Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: The Dark Capitalist Chapter 150

The world government often obtains slaves from here.

Moreover, Anata is the only country that exports slaves with a clear price tag.

Be regarded as the characteristic of Beihai.

However, Anata is not a member of the world government.

The reason not to join the world government is because he is unwilling to Ghana’s high heavenly gold

The poor lords everywhere have to traffic human beings. Who has the money to hand it to the Tianlong people?

Even if you have money, you don't give it to the Tianlong people.

Coupled with the strong folk customs here, it is also one of the origins of North Sea Pirates

When the Behemoth arrived at Ananta, it was attacked by 4 pirate groups on the way

"The East China Sea is called the weakest sea, and it really deserves its reputation."

Lin En was quite moved. He still knew the pirates of the East China Sea for such a long time.

Compared with the pirates of the North Sea, the pirates of the East China Sea can be described as docile.

The pirates of the North Sea are simply evil wolves, one after the other, all wanting to bite a piece from the Behemoth

However, it is not without benefits.

Being attacked can also increase actual combat experience.

At least the security forces' ability to control naval guns and the accuracy of naval guns have been significantly improved.

When the ship arrives at the port, the port is not so much a port as it is a large refugee camp.

Latour stared at all this in amazement, "Boss, the conditions here are worse than I thought."

"Otherwise why so many people want to come out to revolution."

Lynn replied calmly.

In all countries and regions where cattle riots occur, almost the people cannot even obtain basic cattle rights

The so-called saving rights means eating and heating.

"They are so scary." Keya had already hidden behind Linn.

The people in the harbor stared at Lynn and others, like a group of hungry ghosts

But Ya grows so big, she has never seen anyone with such a look.

"Boss, do we really want to invest here?" Latour asked cautiously.

Lynn replied, "Isn't it great here, labor is cheap."

"But safety..."

When Latour mentioned safety, he had no confidence in his heart.

Immediately, Lynn looked at Webber, "Go and find the lord here." That's too much."

Lynn said, "Don't worry, as long as you give them food, they will be warm

"Yeah." Weber nodded, and then led the people off the boat.

After they got off the ship, there were people following them all the way, and some even prepared to attack them

These unsophisticated people want to rob Webber and others.

However, Webber has also seen the world with Lynn

Therefore, after Webber killed a group of people decisively, no one dared to follow him.

Lynn asked Webber to find the local lord, then Lynn contacted reporters

The World Economic News Agency also has a subsidiary in Beihai and will send people over as soon as possible



A row of reporters taking pictures of Lynn

Lynn pointed to the port ahead and said, "This will be the Lynn Chamber of Commerce

Investment, the initial investment is expected to invest 32 billion Baileys to build a new port in Beihai. The first place is by Linn's side and a middle-aged man is standing.

The man is called Bancroft Green, the new lord.

The body of the previous lord had just sunk into the sea.

"In addition, we will recruit 20,000 workers here, responsible for textile processing, as well as deputy

Food processing, etc."Lynn told the reporter his plan.

The reporters quickly finished taking pictures.

After the 203 interview, Latour said to the reporters, “I’m pleased to write this article.

, We have prepared some small gifts."The security guards handed the prepared envelopes to the reporters.

There is money in the envelope.

Half a million Baileys.

This is a pen fee.

After receiving the money, it is natural to write better.

The reporters are all informed and interesting, and know how to score.

Then, on the front page of the newspaper the next day, there was news that Lynn had invested in Beihai.

Between the lines, there was Lynn's determination and courage to save the people of the northern sea layer.

Still maintaining the original intention and personality of the "savior", bringing people unlimited hope

"What a nasty guy, Beihai doesn't welcome this guy."

Vinsmok Gage looked at the news in the newspaper with a disdainful smile on his face.

"Do you want to drive him away?"

Talking is a person wearing earmuffs, a blue scarf, a pink battle suit and a white plus pink length

Woman in high boots.It is the eldest daughter of Vinsmok Gage, Vinsmok Lejiu

Chapter 198: Red Dog's attention!

Vinsmok was once a clan from the North Sea, and they once unified the North Sea.

Therefore, they hope to one day unify the war-torn place of Beihai.

Kage’s dream is supported by justice.

However, in order to realize the dream, Germa 66 does everything.

If there is a civil war in a kingdom, as long as they are willing to pay, they are willing to help fight.

There is no justice or right or wrong, just like a mercenary.

Therefore, Gage didn't want Lin En to disrupt the situation and disturb the situation in the North Sea.

As long as the chaos in the North Sea continues, Gachi hopes to use force to reunify the North Sea.

As for the problem of Beihai people's cattle storage?

Then wait for him to unify Beihai before considering

At this time, Kage's three sons also came over.

The eldest son Iji, the second son Niji, and the fourth son Yongzhi.

Ichi is arrogant and cold-blooded. He regards human life as carelessness and puts mission first.

He was robbed of his father’s feelings as soon as he was out of the cow, so Ijiyou would not feel "pitiful and sad

His emotions, and even no sense of destruction.Lei Jiu's evaluation of Iji is "a machine without emotions."

Like his two younger brothers, Iji is very proud of his royal status and looks down on civilians and servants.

At the same time, he was disgusted by Sanji's kindness to his servants.But compared with the two younger brothers, Iji is more calm and cautious.,

At this time, the three of Yizhi also heard Lynn's name from Kage's conversation.

Iji said, “A person who can reach an agreement with the Four Emperors should not be underestimated.

Chu, "Isn't he just a businessman, what's so scary."

It was the blue-haired Niche speaking.

Niche was cold and ruthless, arrogant and conceited. He didn't know how to save food and respect women.And calm

On the contrary, Iji, who is dealing with affairs, is a bit irritable, and he is easy to get angry because of small things."I think so too. The merchant will please others the most. Just kill it and it will be over."

Yuji also spoke at this time.

He is impulsive and reckless, a bit naughty, and his mind is quite naive compared to other brothers.

Sister Lei Jiu commented that he is an "unhumane, outright bad boy" and has no habit of saving people, completely opposite to the sympathetic Sanji.

Moreover, because of being transformed by the descent factor, he would not even be afraid of death.

Kage rubbed his head and said, "Then go and test them first."

"give it to me."

Yuji stood up first

"I'll go." Niche also wanted to go out and have fun.

However, Kaj ignored Nichi and Yuji, but looked at Iji, "Iji, this matter

I'll handle it for you."Iji is calm and cautious, and his work is reassuring.

Kage looked at Lei Jiu and said, "Lei Jiu, you are responsible for assisting."

"Understand." Lei Jiu nodded

Holy land Mary Gioia.

Akino is reading the newspaper.

As a general of the headquarters, he applied for staying behind Mary Joa.

Although it is boring, it is helpful for promotion.

Today's newspaper news is about Beihai.

"Lynn Chamber of Commerce invested 32 billion Baileys in the Kingdom of Ananta, and will expand investment in the future

Moreover, it is very rare that today is the only time it is not to report the news of the war in the north.

Akinu read the whole report carefully.

"Funny guy."

Akino put the newspaper away.

Regarding Lynn's matter, Akagi has been paying attention.

A businessman born in the East China Sea can become the richest man in the East China Sea without a criminal record

, And then marched into the great route, creating business miracles one after another.

At the same time, it was also called the savior.However, the red dog does not hate Lynn.

"It would be great if there were more such guys in the world."

The red dog was muttering to himself with his cigar in his mouth.

He was born in the North Sea. The people in the North Sea are sturdy and turbulent. Wars and turmoil are constant, nourishing a large number of seas.

Akadog’s original intention was to join the navy and punish pirates with justice, so that there are fewer pirates in the world.

However, no matter how the Akagi kills, there will only be more and more pirates.

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