Tsk tsk, there will be a big drama to be staged soon, you should protect these... Bailey, hahaha!"

After speaking, Bai Chen walked into the "Gorman Fortune Casino" without looking back.

, leaving behind that... the door boy with a dazed face.

Is there a circus here today for the big show? Otherwise, why did the gentleman say that there will be a big show next? Could it be the famous Fire Circus in New World, who is coming to perform? Oh my goodness!!! This is such a surprise! However, What the doorman didn't know was that what came today was not a so-called circus, but a group of fully armed navy! He didn't even know that he was facing a major admiral of the Navy Headquarters just now.

If he waited for him to know, he didn't know how he would react. He would probably be scared to death. But whether this guy would be scared to death or not, it doesn't matter what Bai Chen is, and he doesn't want to even be a fool. You have to take care of it, or you have to exhaust him to death. . . . . .

Walking into the Gorman Fortune Casino, there was a loud noise coming towards you, which did not match the quiet picture outside. It was even more noisy than those wet markets.

The noise made up of all kinds of laughter and scolding made Bai Chen's brows wrinkle. Looking around the entire casino, except for the beautiful women who were exposed, they were... fierce looking pirates. .

Stacks of baileys were placed on top of the gaming tables, and gamblers of all kinds were shouting wildly there.

The person who won the money hugged the woman beside him excitedly, and kept kissing and stroking.

As for those who lost money, their eyes were red and they ran to the counter of the casino with an unwilling face. They gave credit to the casino staff and then continued to gamble, whether they went bankrupt or became rich and prosperous, all in their minds.

A white and clean young man like Bai Chen seems to be very popular with women in the casino. Not long after he came in, several women who only wore three-point dresses came to chat up.

Having said that, with Bai Chen's appearance in the One Piece world, let alone ranking first in the world, no one would dare to call him number one if he were the second.

Hmm... At least Bai Chen thinks so.

Chapter [-]: Little handsome guy?

"Little handsome guy, this is your first time in the casino, don't you know that the first thing you do when you enter the casino is... You want to exchange the fragrant Bailey for casino chips?"

A woman with an excellent figure, Shi Shiran walked over, tall and tall, she put on a pair of blood-red high-heeled shoes, which made her look even more feminine and made people wonder.

Of course, with Bai Chen's eyesight, it can be seen at once that this beautiful woman has long been the kind of person who doesn't care about her body, and may even have become a legendary plaything for the rich.

Although this kind of woman has a good figure, her appearance is also good, and some other aspects are even better.

But for women of their identities and occupations, Bai Chen kept them at a distance, and was not interested in such women.

However, if he wants to solve his physiological needs, Bai Chen can still try it, but now he doesn't need to solve any physiological needs.

There is a handsome Hancock in the main god space, and there is a beautiful Olvia in the naval headquarters.

As long as he has that urge, he can go back to the naval headquarters or the main god space at any time.

Smelling the pungent scent of perfume, Bai Chen raised his eyes and glanced at her, and said lukewarmly, "Then this big sister, where should I go to exchange for casino chips? I'm really the first Come to Gorman Island once!"

woman, "cluck"

Di Jiao smiled a few times, and walked around in front of Bai Chen with elegant steps.

Of course, Bai Chen's concentration is still ok, and he is not interested in this kind of woman, and he doesn't care at all.

The woman, ignoring Bai Chen's impatient expression, leaned over to Bai Chen's side and said softly, "Little handsome guy, it's not without cost to let people tell you.

This is a casino, you need to pay enough price for everything you need, otherwise I won't tell you my sister."


Bai Chen chuckled lightly, one hand was at an angle that outsiders could not perceive, and a sharp energy pressed against the woman.

"How about this price is big enough, big sister"

Bai Chen withdrew his hand, and the invisible energy was like a sharp knife, which easily tore through the woman's leather jacket. As long as he went further, he would stab a blood-colored cave! "Enough... big enough"

The woman nodded with horror on her face. She didn't expect Bai Chen to be so bold. You must know that there are a lot of people here! But for some reason, there was a morbid expression on her face. The color has actually decreased a lot.

Seeing this change, Bai Chen was a little dazed, and suddenly thought of a possibility.

This woman, shouldn't it be a trembling... It seems very likely! She took Bai Chen to a counter, and introduced Bai Chen: "Little handsome guy, this is the Gorman Fortune Casino. The place to exchange chips, you can use Bailey to exchange for casino chips here!"

"A hundred baileys are a white chip, a thousand baileys are a green chip, ten thousand baileys are a red chip, and a hundred thousand baileys are a black chip.

As for the casino's top million bailey chips, it's purple."

Bai Chen nodded, indicating that he was clear.

As soon as he waved his hand, a huge burlap bag suddenly appeared on the counter of the casino, bringing the staff of the casino and the demon.

The Rao woman was shocked and looked at the big sack that suddenly appeared in disbelief.

"This, what's going on"

The woman looked at the large sack on the counter with a shocked expression, swallowed hard, and asked with difficulty.

Looking at Bai Chen's eyes, it was like looking at a terrifying monster.

After all, this ability to create things out of thin air is not something that humans can have! To their shock, Bai Chen just said lightly: "It's just a devil fruit ability, you don't need to be so surprised.

Could it be that in the new world, you haven't even seen a devil fruit person?"

"No, no sir, we often see all kinds of devil fruit capable people.

But your devil fruit that involves space... It's really the first time we've seen it, this kind of fruit is really rare."

The staff of the casino looked at Bai Chen with admiration on their faces. After all, people with space-type Devil Fruit abilities would become famous great pirates even in the new world, unless they were more powerful before they became great pirates. people got killed.

Space-type devil fruit ability! The woman, although she is just an ordinary person, she is also a resident of the new world. Naturally, she knows how precious space-type devil fruits are, even rarer than natural devil fruits. .

And this little handsome guy in front of him turned out to be a space type devil fruit capable person, with extremely high appearance and extremely high strength, the combination of the two is definitely the biggest killer of women.

Anyway... this woman's heart was temporarily placed on Bai Chen's body.

As for whether the heart will be taken away in the future, I don't know, after all, everyone knows a woman like her.

The woman's pair of beautiful eyes stared at Bai Chen's profile again and again, and now she can't wait to throw Bai Chen directly to the ground, then tear off each other's clothes and trousers, and have a close-contact battle between men and women.

But considering that there are too many people here, she still ruthlessly curbs this idea.

"Give me all these Baileys for casino chips, I'm going to have a good time today."

Bai Chen pointed to the big sack he made, and said lightly.

The staff of Bailey's Casino was stunned for a moment, and quickly untied the rope tied on the sack, and the piles of brand-new Bailey almost blinded his eyes.


The staff couldn't help taking a breath, and said quickly: "Sir, please wait here for a while, I will immediately.

Get someone else to come and count Bailey's for you, it will only take ten minutes."

Bai Chen nodded, anyway...he came here this time just to see what the casino looks like, and he is not a crazy gambler, so waiting ten minutes is not a big deal for him.

Chapter [-]: Gamblers

When a large group of casino staff came to count the Bailey that Bai Chen gave them, a staff member hurriedly smiled at him respectfully: "Sir, I'm really sorry, because Bailey is a little too much to delay your time, In the future, our casino will definitely prevent such incidents from happening today, please forgive me sir."

Bai Chen shook his head, he was quite satisfied with the attitude of the staff...the casino staff, at least there was no bullying in movies or novels.

It seems that... the kind of slap in the face with dog blood, he may never encounter it in his life, but if he does not encounter such interesting routines, life will lose a lot of fun! Bai Chen's life can be long now Now, although it doesn't mean immortality, to live for thousands or tens of thousands of years is just... trivial, plus in the exchange mall of the main god space, there are many items that can increase life expectancy. .

He said: "It's all right, but how many Baileys I have here can you count for so long."

When it comes to how much... Bailey, the attitude of the staff has become more respectful, looking at Bai Chen's eyes as if looking at a super golden mountain.

The staff member quickly replied: "Sir, there are a total of [-] million Baileys in your sack.

You can exchange for a total of 44 Purple Baileys, four 44 Black Baileys and four [-] Red Baileys."

Looking at the pile of round chips handed over by the staff, Bai Chen murmured: "I just took out a sack of Bailey from the treasure room of the Kerzans Pirates. There should be more than eighty-eight million.

You know there are more than a dozen sacks there!"

Even Bai Chen was shocked. A small Kezans pirate group was able to accumulate wealth to a scale of nearly one billion. Could it be that these pirates in the new world.......big pirates Are they all so rich? Bai Chen threw one black chip and four 44 red chips to the staff of the casino, and said lightly: "These are all tips for you, your attitude makes me very uncomfortable. Satisfied, you can be a bystander in the next big play."

The big drama is the same as the... door boy just now. The staff of the casino are also confused, and they don't know what Bai Chen calls "big drama".

, what exactly does it mean.

But Bai Chen didn't explain that much to them.

Bai Chen stuffed the remaining three 3 black chips into the soft meat of the woman one by one, and also ate a few times of the other party's big tofu, which attracted the woman to quickly clamp her feet, and she almost vented again just now Out.

"You can find a place to play, but I still recommend that you leave this area better. It's better to stay far away, otherwise it will kill people."

Bai Chen leaned into the woman's ear and said slowly.

"Dead...dead! Why do people die"

The woman, stunned, grabbed the three 3 black chips between the soft flesh and whispered nervously.

In such a dangerous new world, she must be able to live for such a long time as an ordinary person, and she must be extraordinarily cautious. In addition, Bai Chen's shot is... a billionaire with more than [-] million Baileys. right.

But this is Gorman Island! Whoever dares to make trouble in the place is not afraid of the big pirates, who will chop the troublemaker into pieces. The woman who doesn't understand can only cast suspicion on Bai Chen.

Bai Chen was still attached to the other party's ear, and said softly: "I have already said this for the sake of it, as to whether you believe me or not, that is your business.

If you hadn't let me touch it a few times, maybe I wouldn't have bothered to remind you.

Run, run as far as possible."

The woman stared blankly at Bai Chen with cold eyes, nodded nervously, and whispered, "I, I believe in you!"

After she finished speaking, under the suspicious gaze of the casino staff, she exchanged the three 3 black chips that Bai Chen gave her into [-] Bailey banknotes.

Step by step, she turned her head and left the Gorman Fortune Casino, but as soon as she got to the entrance of the casino, she ran out without looking back, even a pair of high heels couldn't slow her down.

Just now, when the woman saw the cold light flashing in Bai Chen's eyes, she knew that something was about to happen.

In the new world, the so-called big things usually kill a lot of people, and she didn't want to die in the so-called big things.

Although the woman does not know whether what Bai Chen said is true or not, it is always right to be careful, otherwise she would not have lived in the new world for so long, and she would not have been spoiled to death by pirates.

What she relies on is... carefulness and prudence in her heart.


Rao woman left, Bai Chen was holding a large amount of purple casino chips in his hand, the corner of his mouth curled into an arc, and he muttered in a low voice: "The Gorman Island hunt for the big pirate begins, the first step - let me Turn this casino upside down!"

Bai Chen sent away a group of women who were attracted by him one after another, and came to a luxurious gambling table. All the people who gambled on this gambling table were rich people, and they were not ordinary rich ones... .

The croupier at the gaming table looked at the pile of purple chips in Bai Chen's hands, his eyes lit up, and he quickly said to him: "This... little gentleman, do you want to join in too? This is the dice area, guess the size or the number... ..."

The dealer enthusiastically introduced the rules to Bai Chen, and stopped talking until Bai Chen could understand it.

After all, he is not blind, so he naturally knows that Bai Chen is a rare super-rich.

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