Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 246

Vergo is very clear about the SAD on the island and the importance of Caesar to Doflamingo

Therefore, Vergo will maintain it at any cost.

Even if you lose everything in the navy.

Although he has been undercover in the Navy for many years.

But, for Doflamingo, everything is worth it.

Blue blue

Blue Blue...

Crane, who was fighting Luffy, took out the phone worm.

Looking back at Luffy, at this time Luffy Camp entered the fourth gear.

Even with Luffy in fourth gear, he couldn't quickly defeat the Crane.

Creeper's biscuits are not only hard, but also endless.

Craig frowned and asked, "What's the matter?"

The phone worm imitated the voice and expression of Baron Dandan and said, "We caught Sanji, no

However, Nicole Robin was taken away by Jhin."What a despicable thief!""

The cracker in the Biscuit General's forehead burst with blue veins, gritted his teeth and said

"You take Sanji and leave first. I'll leave the matter here."

Craig began to feel that Baron Dandan and Bok Mouss were both cumbersome

He has confidence in his ability.

He can get rid of everyone alone.

Sanji was also arrested

For Luffy, the talking process of the crepe is a bolt from the blue.

"I won't forgive you!"

Luffy's eyes are full of killing intent

Wilgo meets Smogg

Small thinks Wilgo is here to support

But I didn’t expect that as soon as they met, Vergo launched an attack with “Ghost Bamboo”

No extra time to waste

Vergo started without mercy.

It looks like an ordinary bamboo, but it is better than stainless steel under Vergo’s domineering armour

Fortunately, Smogg has conducted more rigorous training on physical skills these two years.

The mastery of the six forms is more adept than before.

But, in front of Vergo, Smogg is still too weak

Even if it uses six types of iron blocks, it can't withstand the attack of ghost bamboo.

As for the ability of smoke fruit.

In addition to increasing the area being attacked, there is no benefit.

After all, the strength is not enough, and the armed color is not strong enough.

Seeing and hearing the domineering reaction, but the speed is not fast enough to dodge.

If it wasn't for Luo to help, then Wilgo would kill Smogg directly

"Do you think you can threaten joker with SAD?"

"Do you know the consequences of fooling us?"

Vergo said to Luo coldly.

As long as Caesar is still there, SAD can continue to manufacture.

"I am not the me I used to be." Luo said calmly.

"It seems you really forgot."

Vergo began to attack Luo.

However, Luo directly used his ability to cut Vergo into two sections.

Even if it was entangled in arms and domineering, Luo's still cut open.

Afterwards, Luo cut the SAD machine open directly in front of Vergo, and the entire manufacturing room was

Luo completely destroyed and.

Chapter 331: Sanji's defection!

The battle between Luffy and Crane is getting fiercer

In the fourth gear, Luffy’s attack can break the cracker armor

"Ape King Spear!"

Luffy blasted an angry punch with killing intent.

The cracker is holding up the cookie shield to resist

The cookie shield was shattered.

At the same time, the biscuit armor was also smashed.

Craig's face was exposed for the first time.

In this world, very few people know what he looks like.


"You really worked hard."

Craig looked at Luffy, "Although you have done a good job, my armor can be manufactured and restored infinitely, but how many times can you strike?"

"I will save Sanji and Robin in "Five-80", and we finally reunite. Until then, no matter how many moves, I will stick to it.

Luffy said to Crane seriously

"I really can't help myself."

"You don't even know that there is a great disparity in power between you and me."

When Keli frame spoke, he clapped his hands again.

Biscuit soldiers appeared in groups.

The number of biscuit soldiers seems endless.

"Ape King Crow Cannon!"

Luffy in the fourth gear, attacked again, blasting his fist towards the cookie soldier

Creepers also directly use biscuit soldiers as shields

Drop down, drop down!!

Although Luffy smashed the biscuit soldiers to pieces, before his eyes, the biscuit soldiers recovered again

Unlimited manufacturing, unlimited recovery.

Unless you quickly get rid of the main body of Crane Frame, you can only despair.

Nami and others on the side looked anxious.

They also saw the horror of the biscuit soldier.

According to this kind of consumption, Luffy’s stamina is definitely not enough for the opponent

It's obviously a cookie, why is it so hard!

At this moment, Nami's mind flashed.

She thought of making the biscuits soft in the rain.

So Nami started to rain with special means.

The rain that Nami fell, successfully soaked the cracker soldiers on the cracker.

After the soaked biscuit soldiers are soft, it is indeed easy to scatter.

However, the biscuit soldier after soaking soft still has unlimited recovery ability

As long as the stamina of the cradles is still there, they are endless.

"How could this happen!" please go

Nami and others are almost desperate.

At this time, Luffy started to eat biscuits, but no matter how much he eats, the cracker can make more

Everyone has already seen that this will become a war of attrition.

Brook, Frankie, Suo Jiang and others used it.

However, Suo Jiang did not attack the Crane Frame.

In his opinion, this is a heads-up match between Crane Frame and Luffy.

Nami just rained and it was already a foul.

Suo Jiang waited for the moment Luffy ended the battle and intervened in the battle

"you guys……

When Luo came out, the battle between Luffy and Crane continued.

Luffy fought for a while and fought for a while, leaving Luo dumbfounded.

Can you fight like this?

This is too weird.

Moreover, why doesn't Creeper use its main body to launch an attack?

The strength demonstrated by the Crane Frame just now is not weak at all!

In fact, Crane is afraid of pain and afraid of getting hurt.

Therefore, he wanted to waste his way.

But here is Punk Hassad!

Luo knew that he had destroyed the SAD production room, which meant that Doflamingo would not let them go.

"We must get out of here quickly."

Luo said to Nami and others.

Doflamingo is very strong.

Moreover, the internal unity of the Don Quixote family will never allow family members to be harmed.

Now whether it is Monet or Vergo, they are all injured

Doflamingo will definitely be offended

After being provoked, Doflamingo will retaliate extremely terribly.

Luo knew this well.

Blue blue

Blue blue

At this moment, the phone worm in Keli's arms rang.

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