Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: The Dark Capitalist Chapter 148

Marco murmured: "It seems that the world government is very relieved of President Lynn."

I have contacted Charlotte Lingling and the four emperors of Kaido, but the world government did not pay attention.

Can indeed confirm Marco's guess.

Saatchi (bdbb) said: "After all, he is a law-abiding businessman. All industries are in the world.

Under government supervision."While White Beard and others were talking about Lynn, the Behemoth was already close to the Moby Dick.

The Behemoth waved the white flag to express peace.

Lynn, Nozigao, Guy, Ainilu, Bartolomio, etc., all from the Behemoth

Come down.Including Xiao Zi who just got on the boat

Xiao Zi is no stranger to Baibeard and others, but she did not indicate the identity of the daughter of Guangyue Mitian

While on the boat, Izang also saw Xiao Zi.

After hearing that Xiao Zi was from the country of Hezhi, she also greeted her actively.

Lynn gave Baibeard a lot of rice wine as souvenirs

"Kula la la la."

Baibeard was not polite, accepting all the gifts.

At this time, the members of the White Beard Pirates and Lynn’s crew were sitting on both sides.

Lynn and Baibeard sat face to face.

Whitebeard drank the wine and asked, "That guy Kaido is not easy to get along with. You had a fight with him.

"Well, he is very strong." Lynn replied.

"Kula la la la."

"You can get his approval and leave the country safely, you are no weaker than him."

Baibeard said to Lynn

Lynn said, "I'm only interested in making money. I don't like meaningless fights."

"I heard Ace talk about you. Marco has been following you all these years. You are a good

People."White Beard's impression of Lynn is still good.

Because Lynn created an'economic miracle, and successfully led many people in distress, let him

We live a life of food and clothing.Lynn replied, "While making money, it can bring changes to the world. This is what I want

Reasons to expand the business to the world."Make money and change the world!"

"Kula la la la."

Baibeard looked at Lynn with admiration, "You are a guy who has dreams and is willing to work hard.

, If there were more people like you in the world, that would be great."Lynn replied, "If I can be like Roger, then the young people in the world will also

Will imitate me.At least they have other ways to hunt for wealth, instead of fighting and looting,

With fewer pirates at sea, it can be relatively peaceful, and ordinary families can be happy.""Kura la la la..."

Baibeard laughed louder when he heard the words, "It seems that you have a long way to go."

Lynn said seriously, there are some things that someone has to do. If you don’t try, how do you know

Can't do it.White Beard groaned, "You are right, how can you not do it if you don't do it!"

If this was said by the Warring States, then White Beard would have sneered at him.

The navy has continued to grow stronger over the years, but there are more and more pirates in the sea.

Justice is strengthened, but sin is not weakened


In the final analysis, it's because life can't keep going.

Ordinary people can't get enough food and clothing, let alone get wealth.

But Lynn is different. He has made more and more people own it through commercial means over the years.

jobs.Let these workers have the ability to support their families, no longer have to worry about hunger, children can also

Go to school as Lynn expected.

Whitebeard is not an unreasonable person.

"It's been a long time since I saw my father smile so happy, he agreed.

What Lynn said is reasonable and does not violate his righteousness,


Marco, Joz and others said with emotion.

Marco first followed the white beard

It’s the first time for Baibeard to chat with the Mo Niu who met for the first time for so long, and he was smiling all the time.

Chapter 195: Shanks’ reminder!

Lynn and White Beard didn't talk about too many vague topics.

He talked more about change and how to change.

Whether the change has been effective has been shown over the years.

At least Lynn did a good job in the first half of the Great Route.

Qi Wuhai and Lin En cooperate.

The Navy also maintains a close relationship with Lynn

In the area covered by the Linn Chamber of Commerce, most pirates dare not provoke them.

The member countries of the world government will not offend Lynn easily.

Moreover, because it involves the interests of nobles and wealthy businessmen of various countries.

Therefore, the security in some areas has become better.

Although Lynn does not deny that this is another kind of exploitation, at least it can survive

In the current world, depositing rights is already a luxury

What can I hope?

Baibeard and Lynn reached some verbal agreements.

Lynn will also build a new industrial area in the white beard's site

Of course, the security work in the industrial zone needs to be maintained by the Linn Chamber of Commerce.

The White Beard is only named for protection. If something goes wrong, the White Beard Pirates will solve it.

And protecting Murloc Island is a nature.

Lynn is satisfied with this.

The next day, Behemoth separated from Moby Dick.

Lynn continued to sail, preparing to head to the North Sea.

He didn't even think about visiting Shanks.

Based on his friendship with Shanks, if the Linn Chamber of Commerce came to Shanks’ site, it would naturally get

To asylum.Of course, the main reason is that Shanks is taking risks and his whereabouts are erratic, unless deliberately

Go find it.However, Lin didn't go to Shanks, Shanks did.

Dumfries Island.

Behemoth is anchored here

The security forces are hunting and gathering on the island

Replenish the fresh meat and fruits on board.

At this time, a pirate ship appeared off Dumfrey Island.

It's the Redhead Pirates


Standing on the mast, Jesus greeted him all the way to the shore.

"Boss, the Redhead Pirates are approaching."

Latour reported to Lynn immediately.

Lynn said, "Let them come."

On the beach, the security forces have launched close patrols.

"This guy Lynn brought so many people out."

Rachiru is still the same as before, always holding a big piece of meat

Jesus Bu said, "Of course, Lynn is now the richest man, so many people naturally need to protect it.

Most of the old crew members of the Red-haired Pirates knew Linn.

Of course, there are also some who have been on the ship these years, who just read Lynn’s report in the newspaper

Lin brought everyone to see Shanks

"long time no see."

Lynn stretched out his right hand.

Shanks also extended his right hand.

However, Shanks’ left hand...

Lynn looked at Shanks' left hand.

Still gone.

Lynn said, "Luffy told me."

Originally Lynn could intervene in this matter.

It's just that Lynn didn't do it.

Everything has cause and effect.

The bond between Shanks and Luffy was planted at that time

Lynn did not want to deliberately intervene, because Lynn thought it would be beneficial to him.


Shanks laughed, not caring about his left hand at all.

This is boldness

If you want to have a top tyrant, you should have this mentality.

What is an arm?

Even the habitual left-handed.

"It's just a pity, I can't fight with you in the future."

Lynn pretended to be sorry.

Shanks waved his hand, as if you were thinking too much. "Even if you only use your right hand, you may not be

"My opponent" "How about a fight now.""

"Boss, you guys have a fight!"

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