Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 259

Subsequently, King Liku used 5 billion Baileys to compensate the loss of the citizens.

In addition, to take off the gimmick of the'land of toys.

King Liku asked domestic streets to plant a lot of roses.

Let Dressrosa return to a country of unrestrained, passionate.

It's just another big sum of money.

30 billion Baileys is nothing but a drop in the bucket for the entire Deres Rosa.

Moreover, it is so easy to restore the economy.

In terms of tourism rating, Dres Rosa's recommendation index dropped from five stars to two stars.

King Liku needs more loans to stabilize the lives of the people.

After Luffy and others left Dressrosa, they rushed to Zow.

However, Zou was not attacked.

Because the flags of the Lynn Chamber of Commerce and the Utopia Kingdom are still planted on the Zotori.

"Lynn has actually been here."

Lu Fei and others were shocked.

Later, Lu Fei and others learned about the relationship between the Linn Chamber of Commerce and Zou from the fur clan.

Part of the fur clan now joins the sword team of the Lynn Chamber of Commerce

As a benefit of joining the sword force

Both the Zou and the fur tribe were sheltered by the Lynn Chamber of Commerce.

Jinweimen said with emotion: "Lynn Chamber of Commerce is indeed very powerful."

Kanjuro nodded.

Jinweimen secretly said with emotion: "If we can get help from the Lynn Chamber of Commerce, that would be great.

Lu Fei and others soon saw Duke Inulan.(Qian Zhao's)

Because of Kinemon and Kanjuro's relationship, they met Raizou.

It’s just that Raizou didn’t see Momanosuke

"Have you not found the young master?"

Raizou questioned Kinemon.

"I'm sorry, but I am incompetent..."

After Jinweimen saw Raizou and the others, he knelt on the ground with a face full of guilt.

Immediately, the news of Momanosuke's death was announced.

Fen both for the Chisao Nine Heroes.

It is his negligence for him to fail to protect Taosuke.

Duke Inulan and the cat viper were also struck by lightning.

Momanosuke is the son of Mitsuki Mida, and their hope for the restoration of the Mitsuki family.

Kinemon said, "After I find Princess Hiwa and help the princess found a country, I will have an abdomen.


Chapter Three Hundred and Fortieth Chapter: Activated Son of Vengeance!

When Jinweimen told the news of Momosuke's death, although Leizo Kanjuro, Cat Viper, Duke Inuarashi and others were grieved and blamed, they all agreed with Jinweimen's ideas.

Momanosuke is dead now.

People cannot come back from death.

The key to the rejuvenation of Guangyue’s family and the founding of Hezhi’s country fell on Guangyue Rihe

Whether it is reviving the Guangyue family or founding the country, righteousness is needed.

Lei Zang said: "We need to return to the country as soon as possible."

Kinemon said, "Before we return to the country of Wano, we need to help the benefactors to rescue their companions."

Although it is very important to find the light and moon, the samurai have principles that must be followed.

The Straw Hat Pirates helped them. This is the kindness owed and must be repaid.

Lei Zang nodded, and Cat Viper and Lord Inulan also agreed.

"With your help, our success rate will be much greater."

Chopper said excitedly.

Frankie thinks so too.

Cat Viper and Lord Inulan are both kings of the fur clan, and they are certainly not weak.

Brooke nodded frequently.

At this time, Usopp inserted 447: "I think I still need to consult Uncle Lynn."

Although a lot of new combat power has been added, Usopp is still guilty.

The opponent is the Four Emperors!

Usopp looked at Nami again, "Nami, what do you think?"

Although the general direction is Luffy's decision, the details of combat are supplemented by Nami, Robin, and Usopp.

Robin is not here now.

Usopp made a suggestion and Nami would add it

Nami said: "We don't know about the BIGMOM Pirates. At present, we have only fought against Starcracker. It is very difficult to deal with him just by himself

Luffy didn't yell this time and hit directly.

After the top war, he knew the gap with the monster.

"It would be great if we could get more help."

Nami muttered.

Thinking of this, Nami couldn't help but complain: "I blame Lynn, if he is willing to help, things will be simple."

Usopp reminded: "Uncle Lynn has helped us a lot, and it's really not convenient for Uncle Lynn to come forward this time."

Lin En and the Four Emperors and Wu Hai are in a cooperative relationship

Being able to not help the Four Emperors and Qi Wuhai is already the greatest help to the Straw Hat Pirates

Nami hummed, "He is so powerful, there must be a way."

Although there were complaints in her words, Nami contacted Nuojigo.

I hope Nuoqigao can let Lynn think of ways to give them more support.

Sphinx, the hometown of White Beard.

The Linn Chamber of Commerce invested in garment factories and shoe factories here.

Although the scale of garment factories and shoe factories is not large, they are enough to satisfy the local employment of Sphinx

Every half a month, the Lynn Chamber of Commerce will send ships to pull the goods.

Now the residents of Sphinx only need to work hard to live a carefree life.

For this, Marco and others are grateful.

Baibeard gave all the money to his hometown.

I hope to make my hometown better by my own efforts.

Now the Sphinx is no longer in poverty as Baibeard hoped before his death.

However, Sphinx also built schools and hospitals.

Schools and hospitals are named after Baibeard (aicd)

Blue Blue...

Blue blue

At this moment, the phone bug in the farm office called.

Marco picked up the phone worm.

This is the special line for Lynn to contact them.

Marco asked: "Is there something?"

Lynn said to Marco: "Luffy and they asked me for help. It's not convenient for me to come forward, so I can only

Entrust you to help."Marko replied: "Luffy is Ace's younger brother, and his business is also our Baibeard Sea

Thing about thieves."Then please."

After Lynn finished speaking, he put down the phone worm.

Let Ace come forward to help Luffy.

Can Ace be activated?

If Ace can know the shame and courage in the past two years, it will not be a waste of Lynn’s expectations of him

After the call, Marco went to Ace.

At this time, Ace is practicing seriously.

His fist hit the mountain in front of him.

Use the mountain as a sandbag.

He is practicing head stiffness.

He will never forget the sarcasm of Akagu.

Moreover, he also remembered Akinu's words.

Since the devil fruit ability exists at the upper and lower levels.

Then bypass the power of Devil Fruit.

As long as the armed color is strong enough, it can also damage the red dog

Of course, Ace's revenge is not just the red dog.

And black beard.

Blackbeard cannot be defeated by the power of burning the fruit alone.

Dark Fruit almost completely restrained the Devil Fruit ability.

To defeat Blackbeard, you need to use domineering

Just as the white beard cut over the black beard at the time.

Now Ace has a beard on his chin, and his appearance gradually matures. He is getting stronger and stronger.

His fists, punch after punch

Every punch can blast the mountain out of a big hole


Marco came behind Ace.

Ace stopped swinging his fist and turned to look at Marco.

Marco said: "Lynn just came to contact us, I hope we can help Luffy."

After hearing Marco's words, Ace nodded, "Let me go."

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