Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: The Dark Capitalist Chapter 117

Hancock said, "The concubine will do what you want." Become the sole supplier of supplies for the Navy Headquarters.

Achieved cooperation with Shakrokdal, Moria and Hancock.

So far, everything is proceeding smoothly according to Lynn's plan.

The navy and Shiwuhai have been settled, and the obstacles and problems in the first half of the great route have basically been cleared.

Use the revolutionary army to take advantage of the rise of the revolutionary army to grow stronger.

Taking advantage of the background of the Navy and cooperating with Wuhai, based on the first half of the great route, it has also been achieved.

Now Lynn only needs to continue to absorb capital, plunder cattle production materials, and continue to grow himself

However, Lynn knows better that he still needs to forbearance'

He does not want the world government to pay too much attention to him.

Therefore, he still needs the revolutionary army, and Dorrag needs to divert his attention.

The current revolutionary army is obviously slow in progress.

Lynn decided to help them.

Chapter 150: Robin's Discovery!

Haiyuan Calendar January 1, 1519

It has been a year since Lynn came to the Great Sea Route.

The implementation of his plan went smoothly.

The industrial zone in Alabastan has already started production, and the products produced are being sold to the various past and regions of the Great Sea Route.

The core part is-steel.

Steel can be used in construction, bridges, ships, pot-furnace, etc.

In addition, weapons and daily necessities also require a lot of steel.

Alabastan’s steel production already accounts for 25% of the steel production of the Great Sea Route

As for the textile industry, the textiles produced account for 36% of the textiles of the Great Sea Route

Plus textiles from the Lynn Chamber of Commerce from the East China Sea

The Lynn Chamber of Commerce has already impacted the original trading system of the Great Airway in terms of price.

The silent price war has begun.

At the same time, because of the cooperation between Lin En and Wu Hai.

In addition, the Navy's flag is flying on the fleet of the Lynn Chamber of Commerce.

Therefore, the Lynn Chamber of Commerce is currently the safest on the seven routes in the first half.

On the other hand, other chambers of commerce, especially under Wu Hai’s deliberate targeting, are in a more difficult situation

A year ago, Lynn brought more than a thousand chamber of commerce members to the great route.

Now, the number of members of the Lynn Chamber of Commerce on the Great Sea Route has expanded to 4,000.

Plus the merchant members who stayed behind in the East China Sea.

The number of merchants in the Linn Chamber of Commerce has exceeded 10,000.

They brought industrialized products to various countries and regions, earning Pele for Lynn every day

And Lynn has set up a large number of liaison offices in various countries and regions of the Great Sea Route.

The security forces have also become stronger because of the hiring of a large number of Amazon female fighters

Alabasta, Canola Flower Harbor.

Lynn reads the newspaper in the office.

The front page of today's newspaper is about the revolutionary army.

The more newspaper reports on the revolutionary army, the greater the threat of the revolutionary army.

However, this is far from enough.

In Linn's eyes, the current revolutionary army is just a playhouse.

He needs more chaos

Until the rights of the world are reshuffled.

Therefore, he began to provide more supplies to the revolutionary army, including weapons.

Just as Shakrokdal did in Alabastan.

Tuk tu tu.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in" Lynn said


Nuojigo opened the door and came in and said to Lynn, "Doflamingo sent Torrepol here, he wants

You are invited to visit Dres Rosa.Lynn smoked a cigar and said, "Let him dry for a few hours, and tell him by the way, let Doflamingo

Take the initiative to come and see me."After Lynn has dealt with Moria and Hancock one after another, it is difficult to find threats on the great route.

He is a bully.While this Doflamingo felt incredible, he was also recalculating the relationship with Lynn.

Therefore, Doflamingo and Kaido continue to maintain a close relationship.

At the same time, Doflamingo is also befriending Charlotte Lingling.

Moreover, Doflamingo has reached a cooperation with Gilder Tezolo.

So far, the'joker in the underground world still has a pivotal position

Doflamingo is very smart, he knows that the premise of cooperation is his own strength

Therefore, Doflamingo came to Lynn after he stabilized his strength.

Doflamingo also hopes to cooperate with Lynn.

Because Lynn’s earning power and speed, as well as the efficiency of absorbing capital, are simply better than opening a casino.

For example, Lynn has promoted the "Secret Medicine of Longevity" for a long time, which is said to be the "Witch of Drum Island"

The secret medicine.Now that the drugs have not yet started to be sold, a large number of people have already invested money in Lynn.

They all believe that this is a business that only makes a profit without losing money.

Not only that, Lynn's real estate projects, from planning to construction, are also attracting money frantically.

Doflamingo looked jealous and wanted to get a piece of the pie.

In the meeting room

Torrepol walked back and forth.

Torrepol was commissioned by Doflamingo this time to visit Lynn

It's just that he waited for a few hours and didn't even see Lynn.

Nuoqigao came over.

"I said, I said, when will President Lynn be free to see me?"

Torrepol asked Nuojigo eagerly.

Nuoqigao glanced at Tone Boll, didn't talk nonsense with him, and said: "If you want to cooperate,

It's better to show sincerity and let Doflamingo come in person."When Torrepol left, Robin happened to come to Canola Harbor

Since Lynn and Shakrokdal cooperated, the Baroque Job Club has received more funds,

It is developing rapidly.

As the vice president, Robin has to run more places and handle more affairs on behalf of Shark Rockdale. Robin is also responsible for contacting the Linn Chamber of Commerce.

For example, the newly-built liaison office of the Lynn Chamber of Commerce needs to share information with the Baroque Work Agency.

In addition, Bartolo Job Club also needs to provide corresponding services for the Lynn Chamber of Commerce.

Such as cleaning up local gangs, assassinating officials who make things difficult for business, and solving the sea of ​​robbing merchants

Thieves or criminals.

In short, I have been in contact with the Lynn Chamber of Commerce this year.Robin found the position of the Lynn Chamber of Commerce strange.

It's not so much a standpoint, as it is no standpoint.

Whether it’s the money of the pirates, the navy, or even the money of the rebels and insurgents, they still do the same.

Moreover, their enthusiasm for money is simply a bunch of lunatics who only have money in their eyes.

Robin got off the boat.

Rape Flower Port is very busy every day, but the prices and rents here are rising.

Even the water needed for life is three times more expensive than a year ago.

Everyone is busy for life.

Although compared to other war-torn areas, the people here have jobs, a good living environment, and

Have a good income

But it’s hard to see a smile on their faces

Chapter 151: The epitome of the capital world!

Linn Chamber of Commerce, Canola Flower Port Branch.

Robin handed the prepared statement to Lynn, "This is the statement for October, November, and December."

Baroque Jobs signed an agreement with the Lynn Chamber of Commerce.

The agreement includes various services, and each service is not free.

Such as the difficulty of implementation, the time required, and the cost of the aftermath.

The Lynn Chamber of Commerce settles with the Baroque Working Society once every three months.

The wages of the Baroque job club also need to be held down for three months before they start to be paid.

As the vice president, Robin comes to the Lynn Chamber of Commerce branch every three months to settle accounts with Lynn

Lynn handed the statement to Nuoqigao.

Nuoqigao began to calculate carefully."Six One Seven"

Nuoqigao has been Lynn's right-hand man over the years.

Although her strength is not strong, her ability to manage finances is the strongest

Because it takes three months to settle accounts, it takes some time.

At this time, Robin asked, "I have a question, I want to ask the chairman."

Lynn lay on the boss chair, looking at Robin, "Please tell me."

Robin asked, "Why people here are not happy now, sorry, I didn't mean to offend, just curious."

Robin still remembers that when Lynn first invested in Canola Flower Port, all the people here were happy.

However, it has only been a year, why has everything changed?

Nuoqi frowned, just about to speak.

Lynn waved his hand and signaled Nuoqigao to continue working on her affairs, and Lynn did not answer directly, but said to Robin, "Recently, the commercial street has opened. There are already many interesting shops, and it happens that a reporter wants to interview. I, then go and relax with me."

"Thank you, President." Robin didn't refuse either

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