Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 228

The clouds and mist are like a paradise.

And in Zow, there are city walls, cities, sentry towers, forests, and rivers.

Lin didn't have the idea of ​​destroying the city gate, but flew directly to the Whale Forest.

"Anilu, Akin, Bartolomio "Five Six Zero"."

Lynn said to Ainilu and others.

The people who were named looked at Lynn.

Lynn said: "All the people in the whale forest, and those who try to enter the whale forest, are all subdued."

Obtain the historical text of the signpost in the Whale Forest.

This is the purpose of Lynn coming here.

As for the fur family

Lynn also wanted to subdue.

Bi Jing, the fur clan's combat effectiveness is not bad.

Moreover, men, women and children can fight.


Ainilu and others immediately got off the boat.

Ainilu's domineering and domineering dissipated with the electric wave, enveloped the entire Zou, and locked the target in the Whale Forest.

Whale Forest is the territory of the knight group.

The knight group is a force of the "King of the Night-Cat Viper Boss".

The overall strength is not weak.

The cat boss also has the strength not inferior to Drought Jack

At this time, it was still daytime.


A blue-white blue light fell from the sky.

Roddy, who was resting, was struck by lightning

Zi Zi Zi...

Buffalo Roddy struggled embarrassedly.

At this time, Lei Guang condensed into a human form, revealing the appearance of Anilu.

"You'd better not resist, it's good for you."

Ainilu said calmly

"who are you!"

Roddy looked at Aini Road.

Anilu said coldly: "You don't seem to understand me."

Next second.

Roddy stood up, then rushed towards Ainilu.

Fur warriors are not that easy to defeat

Moreover, as the knight group guarding the forbidden area of ​​Whale Forest, it is even the elite of the elite.

Zi Zi Zi...

The fur family are also good at using static electricity


Ainilu disappeared in front of Roddy.


"What are you looking for?"

Anilou's voice came from behind Robin.

Before Robin could react, Ainilu grabbed his head.

"I am professional in playing video games."

After all, the electric current of more than 100 million volts was used to Roddy's body.

He stunned Roddy directly.

"Solved one."

Ainilu threw the unconscious Roddy to the ground, and then continued to select targets.

at the same time.

Bartolomeo also met the chimpanzee Black Buck.

As soon as the two met, Black Buck launched an attack.

"You are more brutal than I thought."

Bartolomio said jokingly.

At the same time, Bartolomio easily escaped the Black Buck's attack and hit the Black Buck with a fist in the throat.


it hurts!

The severe pain made Black Buck almost unable to breathe.

Bartolomio and Ainilu are different.

Under Lynn's guidance, his physical skills, domineering, and swordsmanship have made considerable progress.

Moreover, he was originally a gangster from the street, and his attack method is also very sinister.

"Is the strength of the fur clan just like this?"

Bartolomio looked at Black Buck with disdain.

Black Buck roared and attacked again

However, Bartolomio's domineering look easily escaped, and he slammed his head on the face of Black Buck.

Knock down Black Buck again

"do not waste time."

At this time, a radio wave from Ainilu was heard.

"Don't bother me." Bartolomio said with an unhappy expression.

At the same time, Akin met Perod.

When Perrod saw Akin, he instinctively sensed the danger.

Ah Jin is very strong and exudes a killer breath

Sure enough, Ah Jin didn't say a word, and he directly attacked.

The crutches wrapped around the armed color domineering smashed down.

Perod jumped up to hide.


A hole was smashed into the earth.

Perrod slipped cold sweat on his forehead.

Who on earth is this guy, he is so cruel!

Different from Bartolomeo, who likes to play with enemies, or Anilu, who likes to kill ants

Ah Jin's attitude towards his opponent is only knocking down.

There is no concept of mercy at all.

Cold, numb, and ruthless.

call out!call out

Shave continuously and approach again.

"So fast!" 3.7

Perod can't capture Ah Jin's position anymore


Akin turned and kicked Perod in the head with a high whip.

Perod was kicked out.

"Who are you! What are you doing here!"

Perrod stood up laboriously, he still wanted to figure out the other party's purpose.

However, Ah Jin had no expression on his face and raised his walking stick high.

The walking stick slammed Perrod on the head.

After being shot in the head, Perod fell to the ground with a face covered in blood.

Passed out

Within the forest of whales, the knights who guarded the forbidden ground fell one after another

Even the cat viper of the night is like an enemy at this time!

Chapter 307: Cat Viper and Duke Inuarashi!

The man in front of you, just standing there still can bring a huge sense of oppression to the cat viper

He is very strong, stronger than his master.

For the reason of Guangyue Mitian, the cat viper has come into contact with powerful swordsmen

At the same time, he has also come into contact with the strongest in the sea like White Beard.

And Lynn felt like a white beard for the cat viper.


Perhaps in front of him, he couldn't even survive a single move.

Lin En smiled slightly and said, "I just came to find something. If it goes well, then everyone will not be hurt."

"This is our forbidden area."

Cat Viper looked at Lynn with a fierce look, even if the enemy was strong, he would not back down.

"I know your determination and consciousness, but I don't want to waste too much time on you." 08

When Lynn spoke, he had already pulled out the knife.

The moment the ransom was unsheathed, the cat Viper's heart shook.

"one move."

"Reverse Slash·Cloud Through!"

Lynn disappeared before his eyes.

Reappearing, Lynn had already cut a knife at the cat viper.

The cat viper blocked it all.

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