Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 222

His heart and lungs are all damaged to a certain degree and need to be recuperated.

Wald gave an'um', which was considered a response.

Bin Jack said: "Take medicine first, you need to recover as soon as possible."

The navy is hunting them down.

Novel, one

It's different from before.

Now that he is injured, he can't get too entangled with the navy.

Wald drank thick green soup.

Bin Jack said, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left you behind."

He wanted to say this to Wald early on.

As the elder brother, he should have taken care of his younger brother.

However, Wald has always been taking care of him.

Moreover, Binjak has been very guilty all these years, he will remember the look in Wald's eyes when he was abandoned.

A man as strong as Wald must be desperate at that moment when he was abandoned.

Wald said coldly: "Does it make any sense to say this now?"

Thirty years.

It has been frozen for thirty years.

In these thirty years, Wald has repeatedly asked himself the question "Is it worth it?"

Is this brotherhood really worth it?

Wald is not afraid of death, he can die for Binjak, but Binjak abandoned him

Really exchange unfeeling

Probably this is the psychological gap that is difficult to balance

"I, I know you don't believe us now."

Bin Jack looked at Wald.

At this time, Naiqin consciously exited the room, leaving room for the two brothers to talk.

"However, we are in a terrible situation now. Although President Lynn did not have the idea of ​​killing us, we did offend them, and the Navy is now holding on to us."

Bin Jack is explaining the current situation.

Offending the Lynn Chamber of Commerce means that they will be more dangerous on the sea in the future

Because the Lynn Chamber of Commerce has liaison offices all over the world.

If the Lynn Chamber of Commerce fully assists the Navy in catching them, the world is big, but there are few places for them to shelter.

Wald was a little impatient. "What on earth do you want to say?"

Bin Jack said: "We can cooperate with the Lynn Chamber of Commerce, or, temporarily rely on them, get their help, and get rid of the navy's pursuit."

In the past, Bundy Wald was too domineering. Whether it was the pirates, the navy, or other forces, he dared to offend him.

Admittedly, this is indeed very free and very cool.

However, the current sea is an era of strong alliances.

The world government 560 and the four emperors also maintain close ties

Not to mention the Navy and Wuhai.

Bin Jack said: "Wald, times have changed. It is difficult for us to survive in this world as we lived in the past."

"I don't like that guy, he is dangerous."

Wald said to Binjack.

Although Wald is not as smart as Binjak, he has met countless people in the ocean for so many years.

Lynn feels like he is facing the abyss

I can't see through.

Just like when fighting Lynn.

Feeling restricted everywhere, he can see through everywhere.

This made Wald unable to let go.

It's not so much cooperation with Linn, it is better to be used by Linn.

Wald pursues freedom, he doesn't like being used by others.

"Wald, you are..."

Don't wait for Bin Jack to persuade.


The whole ship shook violently.

Was attacked!

Those who attacked the Ward Pirates turned out to be Moonlight Moria’s new work Oz, and several naval ships.

Chapter 298: Waiting for you to beg me!

Moria put his hands around his chest, lazily watching the attack by the zombie Oz.

Little Oz is his new work. In order to match the shadow of Oz, he took a lot of effort.

At this time, Perona was next to Moria, "President Lynn is really fascinating, let us deal with this guy."


"It would be nice if you could get his shadow."

If it was the order of the navy, Moria might not be willing to come.

However, Lynn'hopes' he will come.

Moriah met Linn as much as possible.

Of course, Lynn also provided him with a lot of help.

Between each other, mutual benefit and mutual benefit.

And not far from Moria, on the naval warship, flying squirrels and Huoshaoshan, carrying six warships, are continuing the bombardment.

The news was given to them by Lynn.

Sure enough, Lynn didn't let them out.

At this moment, Little Oz kept attacking.

His body is like a mountain, and every attack will cause waves tens of meters high.

"Keep firing!"

Bang bang bang!!!

One by one, the shells fell on the ships of the Ward Pirates.

At this time, Wald hugged the main gun.

The cannonball shot out, and at the same time it increased speed and magnification by a hundred times, and flew towards a warship.

Including the warship, a huge spray was blown out of the entire sea.

The impact of the spray almost capsized the surrounding warships.

Binjak said to Wald: "Wald, you can't fall in love with war, the navy's reinforcements will soon follow."

Shut up, I know what to do!"

Wald's face was grim, and then he fired again.

As long as there is no real monster present, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Wald fired again.

This time the cannonball hit the warship where the flying squirrel was.

The flying squirrel jumped up, and the sabre around his waist was quickly unsheathed.


Although Chen Gong cut open the shell, it caused the shell to explode prematurely.

But the air waves from the explosion still hit the warship.

Bundy Wald is not so easy to deal with.

In order to capture Bundy Wald, the Warring States had to use shameless tactics.

Navy headquarters.

The red dog hit the table hard.

"Anyway, let him escape again."

Chi Inu gritted his teeth and said.

The two lieutenants, with a Wu Hai lineup, failed to hold Wald.

At this time, Warring States said: "It doesn't matter, just bite him."

"You don't need to teach me what to do."

Akino said coldly, he hates being preached by the Warring States

The Warring States period seemed to have not heard half of it, and said to the crane around him: "Quickly let Stoberry and others and the flying

Rats and Huoshaoshan moved closer, don't give Wald time to rest.""Ok."He agreed with the suggestion of the Warring States.

Crane is the chief of staff of the headquarters and plays a very important role in combat command.

He agreed with it, and Akagi couldn't refute it.

So, under the order of the red dog, Stoloberg and the warship of the ghost spider quickly went to the fire

Burning Mountain and others approached.Since Lynn arranged for Moria to chase Wald, he would naturally look for others.

Such as Mihawk.

As a matter of fact, Akadog had already enlisted Qiwuhai to participate in the battle to capture Wald.

It’s just that Wu Hai is here, every one is paddling, none of them want to play a role for the navy.

Finally, Lynn came forward.

Qiwuhai just started to get serious

White fish appeared in the sky.

Wald and others, who escaped for a day and night, have not had a chance to rest

At this time, a ship floated on the sea.

The ship that looked like a glorious ship immediately aroused everyone’s vigilance

Because the owner of this ship is Hawkeye Mihawk

At this time, Mihawk was tilting Erlang's legs while reading the book.

He didn't pay attention to Wald not far away.

", Wave after wave, endless


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