Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: The Dark Capitalist Chapter 250

Lynn said to Charlotte Lingling, "You guys really gave me a problem."

"Mama Mama..."

Charlotte Lingling laughed and said to Lynn: "As long as Kaido returns the person to me, other things

Love is easy to talk about."

Lynn said: "Before coming here again, the red dog has just looked for me." Charlotte Lingling smiled and asked, "Is he looking for you for anything?"

Lynn replied: "It's also about you."

Charlotte Lingling asked: "Do they want Nicole Robin too?"

Lynn replied: "Since the Judiciary Island incident, Nicole Robin has lived an extra day and is very

The government and the Tianlongren are threats, and now she is in Kaido's hands, and the threat has been amplified."

Charlotte Lingling said: "The navy dare not dispatch now." Charlotte Lingling is not stupid at all.

Moreover, she is very shrewd and she sees the problem thoroughly.

"It's true that the Navy has its own problems, so it can't spare more combat power for the time being, but

Lynn's voice paused on purpose."But what?" Charlotte Lingling asked.

Lynn said: "After all, the navy is the overlord of the sea, and underestimating their consequences

"Mama Mama..."

Charlotte Lingling laughed instead of anger when she heard the words. After a while, she reduced her smile and asked seriously: "Then what do you want me to do?"

Lynn said: "Talk, talk to Kaido, after all, not all problems can be used

Resolve by force, especially when the situation is evenly matched."

Chapter 336: Kaido's discordant daily life!

Charlotte Lingling is very smart.

To be precise, there is no fool to be a pirate of the Four Emperors

Not only must have strength, but also have brains.

Such things as total war should be avoided if possible.

Keeping balance between each other is the most correct thing.

Unless there is a chance for a surprise attack.

Now Lynn is willing to mediate, and Charlotte Lingling is also willing to accept.

As for the outcome of the mediation, both parties need to be satisfied.

No, all three parties need to be satisfied

Because the navy and world governments are also involved.

So far, the only person in the world who has this ability to mediate is Lynn.

After all, his face is big enough, and the four emperors and the navy of "Seventy Zero" must give face

Inside the cake castle.

Lynn saw Sanji.

Sanji's performance is quite normal'

Maybe it was discovered that his fiancee was a beauty.

Perhaps Brin has erased the memory.

Lynn didn't bother to intervene.

The marriage between Vince Mok and Charlotte Lingling, whether it succeeds or not, has no influence on Lynn

Lynn has acquired the full set of Vinsmoke's skills.

The value of Vinsmoke to Lynn now only has technology upgrades.

The control of Bi Jing's Sea King weapons is indeed not as flexible as the pacifists.

"Linn." Sanji took the initiative to stop Lin.

Lynn stopped then.

If Sanji didn't call him, then he planned to pretend not to see him.

Lynn looked at Sanji.

Sanji also followed Brin.

One thing to say, Brin is really cute when she doesn't show the third eye of her forehead.

Lynn said, "Looking at you, you have a good time here."

Afterwards, Lynn said quietly: "Fiancée is very beautiful, please cherish it."

"Yeah." Sanji smiled embarrassedly.

Lynn said: "Luffy and they contacted me, and hope that I can guarantee your safety.

The attitude is very good, and they can feel at ease."When Lynn mentioned Luffy's name, Sanji was silent.

Lynn said: "No matter how you choose, I believe they will respect your decision.

, You are partners."You are right."

Sanji nodded seriously.

"Well, I have to go to Wano Country. I will give a big gift until the day of your wedding.

Lynn turned and left

The Behemoth left Cake Island and went to Wano Country

The country of Harmony, the ghost island.

Robin was not locked up in jail, but in a rather comfortable room

The safest place is naturally where Kaido is located.

In the city where Kaido is, no one can escape.

Robin was put in handcuffs with Hailou stone.

However, she is not alone.

There was still someone beside Robin.

"Have you met Ace during this time?"

Yamato said to Robin.

Yamato, son of Kaido.

To be precise, it is the daughter of Kaido.

Although Kaido did not treat her as a daughter, and she did the same.

She worships Mitsuki Mitian.

I also want to make Wano country a country

Robin is also curious about the strange family problems of Kaido.

Robin asked, "Are you familiar with Ace Xianniu?"

"Yeah." Yamato nodded.

Ace has been to the country of Wa, and encountered Yamato

The two had a fight.

Yamato recognized Ace's strength.

And Luffy is Ace's younger brother, Robin is Luffy's partner.

Yamato has a different attitude towards Robin

"Where did Master Yamato go again..."

"You go there and look for it."

At this time, there were dense footsteps outside the corridor.

Robin smiled and said, "I'm here to find you again."

"I'll go first."

Yamato was very skilled at running away through the window.

"over there!"

"Catch him!"

It's another joke

Daily life inside the pirate group

The Behemoth stopped at the main entrance of the ghost island.

The main entrance of the ghost island is a'torii'.

Torii, refers to the entrance to the sacred domain of the annex of a Japanese shrine similar to the torii, used for the district

The divine realm inhabited by distractions and the secular world inhabited by humans.

The torii exists to remind visitors that stepping into the torii means entering the realm of the gods.

Some behaviors should be paid special attention.Lynn is not here for the first time.

However, every time I come here, I feel bad because there is a huge skull behind the torii.

The torii that exists on the ghost island, perhaps Kaido really sees himself as a ghost.

Jhin greeted Lin and others at the front entrance.

"President first, please."

Jhin is very polite, please let Lynn 3.8 get off the boat

Xiao Zi followed Lin En, this is her first time to Ghost Island

Jhin also noticed Xiao Zi.

However, Xiao Zi looked like a concubine.

Jhin didn't take it to heart either.

When Lynn saw Kaido, Kaido had already prepared the banquet.

If it weren't for Charlotte Lingling who wanted to come to Wano Country, Kaido would be in a better mood.

Because he has already got the key to Love Drew.

Only the history text of the road signs is left.

He believed Lynn would be able to help him.

As long as Lynn brings the text of the signpost history, he will become the One Piece and get the legend

The big secret treasure in China.

Chapter 327: Give me a face!


"Lynn, it's been a long time since I've seen you, right?"

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