This is the privacy of adults, what is privacy? You should understand"

It's actually kind of...awesome.



Chi's thing is really embarrassing to say it, not to mention that Suzune is a girl no matter what, she said this kind of face in front of other girls.



The red thing, cough cough seems a little bad.

After begging for an uninteresting bell tone, she shrunk and muttered: "If you don't want to say it, you don't want to say it, anyway... I'm not very curious.

Hmm! Really really not curious at all!"

Just when she was about to go back to the cabin to rest, a column of water more than ten meters high rose from the sea, almost making the bell sound chilling.

Looking at the large mass of sea water that fell not far away, Suzine's face slowly turned gloomy.

After all, she is a devil fruit person. If she gets a little bit of sea water, it will not be a big problem, but a mass of sea water just now can definitely make her lose [-]% of her combat power in an instant.

Lingyin looked at the calm sea below, and said solemnly: "What happened to that water column just now? Could it be that there are sea kings in the sea, but it's impossible, if there are sea kings, then my knowledge should be domineering. You can perceive it, after all, the size of the sea kings is so large."

"Not a sea king."

Bai Chen suddenly took off the big sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, and said quietly: "Look at the island in front of you, there are many pirate flags on the island, this is an island occupied by pirates."

Hearing this, Suzine couldn't help but stunned for a moment, and quickly took out a nautical chart of the new world from her pocket.

This is a nautical chart specially used by the navy, and it is exquisite and careful, and even which sea area has a large number of reefs are clearly marked.

Of course, the new world is so huge that even the navy can't explore the whole world, so many parts of this nautical chart are blank.

"Instructor, that's Gorman Island, which is very famous in the New World.

It is said that this is a paradise for pirates to gamble, and almost all the islands are filled with various games."

Ringtone frowned.

To be honest, gambling islands like Gorman Island can be said to be a headache for the Navy, because there are too many pirates who like to gamble in this world, and there is no shortage of those ...... .. A powerful big pirate! You must know that in the plot of the original book, Fujitora, who has the strength of a navy admiral, is... a big gambler.

The reputation of Gorman Island in the New World is not small, so there must be many big pirates here to gamble and squander the money robbed from merchant ships.

There will even be some navy worms gambling in this place, gambling with pirates! This place in the new world is so chaotic, it can be said that it is the most chaotic sea area in the entire One Piece world.

Because there are too many powerful pirates here, and these pirates are generally very hostile to the navy, the deployment of the navy in the new world can be said to be difficult, and it is impossible to The new world maintains order.

"The casino means that there is a lot of game in this place."

Bai Chen's lazy eyes could not help but light up, this game of hunting big pirates is too easy for people to play, at least it can be used to pass the lifespan that can no longer be long.

"Uh... Instructor, there are at least a dozen big pirates with a reward of over [-] million.

Those are more than a dozen big pirates with a bounty of over [-] million, and even the future of the Navy would not dare to single out all of them!"

Suzune said with a worried look on her face.

In the past few days, he has basically figured out Bai Chen's character. It can be said that Bai Chen is a person who is not afraid of the sky, let alone more than a dozen big pirates. It is estimated that even if White Beard comes in person, he is not afraid.

Lingyin was really worried that Bai Chen's brain would twitch, and then ran to one-on-one against this group of big pirates, that would not be an ordinary tragedy.

The combined strength of more than a dozen big pirates, even the world government dare not provoke lightly, and their group of navy is only more than [-] people... But the thing that worried her still happened, and she saw the white Chen put on the naval justice cape hanging on the side, pointed to Gorman Island in the distance, and laughed: "Hahahaha, a bunch of little pirates! Just wait to be my prisoner, I Fill all the cabins of the pirate ship with pirates!"


Lingyin stroked her forehead desperately, she knew that Bai Chen would definitely say this.

When she thought about the scene of facing more than a dozen big pirates, she felt shivering for a while.

Chapter [-]: A seamless plan

"Lord Instructor, are you sure you weren't joking just now? You have to know that there are more than a dozen big pirates, not one or two! Even if the big pirates are besieged, they may not be able to catch them."

"And it is very likely that there are more than a dozen big pirates with a reward of over [-] million, and there may even be more than [-] big pirates.

In addition to... those... big pirates, there are many pirates with a reward of tens of millions."

The worried look on Suzine's face became more and more dignified, and she continued to speak in a slightly solemn tone: "Although those pirates... who offer tens of millions of rewards are not very powerful, they are better than the other party. There are a lot of people, and the means are endless, if you encounter a devil fruit ability person with strange ability, it will be troublesome."

Suddenly, Jace, who had been silent for a long time, also persuaded: "Lord Instructor, Suzune is right.

Even if we want to swallow this Gorman Island, we must be fully prepared, and we can't act recklessly, or we will suffer a big loss."

Bai Chen naturally knew what the two were worried about. After all, so many big pirates who offered a reward of over [-] million had brought too much psychological pressure to these navies.

He shook his head and said resolutely: "You don't need to say more, I have already decided, and you know that the period of my decision cannot be changed.

And this time, I didn't just rush up without a plan, I've prepared a surefire plan that works perfectly!"

A seamless plan! After hearing this sentence, the navies on the Kezans pirate ship pricked up their ears one by one, wanting to hear the seamless plan in Bai Chen's mouth.

After all, Bai Chen's self-confident look is too deceptive. They thought it was some kind of fraudulent plan that would make Bai Chen so confident even in the face of so many big pirates. .

Even Suzune, Jess, and Big Fist 3 are full of curiosity. They also want to know what the plan is. The plan to arrest so many big pirates must be very powerful! Really! As expected of an instructor who can become a rear admiral at the age of twelve, not only his strength is comparable to that of an admiral in the naval headquarters, but his intelligence is also so high.

With such a general, there will be more and more promotion prospects in the future! Facing the expectant eyes of these navy, he coughed a few times and said, "You must hear my plan clearly, you can't desert or fight. Stop me talking.

The heaviest:...I don't allow anyone to leak it out, understand no"


"Okay! My plan is... Let's drive the pirate ship into the pier on Gorman Island, and then you will shoot and sink all the pirate ships on the pier, or they will all be sunk. "

Bai Chen paused, took a sip of cold drink and continued: "Then you stay on the boat, while I went to Gorman Island to beat all those... pirates. pause.

All those with a reward of less than [-] million were slaughtered, and those with a reward of more than [-] million were beaten to death, and then caught alive.

The plan is seamless enough.”


This god-like plan is really... perfect, hehe.

What's the difference between this and directly breaking in to kill and kill, Lord Major! Lingyin and the other navy really wanted to grab Bai Chen's collar to question him, but when he thought of Bai Chen, he could kill him with just one finger. Their strength, think about it and forget it! After scolding or questioning, you may feel very comfortable, but after you feel comfortable, your body will not feel comfortable. If you are beaten by Major General Bai Chen, at least. ............You have to lie down for several months to recover. They don't want to lie in the military hospital in the Navy Headquarters for so long, if they are known to others because they are questioning the commander And being beaten into the hospital will definitely be laughed at to death.

"What's the matter? Do you have any better suggestions? If so, let me know and let me see if your 'suggestions' have my fist...ahem, I mean me Your opinion will be taken into consideration."

Bai Chen said solemnly.


You have already threatened us seriously, what else can we say? "Why don't you speak up, do you have an opinion on my plan?"

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