Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 123

With a cigarette in his mouth, Xia Qi looked at the engineer who measured the size and left, "They want to remodel this place.

In other words, my shop will be demolished."

"Really." Reilly took a sip of his drink.He had lived so long and had encountered such a thing for the first time.

Chapter 159: Lynn Square!

"Why should we move away!"

We have been here for so many years. Why do you say let us move? We must move!"

The biggest resistance to the demolition this time is the shopping street.

The Chambord Islands is the confluence of the seven routes of the great sea route.

There will never be a shortage of foot traffic here.

Moreover, because of the illegal zone, the pirates are willing to spend money here when they consume.

To put it simply, every store on this street is a duck with a golden egg

Now the Lynn Chamber of Commerce is here, directly using "demolition" as a reason, wanting to take away all of this.

There was resistance naturally.

Ajin didn't bother to talk nonsense with them.

The demolition was not only supported by the Navy, but also by the world government.

The world government has long wanted to deal with the existence of illegal zones.

After all, the existence of the illegal zone is an unstable bomb.

No one knows when things will happen.

Therefore, the Lynn Chamber of Commerce is willing to intervene to increase tax revenue and solve 743 problems.

"Contact the navy and police."

Ah Jin said to the men around him.

Then, from the No. 66 naval base, a team of 500 seamen and hundreds of police officers quickly arrived.

The marines and the police are responsible for maintaining order, and Akin asks them to start demolishing.

Demolition is most afraid of encountering nail households.

However, Lynn is not afraid at all, because the law is on his side and justice is with him.


Houses were demolished, and the shop windows were smashed.

The businessman who tried to stop was arrested by marines and police and isolated from the crowd.

At the same time as the demolition.

Lynn has opened the pre-sale

In Lynn Plaza, there are Zhou's shops and houses, the selling price far exceeds the compensation

Land is bought at a relatively low price and sold at a high price after reconstruction.

World governments earn a lot of tax from it.

The Navy also received corresponding benefits.

The local residents also benefited from the demolition and they became the first real demolition households

No need to work, just the income from the house is enough to spend every day

Housing prices have risen, shop rents have risen, and prices have also risen.

The Chambord Islands will be more prosperous.

Various investments in the Chambord Islands have been very successful.

Under the operation of the Chamber of Commerce, all construction is proceeding steadily.

Because more construction is needed, the demand for steel, wood, cement and other building materials is further increased

expand.At the same time, because of construction needs, a large amount of labor was recruited.

This also creates jobs.

The world that the Warring States period hopes for is orderly.

Therefore, the Warring States and the Navy increased their support for Lynn.

The world government also wanted to maintain order, so it also began to increase its efforts to support Lynn and Lynn

The investment of the Chamber of Commerce is supported by the Navy and the world government.

The Linn Chamber of Commerce has used a large amount of funds raised to build forests in various countries and regions.

En' square.Purchase land from nobles and commoners, and then plan and plan according to the standards of the city center.

Construction.Only with plans and drawings, I started to sell shops and houses to recover funds

Finally, continue to repeat the same pattern.

The year of 1519 in the Haiyuan calendar is a year of madness (bcfb).

Because of the successful transformation of rape flower port and the capital of ten waters.

And the Chambord Islands are more prosperous.

Therefore, the reputation of Lynn Square on the great route has spread all over the world.

"As long as Lynn Square arrives, it will bring prosperity and happiness."

Under Linn's operation, commercial promotion was carried out at the same time.

The World Economic News Service collected a large amount of advertising fees from the Lynn Chamber of Commerce.

Therefore, all the descriptions of Lynn Square in the newspapers are highly praised.

Revolutionary Army headquarters.Baldige, the island of white soil.

Dorag is reading the newspaper. Starting this year, Lynn’s name has begun to occupy the newspaper’s page.

Of course, the publicity for Lynn is positive.

Driven employment, created millions of jobs, and helped many poor people get rid of hunger

Dorag has also been to Alabastan and the City of Seven Waters.

It is indeed prosperous there, and the income of civilians is also quite high.

If there is a defect, it is that working hours are too long, prices are too high, and life pressures are also caused.

Point big

However, compared with other war-torn areas in Alabasta.Canola Flower Harbor is indeed a paradise, at least everyone can survive, and there is no need to worry about pirates.

For the current Dorag, the first task of his revolution is to overthrow the world government. At the same time,

In this process, minimize sacrifices to ensure that people can survive.

Therefore, he did not feel that Lynn’s actions were excessive. At least, Lynn gave the refugees a chance to survive.

At this moment, Sabo came over.

Dorag put down the newspaper and asked, "Is there any news from the Northern Army?"

Sabo replied, "Callas sent back news that they were attacked by Derma 66.

The casualties are high and they are in urgent need of medicines now."

"I know, I'll find a way." After Dorrag said to Sabo, he took out the phone worm.

He was going to contact Lynn.

War is not just a fight between people.

In a war, not only must we defeat the enemy, but we must also preserve our own lives as much as possible.

Therefore, material supply is very important.

Compared with the Northern Army, which is in short supply, the Eastern Army's life is much better.

Because of Lynn’s support, the Eastern Army has been advancing triumphantly.


Chapter One Hundred and Sixty: Even the white beard's site!

Dorrag contacted Lynn, hoping that Lynn could provide them with assistance in Beihai.

Of course, Dorag knew that Lynn was not short of money now.

Therefore, if Lynn wants to talk to Dorag about related interests, Dorag will easily agree.

"It's not easy to get Beihai."

Lynn's current power is mainly in the East China Sea and the Great Route-the first half.

But the North Sea is different from the East Sea

First of all, Beihai people are brave and fierce and very good at fighting.

The red dog was born in Beihai.

At the same time, the Vinsmoke family is also rooted in the North Sea.

Therefore, if you want to influence Beihai, you must enter a new world.

However, the strong dragon does not crush the snake.

Charlotte Lingling also adopted a cooperative approach, cooperating with Germa 66 and Doflamingo.

If Lynn wants to extend his power to the North Sea, he must deal with them.

At the end of 1519, the Behemoth was completed

Lynn also went to the new world.

He did not choose to directly use the power of the floating fruit to directly fly the ship over the red earth continent, but from

Dive in the Chambord Islands and pass through the cracks in the red earth continent.Lynn is going to visit Murloc Island first.

Now that the new world is here, the contact with the White Beard Pirates cannot be avoided.

Murloc Island is located on the seabed of the holy place Mariagioa, 10,000, is the only way to reach the new world


At the same time, it is also the place where most of the murlocs and mermaids are born, and it is also known as the "undersea paradise" as a dreamlike paradise.

The Behemoth sailed on the ocean current and successfully arrived outside the fisherman island.In front of me is an island surrounded by a huge double-layer semicircular bubble film shield.

There is also an air layer between the two shields.

If the boats that have been coated on the islands of Chambord land, follow the incorrect path and break into the murloc

Island, the coating will automatically peel off and merge with the shield on the island, and some ships will fall in the middle of the air layer.

Fall to the ground.Even if it succeeds in breaking through the shield, the invading ship will be washed away by the water in the shield."There are really islands under the sea!"

Keya looked at this magical island in front of her with a surprised look.

Under the deep sea, there are not only islands, but also sky and clouds.

Keya is 16 years old this year

She has been studying medicine for these years and has achieved extremely high attainments in medical skills.

At this time, Murloc Island is relatively peaceful.

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