Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 200

Lynn did not deliberately engage in personality cult, but on the first page of the employee handbook, the Lynn Chamber of Commerce

The founder’s name is him, and the photo is also his.The core is to use commerce to bring hope to the world.

Zefa just came back from outside, he came to the green pheasant's office.

Zefa has heard a lot about the marshal candidate recently.

In fact, many of his students are paying attention to this matter.

The Warring States period wanted to push the green pheasant.

However, senior government officials in the world want to choose Aka dog.

The green pheasant and the red dog choose one.

The future will cause conflicts.

When Zefa came in, the green pheasant was sleeping. As a teacher, the students slept lazily during work.

Naturally to be reprimanded

Zefa said in a serious tone: "Rather than sleep in the office, it is better to spare some energy and do something good for the world."

The green pheasant opened his eyes and asked, "Is it beneficial to help the businessmen make money?" Zefa dipped his cigar and said, "What you see is only the appearance. Sometimes we should care more.

The actual problem."

The green pheasant asked: "Practical?" Zefa replied: "The simplest textile factory allows thousands of women workers to have the work to feed their children

If their husbands are also working, they will have enough food and clothing

The green pheasant fell into thinking."Kuzan, whether it is a pirate guerrilla or training security for a businessman, this is my attempt.

Is what we can do for the world."

Zefa patted the green pheasant on the shoulder.Although Zefa today is different from the past, his thinking is less rigid.

what about you?You should also do something seriously.

Zefa seriously told the green pheasant.

This is the duty as a teacher.

The green pheasant is his optimistic study

It can even be said that it is the most anticipated among his students

Compared with the red dog and the yellow ape.

Green pheasants are more capable of leading the navy.

Although the blue pheasant does a good job, it is impossible to completely change the navy, but at least the dog commander the sea

The army is much stronger.

After Zefa left, the green pheasant fell into deep thought."Seriously meaningful?"

The green pheasant laughed mockingly.

For the green pheasant, he was confused about justice.

He believed that his original intention to join the navy was right.

Protect the weak, defeat evil, and serve justice.

But what is justice and what is evil

The winner represents justice?

The navy is the overlord of the sea and the facade of the world government. The navy will win, that means


The green pheasant denies this deformed justice.The green pheasant is exposed to too many dirty sides of the world government.

The more he touches, the weaker he becomes.

Just like he and Small, he hoped that he could gain a higher position to change the navy,

Let the navy return to justice.

Rather than bullying the weak and helping the weak.However, it was because he tried.Therefore, they lose interest in promotion.

Because whether it’s a general or a marshal, even the entire world government is just the work of the world government.

That's it.

It is precisely because of the complete disappointment of the world government that the green pheasant completely left the navy after losing the battle for the marshal.

He is seeking change.Any method is good and can change the status quo of the world.

Even extreme means.

PS: My understanding of the green pheasant, the green pheasant joined Blackbeard should not be for undercover

After losing the battle for the marshal, the green pheasant lost a leg and left the navy, it should be completely left

It’s not so much about joining Blackbeard, it’s better to say it’s hope to use the power of Blackbeard to achieve change

The purpose of the world.

Just like Zefa.Zefa thought that onepiece produced pirates, so he destroyed the new world.

There is no pirate with onepiece

The path chosen seemed extreme, but it was really helpless.Because apart from doing this, I really can’t think of any way to change the world

Personally, if Oda slaps her face, then let's slap her face.

Chapter 266: The Eve of the Navy's Infighting!

"Ain, let's have breakfast together."

Nuoqigao took the initiative to say hello to Ai Yin.

The training ground for the sword forces is set up in the Chambord Islands.

Right under the nose of the world government.

Lynn didn't seem to be afraid of being'seen' at all.

Or, it was deliberately shown to the world government

Honestly trained security guards

Is there a problem?

In fact, training security is just an excuse. Lynn's real purpose is to dig people.

Let Nuoqi and the others interact with Ai Yin and others.

Maintaining high-frequency contact every day will naturally increase mutual affection

This way of digging is very natural."May 4, 3" When Ai Yin and others have nowhere to go, they will naturally give priority to the Linn Chamber of Commerce


Ayin nodded.

"I recently released a new perfume, I will give you a try."

During the meal, Nuoqigao gave Ain another bottle of high-end perfume

This perfume is a limited edition, and the price of 10 ml exceeds 700,000 Baileys.

The extraction process is complicated and the output is extremely low.

"How can I accept such an expensive gift?" Ai Yin is a woman and knows all the perfume brands currently on the market.

The price of this small bottle is over 3.5 million Baileys.

Nuoqigao said: "We are friends, and you have helped us so much."

"But, this is too expensive." Ai Yin still wanted to decline.

Nuoqigao said: "Friendship between friends cannot be measured by money. If you don't accept it, you will not treat us as friends."

Hearing Nuoqigao said so, Ai Yin couldn't refuse, so she accepted.

Bartolomio was also having dinner with Binz when Ayin and Nozigao ate.

"It's not that I brag with you, I haven't met an opponent since I was a kid."

In front of Binz, Bartolomeo brags about his childhood experience

For men, which one does not have a second-year, or a passionate age.

"How did you meet the president later?" Binz and others asked curiously.

Lynn's story is also a legend.

There are many rumors about Lynn in the market, but most of them are touted.

Moreover, it is an exaggerated flattery.

Bartolomeo talked about how he met Lynn.

"If I didn't meet the big brother, then I might still be just a small bastard, and at best I will become a gang boss. I am lucky to meet the big brother in this life."

Bartolomio said from the bottom of his heart.

"President Lynn is indeed a good person." Binz and others also thought that Lynn was very good.

The welfare of Sword troops is very good.

If they are disabled in battle, the Chamber of Commerce promises to take care of them for the rest of their lives.

If you die in battle, the family members will also be taken care of for a lifetime.

This aspect is very humane.

However, you can also buy a house at an internal price.

Now the location is good, and the safe house is too expensive.

Lin En keeps Nuoji and the students of Zefa in good interaction.

However, the atmosphere inside the Navy has not been so good recently.

Because the scope of world conscription has expanded.

In the past, the World Conscription had never included the'general'.

Now you actually want the world conscription to directly elect the'general'?

Even the Warring States period maintained an oppositional attitude.

Because the Navy has its own promotion system.

Moreover, all marines will receive three-dimensional training from the Navy after entering the Naval Academy.

Learn the navy's physical skills, understand the justice of the navy, and accept the tasks and duties of the navy

Bringing honor and scars, step by step rises to general.

However, now the world government directly orders generals.

Arranging the'recruits' as generals is a destruction of the Navy’s original promotion system

It is also the extreme disbelief of the Navy.

Mary Joa, in Pangu City

At this time, Sengoku was talking with Sora.

Sora said to the Warring States in a helpless tone, "This is also no way.

The performance of the military has made the world government very dissatisfied."

Although the war at the top successfully killed the white beard, the appearance of the green pheasant and the yellow ape is too bad.

Compared with the red dog, the deterrent power of the green pheasant and the yellow ape as the generals is not reflected at all.Therefore, the number of candidates for generals is no longer ready to be selected from the list submitted by the Warring States Period.

It's not just a list of generals.

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