Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 161

Lynn wants to use this as an opportunity to expand his own armed forces

The external propaganda is naturally to protect the caravan.

Because the intention is now spread, the armed forces on the route need to be strengthened.

This is the'explanation' of the world government.

Otherwise, strengthening your own armed forces for no reason will stimulate the world government

But now there is not only an opportunity.

It can also be converted into adult average

Divide the security forces into various routes, so that they feel that the whole is too strong.

Blue blue

Blue Blue...

Lin En was telling Dongli and Broki about going to Elbuff.

The phone worm on the desktop called.

"Lynn, my concubine heard that the caravan was attacked in the West Sea. Can my concubine help?"

The phone worm imitated Hancock's bad expression and firm voice.

Chapter two hundred and thirteen: accidentally alarmed the world!

Lynn said, "I have sent someone to deal with the Xihai matter."

"The concubine just wants to help a little."

Hancock's tone suddenly fell a bit.

She wanted to get close to Lynn, so she kept on showing her presence.

In her opinion, it is a very happy thing to be able to do things for Lynn and to help Lynn

Lynn said, "However, Xihai does need force to deter you, so I will work hard for you."

"Really? Can my concubine really help you?"

Hancock was very excited.

Lynn said, "Well, with your help, it will be a lot easier."

"The concubine is leaving now to Xihai"

Hancock ended the call.

"Sister, we are all ready."

Mary Groud and Sanda Sonia have assembled the fighters of the Pirates of the Nine Snakes

"set off!"

Hancock walked directly to the beach

As the snake drags, the Nine Snakes and Pirates leave Daughter Island

Dongli and Broki prepare separately

Lynn is explaining what happened after he left.

Blue blue.

Blue blue

The phone worm started calling again.

It's a cyan phone worm.

Green pheasant.

Lynn picked up the microphone and asked, "Anything?"

The green pheasant said, "Teacher Zefa has already taken the guerrillas to Xihai. Don’t worry, the headquarters

Lieutenant General Ghost Spider was also sent to deal with it."Lynn said with a smile, "My son is really big.""

The green pheasant said, "This matter is also related to the face of the navy. After all, the navy escorts

Under the circumstances, I was attacked. "Thank you so much. It seems I want to treat you to a good meal."

call ended.

Lin couldn't help touching his chin

How could the ghost spider deal with it?

Shouldn't it be sending fire to burn mountains, or flying squirrels and others?

Ghost spiders are tough hawks in the Navy.

It's from Akagu.

Lin En and Aka dog have never seen each other.

"It seems that Aka Inu treats me well."

Lynn remembered that Governor Beihai had taken the initiative to look for him.

It felt strange at the time.

Now it is the ghost spider going to the West Sea in person.

This must be a direct order from Akinu

Just as Lynn expected.

It was indeed an order from Akinu.

In the eyes of Akagi, the existence of the Lynn Chamber of Commerce is a "correct" existence

As long as the Linn Chamber of Commerce can reach Beihai, Nanhai, and Xihai

Then these places will definitely appear in industrial areas, commercial streets and other places.

There will be stable jobs.

Some places will even start to prosper.

Although it cannot completely change the status quo of the world, it is a positive promotion for the local economy


Therefore, as long as it is beneficial to the world, Akinu is naturally willing to support it.As for sending ghost spiders, will they make a fuss?

Akinu doesn't think so

Because he doesn't believe in people like Huoshaoshan and flying squirrels.

They are doves in the navy, they are soft-hearted and let them deal with the pirates.

The most is to capture the pirates back, shut them in and push them into the city.

This is not right.

You should kill all pirates

Only when the pirates are scared and terrified can they dare not do evil again.

Moreover, ghost spiders can show their attitude when they go to the West Sea

The Navy sent a lieutenant general to prove that the Navy fully supports the Lynn Chamber of Commerce

, Just leave this kind of trivial matter to others?"Sakaski, why did you let me go to Xihai

At this time, the ghost spider contacted the red dog with a phone bug,"

Sending the ghost spider to the West China Sea, it was Akagu who directly contacted the Warring States Period and gave advice.The ghost spider also knows that without the tacit approval of the red dog, the Warring States Period would not easily transfer him to leave the headquarters.

Bi Jing Ghost Spider is one of the important combat power of this department.

"Do you think it's a trivial matter?"

Akimaru asked blankly.

"I... OK

The ghost spider knows Akagi, and seeing his reaction, he dare not complain anymore.

Akagu said: "Dispose of the pirates as soon as possible to ensure the normal operation of the Lynn Chamber of Commerce."

"I understand." The ghost spider ended the call and took a boat to the West Sea

"I have already calculated that Xihai's branch has started tracking them and will give you a message as soon as possible."

"That really caused you trouble."

Lynn just ended the call with Shak Rock Dahl.

Blue blue.

Blue blue

The phone worm called.

Lynn glanced at the black phone bug shell.


"I will ask the local comrades to assist you with regard to Xihai."

The phone worm imitated Dorag's serious expression.

Lynn said, "Thank you (Nuo's Zhao) for your help."

This is not very surprising.

The caravan going to the West Sea was robbed. This is not a trivial matter in the eyes of the revolutionary army.

Lynn Chamber of Commerce has strong organizational capabilities.

A large amount of materials can be purchased from various places.

Although these materials will be sold to the revolutionary army at a high price, but with these materials, the revolutionary army will

The liberation movement of China can be carried out smoothly.

For the Revolutionary Army, the Lynn Chamber of Commerce means "the logistics department has not moved, and the food and grass will go first.

Now that there is a problem in the Hou Le department, they naturally need to come out to solve the problem

Before contacting Lynn, Dorag had asked Morrie, commander of the Western Army, to investigate and track Kidd.

The pirates shouted.

At the same time, Dorag also sent Saab to the West Sea

Chapter 214: Enemy with the whole world overnight!

No one asks the poor in the downtown area, and the rich has distant relatives in the mountains.

The hijacking of a merchant ship in the West China Sea was just a small incident.

In the world of pirates, it is simply too common.

However, the merchant ship belongs to the Lynn Chamber of Commerce.

The Lynn Chamber of Commerce is not an ordinary chamber of commerce.

In terms of social stability, the Lynn Chamber of Commerce is very important.

As long as the Linn Chamber of Commerce invests in the construction of an industrial zone.

So, it can provide at least 100,000 or even more than 200,000 jobs.

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