Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 204

Fortunately, they are still low-key.

As for the revolutionary army, if they don’t make trouble, it’s problematic.

Green Pheasant asked: "Is there any news from Teacher Zefa today?

Lynn replied, "It's still the same, with E Navy in the new world to punish crimes.

"Really." The green pheasant continued to read the newspaper, but he rummaged through the newspaper, but he didn't see the straw hat.

News from the Pirates.

He also looked forward to Robin, Luffy and others, who could bring surprises to the world. Mu En said: "However, the NEO Navy and the Navy have also clashed.

But this kind of thing will happen more in the future.

Chapter 271: Red Dog's Order!

The red dog sends Brandy to find Lynn.

Brandu was originally an assistant to the Warring States period, with the rank of brigadier general.

Now he is promoted to the rank of major general by Akagu, and his job responsibilities are the same as before

Although the factions of the doves and hawks in the navy are distinct, the red dog does not think about it.

In his eyes, there is only victory.

Brandy has been working for the Warring States Period in the past, and he has the ability to work.

Therefore, there is no need to replace it.

After seeing Brannew, Lin asked directly: "What is the matter with Marshal Akadog looking for me?"

Brandy said, "I heard that I want to increase orders for a batch of warships."

The navy's warships are basically manufactured in the capital of ten waters, and then handed over to the "May, Four, and Three" teams of the Ministry of Science to install the latest technological equipment.

Lynn now monopolizes the shipbuilding industry in the capital of ten waters.

For the red dog to produce a new warship, it is natural that Linn cannot be avoided.

Lynn said: "That's it, it seems that my intentions are getting better."

After becoming a marshal, Aka Inu really worked hard.

He wants to eliminate the pirates of the new world.

The first step is to expand the Navy’s fleet.

To expand the fleet size, it is natural to build more warships.

Of course, we must also rely on this world conscription.

The second step is to move the naval headquarters directly to the new world to show his determination

At the same time, because the headquarters is transferred to the new world, more materials can be transported to the new world.

With sufficient and stable supplies, we can effectively attack the pirates in the new world.

Tuk tu tu.

A knock on the door was heard.

"Come in." Akagi put down the pen in his hand.

Lynn walked in, and when he saw the red dog, he took the initiative to say hello: "Long time no see, Marshal Aka dog

When Lynn spoke, he looked around Aka Inu and Aka Inu.

A large number of portfolios and documents were placed around Akagu.

The desk is also a hill of documents.

The matters of the navy headquarters are matters of the G1 to G8 branches.

In addition, the matter of the Four Seas Navy.

Even if the so-called trivial matters are deducted, they add up to a lot.

In addition, some marshals can only know the secret of crimes that some marshals can touch

Commit file.Akadog will finish watching now

Akinu got up and walked to the sofa, please sit down."

Lynn sits opposite the red dog

The red dog started to boil water to make tea.

It takes time to boil water to make tea, which proves that Aka Inu wants to talk a lot about Lin En.

Akimaru said, "I plan to expand the combat fleet directly under the navy headquarters."

Lynn said: "If the Navy needs urgently, then I will give priority to production and arrange

Employees work overtime, but the cost of a single warship will be higher."It's very comfortable to talk to you."

Akagi was very satisfied with Lynn's answer.

In Akino's eyes, Lynn is a qualified businessman.

He knows what to do and what not to do, he has his own position.

As long as everyone can cooperate with Lynn in this way, it will be much easier to fight the pirates.

Lin En said: "The purpose of my Chamber of Commerce and I is to provide customers with the best quality service and

product."Akainu said: "This time we need 50 large warships."

The navy’s large warships are all loaded with 1,000 people.

The cost is very expensive.

The red dog is going to build fifty ships in this breath.

It is equivalent to concentrating 50,000 elites as a mobile force to march at any time.

The determination of the red dog to destroy the pirate can be seen.

Lynn said, “For 50 large warships, according to the current manufacturing rate of the dock, the maximum

15 ships were delivered."Aka Inu said: "I hope to deliver 25 ships a year."

Under the operation of Linn, the shipyard in the City of Seven Waters has long been unable to compare its production capacity.

However, Lynn’s current production capacity has also been freed up for his own fleet. Lynn said: “I will try my best and will continue to add more docks in the near future.”

"Yeah." Akagi nodded. He was just showing his attitude, but he also knew that Lynn did not

Is a magician.

Moreover, the internal structure of large warships is very complicated, and the construction speed is indeed relatively slow.Blue blue

Blue blue

The phone worm on the table began to call.

"Lynn, I need your help."

The phone worm imitates Dorag's voice and expression

Lynn said: "Which aspect."

Dorag asked: "Have you heard of Tai Qila Ulp, the country of labor in the East China Sea?"

"Well, I heard it."

Lynn has a deeper impression of the country of labor.

Because this country is building a huge bridge

Moreover, it has been built for 7 centuries.

The Tianlong people detain criminals from all over the world and citizens of non-participating countries as slaves.

Perform forced labor

Dorag said: "We want to liberate it."

3.7 is different from liberating other countries.The country that liberated labor is already a Tianlong people.

After all, the slaves here belong to the Tianlong people.

Lynn asked, "What can I do?"

Dorag said: "In addition to food and medicine, they need to be settled so that they can

stay alive."

The rise and development of Lynn over the years has given Dorag a great inspiration.

The revolution is not only destruction, but also construction, and it must also allow the people to have enough food and clothing. In this regard, Dorag is ashamed of it. Therefore, he needs Lynn’s help.

If possible, he even hoped that Lynn could serve as a financial adviser to help the Revolutionary Army manage its finances.

Service and after Le.

Chapter 272: Build a new country!

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility

Daring will help the world, and the poor will be alone.

The position of capitalists is to make money and make more money.

However, because the capitalists have more resources, the capitalists have become the opponents of all parties.

Lynn is now the object of being needed and drawn.

Although Dorag did not invite again, but the request made by Dorag did not regard Lynn as an outsider'.

In Dorage's eyes, Lynn could be attracted.

Because Lynn's position is not on the side of the world government.

Just after the conversation with Dorag, Nuoqigao asked, "What should I do with so many slaves?"

Lynn said: "I have arrangements, you can adjust the supplies now."

"Yeah." Nuoqigao didn't ask much. Since Lynn said there was a solution, she naturally believed

In fact, Lynn’s nation-building plan required a lot of labor.

Especially public construction.

The slaves of the labor country happened to be cheap labor delivered to the door.

The best way to solve employment is to build infrastructure.

Build roads, bridges, houses, water conservancy projects...

Every project requires a large number of workers.

One month after the riots in the country of labor

In the hospital.

Lin En smiled and said to the green pheasant: "I plan to establish a country, do you want to be our country?

Marshal?"At this time, the green pheasant's injury is almost healed.

In a week, he will be able to leave the hospital.

"The establishment of national?"

Although the green pheasant was surprised, he had no doubt about Lin En's ability to build a nation.

First of all, building a country is not a very'complex' thing.

For Lynn, as long as he occupies a deserted island and pays the heavenly gold to the dragon, then

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