Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 182

Only if the Navy loses enough combat power can it help Lynn's plan to be realized smoothly.

Of course, this is purely Lynn’s own position to maximize the benefits

Lynn did not stay in Xia Qi's shop for long.

He just left Ace as Roger's son to Xia Qi, and asked Xia Qi to tell Raleigh

Then Lynn let Bruno and Guina come in

Bruno opened an air door.

Lynn and Guina walked into the door and disappeared into the store.

As if no one had been here.

At this time, Xia Qi's face was full of solemn expressions.

She knows something big is going to happen

Chambord Islands.16

For the first time, Lu Fei and others felt that freedom was restricted.

Although there are many shops in the Chambord Islands, and it is like a dream country, it is extremely prosperous

But once the Tianlong people passed by, the whole street was silent.

Everyone was driven to both sides of the road, unable to look at the Tianlongren.

Once discovered by the Tianlong people and made them interested, the disaster will come.

Killing publicly and robbing others of their wives and daughters.

This kind of thing is simply too common.

For this kind of thing, the Navy is completely indifferent and even helps.

Even the famous supernovas need to stay away.

It wasn't until Lu Fei and the Holy Family of Charl Rose clashed at the population auction.

Luffy still beat Charl Rose St.

Raleigh shot him to save him.

The Chambord Islands sounded a harsh alarm.

As if the end is coming.

Because the admiral is coming!

No one can harm the Tianlong people. The admiral needs to stand up and protect the sky at the first time.

Lin En was very calm about the rights of the dragon people, protecting the safety of the dragon people, and defending the status of the dragon people.

What should happen is destined to be posted.

At this time, Simon Leslie, head of the Chambord Islands Division, said to Lynn, "President, now

It's noisy outside, I want to ask the sword troops to protect the shop."Simon Leslie has 60 shops in the Chambord Islands, and at the same time, there are more than 100

house.He is most afraid of people taking the opportunity to make trouble in the shop.

"Yeah." Lynn agreed.

Afterwards, the security forces were dispatched and started at Lynn Square, Justice Apartments, and related businesses

Blocks, armed defense.Ainilu also took the priest's troops, and Gabra and others appeared in the block.

Gabra and others are also wanted by the world government, so they wear masks on their faces.

"The kid plays house."

Lynn looked at the supernova in the distance, their battle with the navy seemed bloody

In fact, there is no perception of fighting at all.

Whether it’s from the North Sea, Basil Hawking, a magician with a bounty of 240.9 million Baileys

It's also Skulachman Arp with a bounty of 198 million Baileys.

Or maybe Chiqi Drake, who was born in Beihai and offered a bounty of 220 million Baileys

These supernovas clean up the ordinary navy, it is like abusing food.

Among this group of people, Lynn's gaze fixed on Ulki, a strange monk from the sky.

Urki offered a reward of 108 million Pele, the lowest among the nine supernovas.

Ainilu's gaze was also on Urgi.

Because the wings on Urji's back represent that Urji came from the sky island.

Lynn said, "He's an interesting guy."

Ainilu nodded, "The priest's army lacks a strong general like him.

I have to admit that Urki fought bravely.

Compared with the priest's army, it is really different

Lynn said to Anilu, "Then go get in touch.

"Yeah." Ainilu nodded

Ainilu knew that Lynn needed more combat power.

Recruiting giants from Lynn to Elbaff, recruiting Baroque job clubs, CP9 and others

Start.And Ainilu also has its own plans.

His dream is to return to the infinite land.

However, he can't be the 253 polished commander, he also needs strong subordinates.

A dazzling golden beam lased.

He flew out Urji who was fighting.

It was Huang Yuan who came.

This guy is here to release the water.

At the same time, a large number of Basomian bears appeared on the island'

Bartolomio rubbed his eyes in disbelief, "How come there are so many?"

Lynn said, "Pacifists, artificial weapons of the world government."

The world government has the world's leading technology.

Among them, artificial weapons are excellent combat power.

This is why Lynn has been secretly researching technology over the years.

Although it cannot surpass Begapunk, it can also cause major problems for the world government.

"Boss, a pirate is about to break in."

Weber pointed to the pirate who was being chased by the philist in the distance.

"This is our industry, but the navy must not be destroyed."

When Lynn spoke, he had already patted Guina on the head.

"Go and clean it up, don't let it move again."

Chapter 243: Weird Monk Urki!

Guina stepped on the moon step and quickly walked over the roof.

"Don't come here!"

Facing the pacifists, this man-made weapon looks as terrifying as the Basolomi bear.

The pirates have no power to resist.

They pulled the trigger in despair.

However, the bullet hit the skin without causing any injuries.

Even the skin is made of a special alloy.


The iron fist fell, and the pirates were killed directly.

But when the pacifist continued to move, a figure stood in front of it.

It was Guina.

Accompanied by a gentle exhalation

Guina pulled out the knife.

There is only the light of the knife

Cut off the peaceful arms, legs, and head of the world.

Bartolomio murmured, "I thought it was so powerful, but it was easily cut by Guina.

"It's really not very powerful, but it's enough for most people."

Lynn believes that the world government and navy's understanding of artificial weapons is not about how invincible they are.

But it produces energy while being able to control it.

Of course, with the birth of new technology, weapons will continue to be upgraded

After Huang Yuan arrived in the Chambord Islands, he began to abuse food

The so-called supernova, in his eyes, are just a group of kids who are tricky

Only Hawkins is an exception.

Of course, if Huang Yuan really wants to kill him, then even if Hawkins has a thousand lives, it’s not enough.

It was not until Lei Li appeared that Huang Yuan had a reasonable reason to release the water.

"Is this guy undercover?"

Lynn thought to himself.

Huang Yuan's identity has always been a mystery.

Although Huang Yuan pursues ambiguous justice, he does not ask for merit but no fault.

However, this release of water is too powerful.

If the red dog appeared in the Chambord Islands, it would be a big kill now

Bi Jing kills the germ of evil in advance, and avoiding future troubles is the right choice

While Lynn was observing the Yellow Ape, the real Bartholome Bear also began to'save people.

Nami, Usopp and others were photographed one after another.

In the end, only Luffy was left.

In Luffy's desperate cry, Luffy was also shot flying.

The farce is over


Almost all supernovae escaped safely from the Chambord Islands

"It's really a wonderful battle, and thanks to your general arrival in time, otherwise my business will

It is about to suffer heavy losses."At this time, Lynn came to Huang Yuan.

Huang Yuan looked at Lynn and said with a smile, "If the president is here first, there can be no big

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