Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 119

Tezolo smiled and said, "Then go say hello and bring our kindness."

Birds of a feather flock together

From Lynn’s business map, Tezolo smelled the smell of his own

Haiyuan Calendar February 1519

Lynn left Alabasta for the City of Ten Waters.

Lynn used 2 billion Baileys to buy part of Treasure Tree Adam from the black market and plan to use it to fight

Build a boat.

The name of the ship has been decided, it is called Behemoth.Behemoth is the king of the seven hells representing the opposite of hope, and the king of strong desire

He also has a very famous name called Beamon Giant Beast.

It also means "a group of beasts", which implies that it can only be combined with a large group of beasts.

Lynn’s plan, with his step-by-step growth, attracting more and more partners, and slowly

Slow to achieve.

However, it is still far from completing the plan.Lynn's next goal is the new world.

And this ship will carry Lynn's greater ambitions.

Chapter 153: The Law of Justice!The real collusion between officials and businessmen!

According to Lynn’s request, the Behemoth was jointly designed by Esbach and others

According to Lynn's request, Behemoth needed two kinds of power.

As for the bottom of the ship, the technology of installing sea floor stones is also needed.

The standard of the cabin should be designed according to the most luxurious specifications.

It is 190 meters long, 43 meters wide, 41 meters above the water, and has 15 floors.

There are 14 elevators and 1742 rooms inside, which can accommodate 3,400 people

If an extra bed is added, it can accommodate more people.

At the same time, it also designed a telescopic chimney and equipped with a submarine.

The deck is equipped with an outdoor swimming pool, an opera house, a sports field, a restaurant, etc.

Under the luxurious appearance, the ship is also equipped with naval guns for "self-defense".

There are 108 cannons on both sides of the ship.

At the bow, there is also a large-caliber gun that can be raised and lowered.

"This guy is really rich."

Barry is still one of the top five foremen, he and Lu Qi are in charge of the day shift.

At this time, Esbaku has completed the design drawings.

After reading Behemoth’s design drawings, I can only use three words to describe Lynn

That is'all need'.

Comfort, luxury, safety, attack parts...

The ship must be equipped with enough lifeboats to ensure that the people on the ship can be safe after an accident

The ship must be equipped with enough freezer to ensure sufficient food.

Lu Qi looked at the drawing and did not answer Barry.

Barry continued to talk to himself, "I estimate that the cost will exceed 10 billion Baileys. Many poor countries

Home, can't afford so much money."Hurry up and supervise their work, otherwise this month's bonus will be deducted again.""

At this moment, Esbaku came over to remind Barry.

At present, the former Carrera Ship Company employees are responsible for shipbuilding in the Capital of Seven Waters.

However, Lynn still reformed the management.

He hired a large number of clerks to conduct performance appraisals on all employees.

Any boatman who is absent from work, arrives late, leaves early, or does not work seriously will deduct their bonus

Even salary."I really want to take a vacation, I really want to go to the beach, sun, sand, cold beer... In the past six months

I worked overtime every day and never rested."Barry continued to complain.

Esbagu frowned, he looked at everyone with a tired look

I don't know what to say.

They are really hard.

Because the shipbuilding industry of the City of Ten Waters has been monopolized by Lynn

Lynn began to take orders in large numbers.

The workers in the City of Seven Waters carry out high-intensity work every day.

At the same time, because of the arrival of the Lynn Chamber of Commerce.

Brought a lot of goods

Perfume, lipstick, lotion and other cosmetics.

There are children's toys, clothes, etc.

These material enjoyments have completely changed the life of the Seven Waters City.

Originally the capital of ten waters, Shengbaiyang Town and other places were good places for food and tourism.

Now Lynn has completely transformed the concept of consumerism in the City of Seven Waters.

Now the city of water is not only a hub for shipbuilding, but also a consumer paradise

The dazzling array of products is always dizzying.

It’s just overtime on the one hand, and material work brought about by high consumption on the other.

Painful and happy.

Most people are not only moonlight people, but also borrow money to live their lives

The Judiciary Island, also known as the Island that Never Sleeps, was established by the world government, where there are no real courts,

Anyone detained to Judicial Island must have been recognized as a criminal.

The prisoner will only be escorted through the empty courts, and finally will reach a cold and huge steel door.It is the gate of justice. The prisoners who pass through this gate generally have no return, like

Enlist the absolute justice of the world government.At this time, Lynn was on the Judicial Island, and he had contacted CP9 Chief Spandham through the relationship between the green pheasants.

Because it was introduced by the green pheasant, and because of Lynn's huge wealth.Therefore, Spandam was very enthusiastic and personally greeted Lynn at the door.

Money can push the ghosts.

"Brought some gifts, I hope Chief Spandam likes them."

After Lynn saw Spandham, he first sent two boxes of money to Spandham.

A box of 100 million Baileys.

When the box is opened.

Spandam was all smiles.

Being an official is naturally greedy.

Spandam asked, "I don't know if President Lynn came to see me, is there any trouble?"

Cannibals have soft mouths and short hands.

Taking Linn's money, naturally, he wanted to do something for Linn.

Spandham also understands this truth in his officialdom.

Lynn replied, "Some contract matters may require judicial procedures in the future,

Officer Pandam helped."

When Spandam heard that it was about justice, he naturally agreed casually.Judicial, he is the law of Judicial Island.

(Wang De Zhao)

After Lin returned from Judicial Island, he drafted a new contract.

According to the contract stipulated by Lynn, if employees do not work overtime as required, they will be prosecuted.

Not only to compensate for the loss, but also to be sent to Judicial Island for trial.

Lu Qi was also very upset after seeing the new contract.

He was only here undercover, and the foreman was only used to disguise his identity.

As a result, I work 12 hours a day, even 4 hours overtime.

Although overtime is double pay, such a high-intensity workload makes him a little bit unwilling to continue sleeping

At the end.

At the same time, Lu Qi's perception of Lynn and justice is getting worse.Because Lynn's method of dealing with employees is the laws of the world government.

Lu Qi did not expect that one day he would be targeted by the law!

One hundred and fifty-fourth chapter: You know a lot!

To be a human being is to plan ahead and don't wait until things happen before trying to find a solution.

Linn's understanding of capital, knowing what problems will arise when capital develops to a certain level.

Capital inevitably brings oppression.

How to maintain the legitimacy of capital is to pass the law naturally.

At the same time, how to control productivity can only be through consumption.

In order to survive, workers have to work for capital.

Moreover, as long as you dare to make trouble, then all will be handled by law.

This is well-founded and protected by the world government and justice.

Even if hate's teeth itchy, even if it is cursed, it is still legal.

"It looks like the rumors, it's completely changed here."

When Mr. Tanaka came to Water City, he was completely shocked by the business world in front of him

The City of Ten Waters is now more prosperous.

There are shops everywhere with a wide range of goods.

Beautiful women in bikinis can be seen everywhere on the beach

In the commercial streets, all kinds of luxury goods, and giant billboards can be seen everywhere.

If compared with Tezzo 920 Lo's entertainment city, it is more'lively' and more common people

'.Lynn and Tezolo still pursue different directions.

Tezolo creates an entertainment city with pure entertainment and ultimate consumer experience.

And Lynn is directly transforming a city, from every brick in the city, every billboard, to

The logo of '1yn' can be seen everywhere, and the concept of consumption everywhere. Entertainment is only temporary, but consumption is accompanied by daily life.

Mr. Tanaka also had to admire Lynn.

The Linn Chamber of Commerce has a liaison office and a service office at the pier of the Capital of Seven Waters.

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