Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: The Dark Capitalist Chapter 192

Facing the blue pheasant's throwing the pot, the red dog does not accept it

"Just melt all the ice.

At this time, Huang Yuan also added.

Obviously, Huang Yuan is in support of the green pheasant.

Since the red dog you are all blue pheasant ice, why don't you melt it?

Therefore, the responsibility lies with you.

These two guys.

One will shirk responsibility, and one will only paddle.

Akinu sullen his face.

"Then melt it!"

Aka Inu was really angry, and he used Meteor Volcano again.

A large number of giant meteors spewed out, like an erupting volcano constantly bombarding the ice

But there is still a large amount of navy on the ice.

The red dog is now attacking without axe.

Drop down!!!

Under the attack of the red dog, the ice surface melted.

The pirate on the ice lost its footing.

Lost a foothold, is the gun target!

At this time, not only was the ice melted, but even the white-bearded Mobile was destroyed by the red dog.

The Warring States took a deep breath and picked up the phone bug again: "Now execute Ace quickly!"

Focus on the heart!

Now, while the red dog suppressed the pirate's momentum and made the pirate lose his way of retreat, he was making the pirate distraught.


The soldier to be executed is ready.

At the same time, the live broadcast to the world ended

Seeing that the two executioners were about to kill Ace.

At this moment, the two suddenly rolled their eyes and fell down.


In the chaotic battlefield.

Who is it!


Accompanied by a scream.

Navy soldiers are like fallen leaves swept away.

"I'm sorry, the old man is late."

Raleigh held the sword in one hand and walked towards the execution platform.

Although his hair has turned pale.

But every time he took a step, the surrounding marines would subconsciously retreat.

Hades Raleigh

One Piece Roger's right hand.

The legendary pirate who is still alive!

"Roger, I won't just watch your bloodline and cut it off here."

Raleigh walked forward.

"Here is another one who is looking for death!"

Akagi murmured with a sullen face.

"Kula la la..."

White Beard couldn't help laughing.

"Ace, thanks to your care, I thank you for Roger."

Raleigh came to Baibeard's side and thanked him.

Baibeard said disapprovingly, "He is my son taking care of him for granted.

Have you started to reminisce about the past?

The Warring States period knew that he should make a move.

I saw the Warring States take off his military uniform and cloak.

He is a wise general and also a navy marshal. He can't do it, so he tries not to do it.

However, the current situation completely calmed his expectations.

What he arranged was an annihilation war

As a result, there are more variables such as Luffy, Bucky, and Shaklockdal.

A Leily appeared unexpectedly.

However, fortunately there is only one Raleigh.

Even if Baibeard and Rayleigh, Shaklockdal and others temporarily joined forces, they could not be opponents of the Navy.

Without an order from the Warring States, the green pheasant attacked the white beard.

The red dog was still dissatisfied with the green pheasant just now. Now that the green pheasant is actively attacking Whitebeard, he doesn't care about him too much for the time being.

However, Huang Yuan...

Going to trouble Luffy?!

Wouldn't it be enough to kill Luffy with a single blow?

In the suspicious eyes of the red dog, Huang Yuan kicked the injured Luffy to Baibeard.

What is this guy doing?

What made Akakin even more unbearable was that the green pheasant actually tangled with Joz.

These two guys!

Are you still reluctant to be more serious now?!

Forget it, I can't count on them

Akino decided to get rid of the white beard himself!

Chapter 256: The battle between White Beard and Red Dog!

Aka Inu went to deal with White Beard himself

However, the condition of the white beard is not bad now.

Because of Lynn's intervention, Whitebeard's heart was not pierced by Scuard.

The white beard is still'opening the way'.

The destructive power of the shaking fruit is still destroying Malin Vando.

"Heaven Dog!"

The red dog rushed to Karp with a shave, and then his arm turned into lava

The lavaged arm quickly stretched and attacked the white beard.

This move not only has a very fast attack speed, but also has extraordinary power.

However, the white beard’s heart is not injured now, and his domineering appearance predicts the movement of the red dog.

Since you want to fight, then fight the "fifty and twenty" frame upright.

I saw Baibeard waved Congyunqi in his hand and slashed hard at the magma arm.


The shock wave cut from the cloud hit the magma arm.

Centered on the white beard and the red dog, the ground around them vibrates violently

The square, which had been damaged by the war, cracked again under the shock of this moment.

"Yaohan won't be able to hold it!"

A major general exclaimed.

However, now who cares about the main part.

The focus of the battlefield has completely hit the red dog and white beard.

Aka Inu and White Beard entered a close fight.

The white beard punched the red dog in the abdomen.

Click, click, click, click

There was a sound of broken glass in the air.

Drop down!!

The moment before the red dog was blown away.

"Heaven Dog!"

Ming Dog blasted out again, this time the target was the white beard's face.

Baibeard predicted the attack of the red dog, but his cheek was still severely injured.

Although half of his face has not been ruined, the big chunks of flesh are gone.

Trade injury for injury.

The battle between monsters is so pure.

Knowing that you are going to get hurt, you will be hit hard at the moment you get hurt.

In this way, no matter how strong the domineering scene is, it can predict the attack.

However, how can it be avoided at such a close distance?

"It's a pure battle."

Lynn said with emotion.

His teacher Kosaburo has always hoped that Lynn could break through again.

Only by concentrating on kendo, through time and death perception, can you break through to the extreme.

However, Lynn never made good use of this talent.

Otherwise, he is either challenging the general or on the road to the Four Emperors

However, the battle of the red dog still brought a lot of influence on the yellow ape and the green pheasant.

The red dog fought desperately.


He is going to kill White Beard.

If they are still paddling, it is not just unreasonable.

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