Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 287

"Please sit down." Lynn said to Bra and Weiwei.

Their relationship is very familiar.4.6

Over the years, Cobra has relied on Lynn and let Lynn drive the economic development of Alabastan.

And Lynn did it too.

At this time, Cobra explained his intentions, "The price of food has risen sharply recently, except for the rape

, The food in other places will be out of stock. I hope His Majesty Lynn can transfer a batch of food to Albana.""Ok."Lynn looked at Nuoqigao: "How much food is still available for deployment.""

Nuoqigao said: "The pre-sale has ended, and all the food for this year and next year has been ordered.

gone."The birth of the futures trading house allowed the grain to be in the field before it was harvested.

Chapter 392: Thank you, Your Majesty Lynn!

At this time, Lynn also showed an embarrassed expression and said: "It's a pity that I can hardly help now."


Cobra was also stunned.

Why is it all sold out so quickly

And, next year's are also sold out?

Isn’t the grain for next year unplanted?

Cobra doesn't understand futures.

Lynn said: "You don't understand futures, so let me briefly talk to you about so-called futures trading, which is similar to pre-sale trading. The delivery date can be one week later, one month later, or one year later. "

Cobra and Vivi really don't understand what futures trading is.

Lin En said: "If you are interested, you can go to the futures trading house to see."

The water in futures is very deep, and there is a lot of risk in non-spot trading.

The futures market is the most typical non-vegetable market

Now rice, wheat, cotton 08 flowers, soybeans, etc.

All crops are sold on the futures market.

As newspapers and media are hyping the war approaching, COFCO has more and more people.

In contrast, speculators in the market have also begun to start.

Food prices have continued to rise.

Cobra pleaded: "Could you help us think of a solution."

"Your Majesty Lynn, please help us." Weiwei also sent a request to Lynn. Linn thought for a while, and said to Nuoqigao, "From the grain reserves in our country

Millions of tons of wheat and soybeans, rice, as for the price..."

Without waiting for Lynn to say the price, Cobra hurriedly said: "Just follow the current market transaction price.

There is no market now.

It's not easy to get it.Lynn said: "Well, but it can only be sold to you once, and the Utopia reserves are not too large.

I also want to protect the needs of the people."

"Thank you, Your Majesty Lynn."

Cobra and Vivi were also grateful to Dao Cobra and Vivi. Soon after they left, Lynn’s office received various national officials.

'Purchasing needs'

Lynn is also generous, even in the rain.

Everyone sells a little.

It’s just that the food isn’t enough for a long time

"Now the price of food has risen to the point where it is difficult for people to survive."

"Hey, I heard that the kings of all countries have gone to His Majesty Lynn to buy food."

"Your Majesty Lynn can't help it. It's a free economy now. I heard that next year's food will be bought out.

"How much do you have in your house?"

"I saved ten tons."

"so much!"

"I only hit two tons."

On the streets and alleys, people’s recent topics are mostly about food.

The rich hoard a lot of food

They are not short of money anyway.

Even if food prices continue to rise, they can still cope.

It’s just the poor.

Their income is limited and they have to repay various loans and credit cards every month.

The revolutionary army mingled in the urban area to gather intelligence.

They clearly did not fight the grain-producing areas, and they never burned down the farmland.

Why do food prices soar!

This makes it difficult for them to understand.

However, they still feed back the latest information to headquarters.

The island of white soil, Baldige.

Dorag has paid attention to the strange situation in the city.

Ivankov put down the newspaper and said loudly, “It’s all to blame on Lynn, he made it out.

Futures trading."In futures trading, you are not buying spot, but pre-sale contract orders.

Now the newspaper has announced that various food crops have been sold out.

Even the grain for next year will be sold out.

At this time, Sabo said: "Lin can not be blamed, it is indeed a free economy, market transactions

The law."It's like the merchandise sold in the store.

The rich can buy it all.

Saab believes that it is not a futures problem, but the world has no confidence in the world government.

I am worried that once war starts, it will be difficult for the world government to ensure normal life operations.

"We need to end the war as soon as possible, and not delay the time too long."

Dorag realized the impact of war on the world

In the past, these effects did not fully surface on paper

But now it's different.

Real money

Because of the war, the economic laws of the market have been affected.890

People are afraid of war, so they reacted in advance.

It's like buying a lot of cold medicine in advance because you are afraid of catching a cold.

This is a normal reaction.

If you put all the responsibility on Lynn, it would be too much.


"I also think so."

"So, where do we start first?"

"Just attack Mary Joa directly."

"Yeah, directly attack Mary Joa."

At this time, Eastern Army Commander Betty, Southern Army Commander Lindebagh, and Western Army Commander Molly all expressed their opinions.

The Northern Army Commander Callas also supported the direct attack on Mary Joa.

At this moment, Kerla frowned and said: "Will we be too anxious."

Although Dorage also advocated that the war should not be dragged too long.

But it wasn't that she didn't have enough preparation, and she attacked Mary Joa.

Sabo watched and waited for Dorag.

Dorag is their backbone.

Dorag said: "You can launch a tentative attack first."

Chapter 393: Panic spreads all over the world!

The Revolutionary Army has plans for the Revolutionary Army.

However, Lynn didn't bother to intervene in what they wanted to do.

Lynn is now brewing a big plan.

Big plan for harvesting non-vegetables

This plan involves many wealthy people

Lynn will also be the target of cutting non-vegetable vegetables this time.

Futures are a very magical thing.

According to the so-called market supply and demand relationship

If supply exceeds demand, then prices fall.

If supply is less than demand, the price will rise.

The current market atmosphere created by Linn is that supply is less than demand.

Create a panic that the whole world will be short of food.

In fact, the grain yield next year is unknown.

But this year’s grain production, Lin is well aware of

Linn’s current grain orders are only part of it

Lynn also hoards a large amount of food

In other words, this game seems to be the participation of speculators, but in reality it was Lynn who made the rules of the game, and he had set the ending of the game.

Those who have been cut off are some of the speculators who did not find the crisis and are still immersed in the windfall speculators

Ordinary people do not participate in it, at most they buy some food at high prices.

However, those who hoard a large amount of food will eventually suffer heavy losses.

Run with weights, jump with weights, and perform various physical training with weights.

Sweat like rain.

At this time, Bartolomeo is training his physical strength

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