Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 289

Barry is also in the crowd. They are boatsmiths, but now they are also buying funds and expecting

Sale of goods.

Not only Barry, but Espagu also buys it.Qishui is a relatively affluent area.

Because the Lynn Chamber of Commerce came here earlier, which drove the economic development of Water Capital.

Moreover, because overtime is the norm, wages are generally higher.

Barry gritted his teeth and said, "Now I lose more than 1 million

Telston said, "Barry, or we will throw it too.

"What about?

"Isn't the food going to rise?"

"I watched the news yesterday, and the news also said it would continue to rise."

"The Noriro floods, the South Santa Cruz drought, and the Skello Civil War are not all food producers.

District?The grain production must be reduced."

"Barry, why don't you go back to the company and ask." "What the hell is going on, how can the price be reduced!"

Barry and others are still waiting.

They invested a lot of money in it.

Let them sell now is to let them cut the meat

At the same time, it is not only in the capital of ten waters, but also in Chambordian Islands and Canola Port.

All the retail investors who have bought grain futures are tugging in their hearts.

They all count on making a fortune

The nobles everywhere are the same, they all hoard a lot of food

Just wait for the price increase ten times, twenty times, thirty times to take out.

Now food prices are beginning to show a downward trend

This made them feel uneasy.

Chapter 395: Controlling the world secretly!

Some people are worried about losing more money, so they also sell.

At this time, the price of food began to fall.

Lynn sat in the office, watching all this.

Nuoqigao said: "In half a day, the drop has exceeded 2%."

"Don't worry, let it continue to fall."

Lynn said calmly.

Funds, futures, and stock markets are all non-vegetable harvesters

Of course, for Lynn, it’s not just about harvesting non-vegetables.

In a panic.

The three futures trading houses of Chambordian Islands, the Capital of Seven Waters, and Canola Flower Port all fell.

Until the cessation of trading, the decline exceeded 3%.

In other words, the purchase of 1 million Baileys' futures will result in a loss of more than 30,000 Baileys.

If it continues to fall tomorrow, it will lose more.

the next day.

On the streets of the City of Seven Waters, as usual

Although affected by food prices, prices have seen significant increases.

But for ordinary people, life still has to go on.

Barry worked overtime last night and only got off work at four this morning.

After returning to the apartment, he woke up after sleeping for three hours.

He bought a sandwich, a glass of milk, and a piece of fried sugar cake on the street.

After a hurried breakfast, he ran to the futures trading house.

Yesterday he insisted on not selling.

Telstone and others also followed but did not sell.

Hope to go back today.

The trading bank starts trading at nine o'clock

The transaction begins.

Someone started selling again.

Moreover, as yesterday, a large number of orders were sold.

"Hey, isn't it, it's still falling!"

Barry's eyes widened. He bought nearly 50 million Baileys in total.

Among them, 40 million Bailey was the money borrowed from the mortgage.

Such a loss made him feel a little stunned.

"Or else sell it."

"Yes, I can still lose a little bit less."

The boatsmiths are all hanging on their minds, their ability to respond to risks is limited.

Barry hesitated, still afraid to sell.

According to his analysis, food prices will still rise, after all natural and man-made disasters have come.

"Wait, let's wait

Barry said to everyone

Like Barry, there are still many people waiting.

Their heads are full of numbers.I don't feel sleepy at all.

That night, when Barry was waiting for the night shift,

As a result, just after get off work, they all went to the futures trading house to squat and wait for it to open the door

Like Barry and others, many people's living conditions have changed.

They all hope to make a fortune in the futures market.

However, they had just been exposed to futures, and the losses caused by futures shocked them.


Of course, futures are similar to gambling, with huge risks.

At the same time, it can bring high returns.

Just on the third day.

Lynn contacted the World Economic News Agency, Time magazine, and other major newspapers and magazines.

Co-published an article analyzing the grain production this year.

In addition, some experts analyzed the decline in the futures market this time.

"This is a normal shock, and it will rise in the future, but we need to stay rational and wait and see.

"Futures are risky and investors need to be cautious."

"The future situation is still positive."

The newly launched financial magazine and the financial section of the newspaper have become the most read articles outside the futures trading houses.


On the afternoon of the third day, Lynn said to Nuoqigao: "Take all the orders that were sold off."

"Yes." Nuoqigao began to purchase orders.


Immediately, food prices rose again.

Moreover, the momentum is very strong.

"I knew it would definitely rise!"

"Great, today's increase is over 7%!"

"It will rise again tomorrow!"

"Buy, buy, buy, as long as we dare to sell, we dare to buy!"

Barry and others all entered a state of excitement.

Esbach vaguely felt something was wrong.

As a result, Esbagu sold orders one after another.

He made 60 million Baileys this time.

He felt it was enough.

Take it as you see it.

However, unlike Espagu, many speculators have already tasted the sweetness.

As prices fluctuate, they can make a fortune.

And this is the skill of cutting non-vegetables.

Non-vegetables cannot be harvested all at once.

The harvest must be fixed multiple times.

Sure enough, the nobles who had previously sold orders began to regret.

If they hadn't counseled at the time, they would definitely make a fortune.

At the same time, inside Lynn's office.

Lynn dangling his cigar and listening to Nuoqigao's report.

In fact, for Lynn, the money now is just numbers.

Bartolomeo saw the door and said, "Big Brother, do you want to make it fluctuate on purpose? Shang Xia Lin replied, "It should be so."

Up and down, close low and sell high, close again low, sell high

For Lynn, harvesting the non-food of the rich is using the money he earned to transform the world

Fame and money are all there

This is something Lynn is doing and repeating.

Recently, he has frequently been exposed, and the newspapers are full of donations and charity news.

This is very helpful to Lynn's reputation.

He is a good man.

More and more people will appreciate him.

No one would believe that he would be a bad person, let alone that he would do evil and would secretly control the world

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