Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 112

"Reverse Slash·Cloud Through!"

Lin slashed directly.

Jianbo directly defeated the shadow bat.

And Moria opened the distance again.

"After being defeated by Kaido, will you only have this level of strength? Now you are so embarrassed while Lynn speaks, the attack has not stopped.

He continued to wave Huang and slashed towards Moria.

Jianbo cut open the castle directly.

The huge mast was also cut open.

Lynn's sword wave cut open everything nearby.

Moria used the Shadow Dancer, constantly swapping his bodies to dodge and dodge, while the Shadow Mage also came to solve

However, Moria understands that hiding like this is no way.

"If there is only this degree, then you may lose the value of cooperation."

"Your companion and you may be killed today."

At this time, Lynn's knife was aimed at Absalom.

Prepare to pierce his heart with a knife.

"Shadow Revolution!"

Since the shadow is connected to the entity, the entity changes, so the shadow will also change

On the contrary, if the shadow changes, the entity will also change.

Moria sneaked his shadow into the shadow of Absalom, and then controlled Absalom

Change the shape of the shadow to make Abu Sarom’s body lengthen.Although Lynn’s knife pierced Abu Sarom’s body, he escaped because of the stretched upper body.

It was a fatal blow."His ability is amazing."

Bartolomio and others were also surprised by Moria's operation.

The biggest reason why Moriah was defeated by Kaido but survived under Kaido is because of his own

Strength, as well as his ability to develop and use the Devil Fruit Fruit. Otherwise, Moria will end up like Kidd and others.

Either he was caught and banned, or he was killed.

"Damn bastard! As you wish!"

Moria stared at Lynn ferociously.

He didn't expect that Lynn would dare to hurt his companion

If it wasn’t for him to react quickly enough, then Abu Sarom had been pierced

"Shadow gathering place!"

This move is Moria's strongest move.

Use the power of the Devil Fruit to draw all the shadows under his control into his body.

Although he is usually lazy and relies on others to do everything, he can only trust if he trusts

Absalom, Perona and others also trusted Moria.

Companion, fetters.

It is not only owned by talents such as Luffy.

But Kaido took everything away.

Do you want to post another cow now?

How can you allow to experience it again!

That's a nightmare imprinted on a cow's hit!


Accompanied by a terrifying and angry roar.

Moria absorbed the shadow of 1,000 people and made his body continue to be huge, thus

Continuously improve strength.""go to hell!"

After being huge, Moria raised his palm and slapped Linn fiercely.

Lynn jumped up.

The whole island is shaking.

The destructive power of Moriah's palm had already cracked the ground beneath everyone's feet.

However, after absorbing the shadow, it takes great mental power to control the power

If the mental strength is not enough to support, you will lose consciousness or run wild.

It stands to reason that Moria should be on a rampage now.


"Die me!"

Moriah's huge eyeballs were bloodshot, and anger filled his entire face.

"Those who don't abandon their companions, those who can work hard for their companions."

"This is not bad."

"In response."

"Counter-slash·Backflow (Well, good king)!"

Lin used a shave to avoid the attack and disappeared in place again.

Moria is forcing herself to concentrate


When Moria turned around to attack Lynn

Lynn turned the handle of the knife in his hand.

He could have slashed Moria directly with a single knife, but just before swinging the knife.

The blade was changed to the blade.

Changed from splitting to shooting.

However, even so, the power of this blow is extraordinary.

Directly spit out the shadows of the thousand people swallowed by Moriah

And Moria himself also flew a kilometer away.

"Damn it!" It's just that Moria is still holding on, even if blood keeps spilling from the corners of her mouth.

Want to stand up. However, Lynn has turned around and walked towards Perona and Absalom with a knife.


Chapter 144: Uninvited Guest of Daughter Island!

"Don't kill them!"

Moria gritted her teeth and let out an extremely angry growl from her throat.

Lin En stopped when he heard the words, and then withdrew the knife, "I think we can talk about cooperation."

Justice and evil.

What is justice?

In Linn's view, it was just a matter of the position he insisted on.

Lynn's concept of justice has long been shattered.

The only thing he insists on is his position.

For example, his position is businessman.

Businessmen must seek the greatest benefit for themselves.

And the object of his cooperation, strength is only part of it, the important thing is to have obsession

Only those who have obsessions can communicate easily.

Although Moriah did countless evils and killed many people whose shadows were taken away by him, he could only hide in

Living in darkness and shadows.If only according to the crime, then he should be evil.

But Moriah has something he is leveling.

Companion, Moria didn't want to lose any more companions.

This is different from Mihawk, who is lonely 797 tall, and Shaklockdal, who yearns for the One Piece Throne.

Companion is Moria’s obsession

Lynn and Moria face each other.

Moria is 692cm tall, sitting in front of Lynn, with a bloated figure, like a flesh

"What do you want to talk about?"

Moria had to compromise with Lynn, the "lunatic".

Suddenly he came to the door and made a mess of his site.

However, I have to admit the strength of Linn and others

Moria didn’t want Perona and Absalom to be harmed, so he was willing to work with Lynn

Sit down and talk.

Because Lynn would really kill people, Lynn said, "I am a businessman, so naturally I want to talk to you."

Moria asked, "What business?"

Lynn replied, "All."

"What do you mean?" Moria didn't understand.

At this time (cci), Perona woke up with black tea.

Moria asked, "What do you want me to do? Legal, illegal."

Lynn drank black tea, "All the business you can do

Lynn raised his right index finger, "First, all merchant ships with the flag of the Lynn Chamber of Commerce, you

To be released."

[O73age-Morlia nodded.

This can be agreed.

Lynn raised his middle finger again, "Second, non-Lynn Chamber of Commerce merchant ships, you have to attack as much as possible,

Not limited to your site."Qiwuhai has the legal right to rob.

Lin En hoped that Wu Hai could make good use of these privileges.

However, Shakhrokdal is currently creating a heroic image in Alabastan.

Therefore, it is inconvenient for Shaklockdal to come out and rob

Not to mention Mihawk, he is not interested in the robbery.

Doflamingo is happy to do it

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