Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: The Dark Capitalist Chapter 194

The burned body, as well as the injuries that continued to aggravate, had already counted Baibeard’s breathing.

"Then you can enjoy your luxurious funeral!

The red dog sneered.

Talking and talking rubbish in battle, just to irritate the opponent or distract the opponent

For the monster-like powerhouse.

Let the opponent be distracted and find a chance to hit the opponent hard.

This is a very profound knowledge

At this time, a heat wave rose on the battlefield.

It's the flame of Ace!

Ace's handcuffs were opened by Raleigh.


543 Ace's fist directly blasted the navy that was trying to encircle them.

Naturally, the efficiency of clearing troops is indeed high.

"Ace is rescued!"


The pirates on the side of the White Beard Pirates are very excited.

Only the red dog looked solemn.

The complexion of Warring States was also unsightly.

Huang Yuan was scratching his head with a careless expression on my face, "It's really troublesome."

On the green pheasant's face, there was a smile that was not easy to detect.

Then, the smile disappeared quickly

As Doflamingo said.

The navy of justice, the pirate of evil?

Both justice and evil can switch roles.

Since there is no justice at all, what is the point of victory?

Moreover, the green pheasant also hoped that Luffy and Ace could leave here.

Perhaps their respective bloodlines can bring changes to the world.

"From now on, all retreat, my queen! Be sure to return to the new world safely!"

At this time, Baibeard shouted at the crowd.

Baibeard knows very well that if he does not die, the navy will not let it go.

Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty-eighth: Red Dog's Radical Skill!

The Moby Dick sank in front of White Beard

As the remnant party of the times.

Before Baibeard came to Malin Vatican, he knew he could not go back.


The members of the White Beard Pirates, including Ace who had just been rescued, were dull.

"Father, let me break the queen for you!"

The pirates stood up one by one.

"How can a son die before his father!"

Baibeard waved his hand disapprovingly.


The pirates of the White Beard Pirates group felt unhappy.

"I am here to say goodbye to you!"

"This is the last command from the captain!"

Baibeard said firmly and seriously.

"Retreat!" Marco and others looked at the white beard, forced to endure it, turned and left

At this moment, Ace knelt in front of White Beard

"Needless to say." Baibeard looked at Ace and asked, "Ace, I only ask you one question, I am a competent father."

"Of course." Ace nodded firmly with tears in his eyes.

Compared to Roger, Ace is willing to admit the white beard

"Kula la la..."

The stalwart body gave out the most heroic laugh belonging to the overlord of this era.

As a pirate, he does not pursue wealth and power.

The past companions are very puzzled.

However, White Beard was satisfied

What he wants is a family

He did it!

White beard's smile echoed over Malin Vandore.

The Warring States watched the white beard pirates retreating quickly and immediately ordered the navy to pursue it.

"Your opponent is only me!"

Baibeard waved his hand and cut from the cloud.

Without children by my side, I can finally enjoy a fight

With the cut from the cloud.

The entire Marin Vatican square is divided into two

The whole island was split

"Open the gun"!"

"No matter how powerful he is, there is only one person!"

"Even if it is a monster, it is also a human!"

To surround the wall, all the guns were aimed at White Beard.

It was like attacking little Oz just now.

There are not only shells, but also guns.

Cannonballs and bullets have formed a terrorist barrage visible to the naked eye.

"Hey." Lynn sighed

In this case, it is impossible for the white beard to hold on.

Behind the barrage of shelling and bullets.

Afterwards, thick smoke rose from Marin Vatican Square.

It smells like gunpowder.


"He is still standing!"

"Monster, worthy of being a legendary monster!"

Moria, Doflamingo and others were all staring at it.

The navy rushed forward.

Continue to consume the physical strength of the white beard.

"Kula la la...

The white beard waved again from the cloud to cut and launched an earthquake

After the large-scale navy was shaken off, it fell heavily to the ground and did not get up.

Whitebeard alone has caused terrible casualties to the Navy

Want to kill a monster at the level of four emperors and generals.

It is impossible to succeed without paying terrible casualties.

"Ace, set sail, hurry up!"

At this time, the pirates of the White Beard Pirate Group shouted towards Ace and Luffy.

Aka Inu was not willing to let Ace and others escape.

He can't control White Beard for the time being, and he doesn't want to control White Beard.

Because the white beard is going to stay and break, it must be dead.

What Akadog will do is to expand the results.

At this time, Aka Inu said in a contemptuous voice: "When Ace is rescued, he immediately flees with his tail clipped. The White Beard Pirates are really a group of cowards.

The captain is too, there is no way, after all, the white beard is just the loser of the last era.

Aka Inu said this to Ace deliberately.


Blue veins on Ace's forehead were violent, and he was really hit by Akadog's aggressive skills.

"Swallow what I said just now!"

Ace said to the red dog fiercely

"Ace, forget it, leave him alone!"

The pirates of the White Beard Pirate Group wanted to hold Ace and pull Ace aboard.

",The white beard, who was blocked by your biological father Roger, is a loser forever.

What is wrong with what I said?

You wouldn't think that the rabble crowds praising fathers and fathers, performing funny dramas of family harmony, and being prestigious at sea can be regarded as the work of the times."

The red dog continued to anger Ace.

"shut up!"

Ace is so angry

"Daddy gave us a place to stay. You don't understand his greatness at all."

Ace's anger exploded.

The red dog's mouth-gun skills are indeed strong.

Lin En watched all this silently, he had done everything he could do

As for whether Ace can survive

That is his own destiny.

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