Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 156

Now it's done with the Vinsmoke family.

Lynn has achieved cooperation with many forces.

If Doflamingo does not take some actions, he will be marginalized in the future.

Seeing'the era of life and death strong men is coming.

Doflamingo is not willing to be a spectator.

He has to be involved, and until the end.

Lynn said with satisfaction, "Very good, so there is a prerequisite for cooperation."

Doflamingo said: "However, you have to guarantee your commitment. I don't want to affect my cooperation with Kaido."

Lynn said, "Of course, I have no intention of making trouble for myself, after all, the world government has begun to assess my danger."

The so-called risk assessment.

It is actually an ambitious investigation.

If Lynn, like Dorag and Lockes, wants to overthrow the world government and become the world’s

Then the world government will kill Lynn immediately.

Just like what the five old stars said to Yim

Eliminate all threats.

However, if Lynn had no ideas in this regard, Lynn would be a powerful force at best.

It's like the Four Emperors.

In the eyes of the world government, the four emperors not only have no threat, but a balance.

The four emperors restrained each other and at the same time managed the order of the sea.

In this way, it saves a lot of trouble for the world government.

As long as the four emperors are not united and there is no character like Lockes, there is nothing to worry about.

"Humhhhhhhhhh." Doflamingo said with a smile, "I hope you have a greater threat, so that the world will be more interesting."

What Doflamingo wants is world chaos.

The chaos the better, fight each other!

And he can seek benefits in it.

However, it is still far from the real outbreak of troubled times.

The revolutionary army is not mature enough, not strong enough, and too weak.

Not to mention overthrowing the world government, overthrowing the dragon people, even the navy cannot overthrow

Therefore, Doflamingo did not care less about the revolutionary army’s armaments.

Of course, Doflamingo's ideas coincided with Lynn's.

Lynn also hopes to benefit from the troubled times.

It's just that Lynn and Doflamingo are different.

Doflamingo lacks his own strength and relies too much on the power of the Four Emperors.

Lynn is completely different.

And Lynn knows how to keep a low profile and accumulate strength.

"I just want to fulfill my dream. As for the struggle for hegemony, I don't have that boring ambition."

When Lynn said this, Titch couldn't help but think of it.

Don't you know that guy killed Saatchi 7?

Chapter 206: Protest from the Black Charcoal Serpent!

Lynn did not stay in Dressrosa for too long.

Did not want to invest in industry in Dresrosa

However, Lynn decided to open a commercial street here and set up a liaison office.

Doflamingo did not refuse Lynn's investment.

They are now in a cooperative relationship and need to strengthen their relationship with each other

Moreover, consumption is a good thing, it can make people happy, so that people in Dres Rosa love their current life more.

As for the life under the rule of the Liku clan, it was too hard.

Even if the Liku clan flew out of slavery.

But, Sheng Mien, fight Mien

People are forgetful.

People will only remember the beauty of the present, and compare it with the past, "Three 80" finally concluded that Doflamingo is more suitable to be a king.

Leaving Dressrosa.

Lynn went directly to Guran Tezolo Entertainment City.

At this time, the sun was shining and there was no cloud.

The Behemoth was sailing fast on the endless sea.

Lynn sat on the deck, basking in the sun, drinking tea, and reading the newspaper.

Today's newspaper is still about the revolutionary army.

The Revolutionary Army’s spring offensive in the East China Sea was swift and violent. Within a month, two more countries were relieved.

This is not good news for world governments.

For the Tianlong people, this means that the heavenly gold is reduced.

At this time, Nuoqigao came over and said to Lynn, "A large-scale

During the war, the rebel army and the national army launched a war of nearly 700,000 people. At present, a large number of refugees are pouring into the Canola Flower Port."It was his responsibility to hand it over to Shak Rock Dahl."

Lynn flipped through the newspaper and said calmly.

The war in Alabastan, none of the three parties wanted to stop it.

Shakrokdal is not only pushing behind it.

Now the wave of revolution is sweeping the world, overthrowing the old dynasty and establishing a new country is a trend.

And Alabastan is a big country on the great sea route. I believe the Revolutionary Army also hopes that Alabastan can

Enough to "liberate" Of course, Lynn did not want the war to end.

Because the war continues, the labor will be cheap and he can make more profits

In order to maintain a pure land, Cobra would ask for Linn.

Although it is the people of Arastan and the royal family represented by Cobra that suffer, Lin

Encai is not at peace.His identity and position represent that he must choose this way.

Nuoqigao went on to say, "Our liaison office in Wujian Port has already started security forces. Many

The samurai came to sign up. Hei Tan Oro was a little dissatisfied with this, and sent someone to protest to us, claiming that there was a comrade."Lynn said, "His dissatisfaction is his business, it is our business to recruit people, as for the wanted

Committed?Isn't there a samurai among Kaido's men?Don't pay attention to him."Lynn returned to Wano Country in the name of Shuangyue Kosaburo.

One of the purposes is to accept the samurai of Wano country.

The samurai of Wano country, because of the ban on swords and the order prohibiting the opening of gymnasiums, they lost

It is very difficult even to survive.Now the appearance of Lynn undoubtedly brought hope to them.

Lynn didn't need to promise anything, nor did he propose to the samurai to overthrow the Black Charcoal Orochi.

He is just recruiting.

Pure recruitment.

What Black Charcoal Snake can do is prevent the samurai from recruiting instead of protesting to Lynn

As for Kaido, Lynn didn't care at all.

Kaido wants to recruit these samurai?

Of course it is.

Including Asura Boy, Kaido wanted to recruit him many times.

Even if the Asura boy was once the retainer of Guangyue Mitian.

It’s just that they don’t want to, Kaido is temporarily unable to catch the Asura boy

Nozigao went on to say, "The first phase of Marigioa’s Justice Apartment will be completed and delivered next month.

Lynn said, "Next month...it should be time to tell them that I will go back. Besides, I will send someone to invite General Zefa again."

Maintaining a close relationship with the Navy can not only make money, but also reduce your own threats.At least let the world government think that Lynn is dependent on them.

Nuoqigao replied, "We have arranged."

Lynn asked, "By the way, how about the Navy's use of credit cards?"

"As of last month, Lieutenant Taotu has consumed 4.9 million Baileys and Lieutenant Tea Dolphin has consumed 77

0 million Baileys, Lieutenant General Crane consumes 1.2 million Baileys, Green Pheasant General consumes 26.57 million Baileys, Huang

General Ape consumes 1.1 million Baileys..." Nuojiao said a long name. The consumption of tea dolphin and green pheasant was the highest.

The green pheasant was really not polite to Lin En.

Swipe UR credit card desperately

"They are willing to spend, which is a good thing, don't rush to dunning."

Lynn specifically ordered.

Applying for a credit card to the Navy itself is a bribe.

The more money they spend, the closer the relationship with Lynn.

Moreover, the navy goes to Lynn Square for consumption, so the safety and popularity of Lynn Square can also be

Widely publicized

4.1 "The town of St. Baiyang was attacked by pirates today. It was done by the Candy Pirates. The security forces have gone after them, and the navy has also sent people to deal with them."

"Yeah." Lynn replied disapprovingly.Any news of being attacked is not unexpected.

Even naval bases can be attacked by pirates who live and die.

Not to mention the area where Lynn invests.

The only difference is the amount of loss.

For example, in this attack, after the Candy Pirates were discovered, they were quickly defeated by the security forces.

I have to say that since the female soldiers of Amazon Lily joined the security forces, their combat effectiveness is indeed

Get a straight lift.

Chapter 207: Lynn's ambition!

Guran Tezolo Entertainment City

It’s not an exaggeration to call it the world’s largest entertainment city

Unlike Lynn’s industrial layout, Tezolo specializes in the entertainment industry, which is dominated by gambling, and assists the usury industry.

The advantage of this is that the cost is small and the benefit is large.

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