Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: The Dark Capitalist Chapter 102

It is definitely impossible for ordinary businessmen to see the Warring States Period.

How many things did the Warring States do every day?

How could it be possible to meet a businessman in time.

However, Lynn is different. He has a very good relationship with Karp.

In the name of visiting Karp, I met the Warring States through Karp.

No matter how busy the Warring States is, Karp's face is always to be given

I heard Lynn wanted to see the Sengoku

A smile appeared on Crane's face.

It seems that Lynn has the same'cleverness' as most businessmen.

Of course, this is also easy to understand.

Merchants always like to play tricks.

If you can get the help of the navy headquarters, it will be much easier to do business in the Great Air Route.

Karp didn't think too much, so he said to Lynn, "Come with me."

Lin En smiled back at He, then followed Karp to the office of the Warring States Period.

In the Warring States office, goats are eating discarded documents

390 Warring States is still in a bad mood today.

To be precise, the mood of the Warring States Period has not been better these years.

In particular, Doflamingo has grown stronger, not only has teamed up with the Four Emperors, but also has direct links with the world government.

There are too many dirty, dirty, and unbearable transactions behind it.

Warring States knew a lot, but he couldn't change and stop it.

To wear the crown, one must bear its weight.As a navy marshal, the Warring States period has to endure too much he can do.

The name of righteousness maintains the balance of the world.


Karp directly opened the sliding door of the office.

Sengoku looked at Karp, and finally his eyes fell on Lynn.


Warring States looked at Karp with questioning eyes.

He didn't understand why Karp brought Lynn to him.Karp replied: "Lynn has something to talk to you. It just takes up a little bit of your time. It's okay.


Karp's face is indeed to be given.

Warring States exhaled, pushed down his glasses, and said, "Please sit down."

Warring States got up and sat on the sofa

Karp is not at all polite, and immediately grabs all the senbei on the coffee table as soon as he arrives at the Warring States office.

The Warring States period gritted his teeth, but when outsiders were here, he was not easy to get angry.

Warring States took the initiative to ask Lynn, what do you want to talk to me?Lynn replied, "I want to supply materials for the navy of the great sea route. In terms of the price of materials,

You can give the best discount."

While talking, Lynn had already taken out the quotation form prepared in advance.

Lynn handed the quotation form to the Warring States Period and scanned it at will, and then said, “The navy’s supplies have always been in charge of the military.

You should go to the military department for something."

This is a typical football kick.

The Warring States period, as the admiral of the navy, controlled the navy of the world.

However, the Warring States period has not managed the issue of material supply.

As a result, the navy's supplies of oil and water have been controlled by the military.Lynn was not in a hurry, he took out another piece of material and handed it to Warring States: "The quotation form just now

It may not be clear enough to reflect the problem. This price can reflect many things."The Warring States Period looked at the quoted (cjei) price above. The quotations include wholesale and retail prices, as well as special

Special channel price.“Although I don’t know what the price of the materials provided in the past was, but taking rice as an example, the current price of a pound of rice is 320 Baileys, and the wholesale price is 260 Baileys. If the freight is increased

The price is not always certain.What if the price that the Navy has been purchasing is 100 Baileys, or even higher?that

This means that the Navy’s annual military budget has a large amount of military spending spent on these inconspicuous places.Without waiting for the Warring States Period to speak, Lynn continued: "If these military budgets are eaten up,

Can invest in the welfare of warships and soldiers, then I believe it will be helpful to justice."

After listening to Lynn, the Warring States period remained silent.

Karp is breaking his fingers

"1 person, 10 people, 100 people, 1,000 people..." Before Karp finished his calculations, the Warring States Period said, "Indeed, this is indeed an important thing we have overlooked.

To spend."Lynn said, "I can guarantee that as long as I become a material supplier for the navy headquarters, I can confirm

The guaranteed price is absolutely lower than the market price."

As a supplier to the Navy, Lynn’s merchant ships can fly the navy flag.

For Lynn, this is enough.

As for the profit of naval supplies?

It doesn't matter if you don't make money.

The entire great route, or the world, is the only businessman who can cooperate with the navy.

This head is enough.

The Warring States period smiled. It was the first time he met a businessman like Lynn.

"Well, I will discuss this matter with the above."

The so-called discussion is actually just communicating with Sora.

Sora is now the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, and the office is in Maria.

"Then please."

After Lynn thanked him, he and Karp left the office.

Karp takes Lynn to the cafeteria for dinner

After they left, the crane came to the Warring States

Lynn helped the Navy kill the Golden Lion.

The Warring States still had some concerns about Lynn.

It's just that Lynn is really doing it wholeheartedly.

Crane asked Warring States, "What do you think of him?" Warring States replied: "He is a young man with a very brain and courage. Unfortunately, he is not a navy.

Chapter 130: Don Quixote Family!

The food in the canteen of the navy headquarters is good.

As the facade of world government.

The supply of naval materials by the world government is still good.

To let the horse run, let the horse eat grass

Lynn, accompanied by Karp, had a seamen buffet-

Both have a big appetite

"The food here is good. Bring the plate

The orderly in the cafeteria kept busy

"It's really good."

"And unlimited supply."

Kapu laughed loudly, his appearance made a group of navy fans admire Kapu's heroism.

Naturally, Lynn also received a lot of attention from the Navy.

For example, Tina, who is eating lunch, as well as Taotu, Tea Dolphin and others.

Taotu, Tea Dolphin and others have all met Lynn and heard about the relationship between Lynn and Karp

But I didn't expect Lynn to actually come to the navy headquarters.

Still as a businessman!

At this time, Huang Yuan came over.

Huang Yuan has now been promoted to general.

However, Huang Yuan didn’t have any pretensions in front of Karp, in other words, he didn’t dare to put pretensions.

The rank of Bi Jing is not worth mentioning in front of Karp's people.

Huang Yuan also sat down and went to get the buns on the table without hesitation.

"Is it really hard and boring to be on duty at the headquarters, or Cap is smart and free."

Huang Yuan ate while complaining, feeling that Karp's choice was correct.

Lin En echoed, "It's not easy."

I admire you, as a businessman who is both rich and free, he said with a contented face, "Sometimes I am very beautiful Huang Yuan picked up a bowl of ramen and drank a lot of soup

Before Lynn could answer, Karp stunned, "If you feel bored, resign from your position as a general, then you will be free."

"Maybe one day."

Huang Yuan replied with a smile, even if he was stunned, he didn't feel embarrassed.

Looking at the time, Huang Yuan said to Lin En, "If you have something to do in the future, you can also come to me. As a general, you still have some authority."

Lynn replied, "Since you said so, I won't be polite."

"Well, I have to accompany the Marshal of the Warring States to a meeting. When I see you next time, I will invite you to dinner."

After Huang Yuan finished speaking, he got up and left.


What would require the presence of the marshal and general at the same time?

Is it Jubukai's meeting?

Lynn's thoughts turned sharply, but his face returned with a smile.

Karp snorted and buried his head in his meal.

He understands Huang Yuan, Huang Yuan does not have a strong desire for power.

Similarly, Huang Yuan is very lazy about work

Laziness in this aspect is different from the green pheasant.

Recently, the green pheasant is pure laziness. If you can be lazy, you will be lazy. The yellow ape is pretending to be lazy

Lynn left Malin Vandor and went to the Chambord Islands.

The Chambordian Islands are located in front of the red earth continent in the middle of the great sea route.

The biggest feature of the Chambordian Islands is that the roots of the archi mangroves secrete

Special natural resin.The resin expands to form bubbles due to the air, and then flies into the sky.

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