Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 292

In short, to investigate closely, not just useless surveillance

Four hundredth chapter: the worst prison escape in history!


Ace and others parked the boat on the island.

The island was originally under the shelter of White Beard.

Only after the death of Baibeard, the residents of the island naturally removed the white beard flag.

Subsequently, the island was occupied by the Blackbeard Pirates.

Some time ago, the island was occupied by Shakrokdal for a while

Only the Blackbeard Pirates has launched a counterattack.

The two sides clashed for Matanzas.

However, in the end, Shaklockdal chose to retreat.

The reason is that Daus, the base camp of Shakrokdal, was attacked by a supernova

A few days ago, the Blackbeard Pirates on the island was attacked.

The pirates remaining on the island were all killed.

Now Matanzas has become an unoccupied island.

Ace now comes to occupy Matanzas, which can be regarded as regaining lost ground.

When the flag of the White Beard Pirates was raised again, everyone in the White Beard Pirates subconsciously wiped their tears.

This is the legacy left to them by White Beard.

Just because they are too useless.

The news that Ace flushed back Matanzas also spread within a small area.

"Ace took back Matanzas?"

When Blackbeard heard that Ace had retaken Matanzas, he couldn't help frowning.

Lafitte asked: "Are you going to take it back?

"You are too cautious. I'm afraid it's a trap."

Blackbeard said: "This

Pizarro said somewhat dissatisfied.

"Thief hahaha...

"Be careful."

The reason why Blackbeard is so cautious.

It is because his crew and affiliated forces have been attacked recently.

The people who attacked them didn’t keep alive.

And the attack was clean and tidy.

It's not so much an attack as it is a hunt.

It feels to Blackbeard that these people who hunted them were not pirates.

Instead, they are agents of the world government.

Pizarro asked in return: "Then let them, the remnants of the party, take the site back again?"

Pizarro lost to Blackbeard, so naturally he was not qualified to be the boss

However, Blackbeard's performance is getting worse now.

If the Blackbeard Pirates fall apart, Pizarro will not hesitate to pull a group away

Moreover, the current Blackbeard Pirates group has already forbeared Blackbeard's.

Emotions of dissatisfaction.On the contrary, Pizarro's claim was supported by many pirates.

"Thief hahaha..."

Blackbeard stared at Pizarro, "If you are dissatisfied, then I can send you to take it back."

"Do you think I dare not go?"

Pizarro disagrees.

Blackbeard said: "Well, I know you have the courage and ambition, but I still advise you

and many more."What are you waiting for?""Pizarro asked.

"Wait for them to lose their breath."

Black beard is ambitious, but the biggest feature of black beard is tolerant.

Now he must keep his breath.

He is waiting for the revolutionary army to start war on the world government.

As long as the Revolutionary Army takes action, the Four Emperors will have a chance.

In this way, the Revolutionary Army and the Four Emperors will attract the attention of the navy and the world government

Only Blackbeard can continue his plan.

Bartolomio asked, "Brother, will that guy really come here?"

The Ark's Proverbs floated over the island of Matanzas.

Ainilu is sitting cross-legged, eating a banana in his mouth.

Compared to Bartolomio, Aini is much more calm and steady now.

Lynn replied, "Wait."

The monk Urji and others on the side were looking at the distant sea with binoculars.

They are all looking for suspicious ships.

At this time, Ainilu suddenly stopped chewing.

Ainilu said, "Boss, something is leaning over, it's underwater."

"Isn't this here?" Lynn said with a smile.

"Where?" Bartolomio snatched the telescope in Urgi's hand and began to observe the sea.

Sure enough, a submersible slowly surfaced.

"wait for me here."

Barrett said to Festa

Festa nodded.

Barrett glanced at the sky, which was the direction of the Ark’s motto, and then he jumped up and ran with moon steps.

Run, close to the beach.

"It was discovered." Lynn put down the telescope.


Bartolomio was taken aback when he heard the words.

Lynn said: "You deserve to be a warrior who has experienced many battles, and he is really vigilant."

Actually, it's not just a vigilance

But Barrett's tri-color domineering has been cultivated to the extreme.

But even if he was discovered, Basuet didn’t care about it.

No matter who the opponent is.

It doesn't matter who is watching him.

Barrett has the confidence to defeat his opponent.

After Barrett landed on the beach, he soon covered the whole island with the domineering sight and color, and saw

The position of Ace and others.

Just as Barrett was about to approach.call out!

There was a sound of breaking through the air.

A sword aura fell from the sky, cutting through the space.

Barrett raised the corners of his mouth and leaped back with a grinning grin.

"It deserves to be called the worst escaped prisoner in history."

Lynn stopped in the air, looking down at Barrett

The land, trees, and rocks around Barrett also began to squirm, as if they were alive.

Chapter Four Hundred and One: Combination Fruit vs Piaoping Fruit!

Barrett can feel that he can feel Lynn's strength.

Moreover, the sword energy that Lynn had just cleaved had a very strong lethality.

If he does not hide in time, his body will also be cut open.

This was the first time he met someone who could threaten him after he was released from prison.

However, this made him very excited.

At this time, Barrett activates the ability to merge fruit

I blend the surrounding land, trees, and rocks into my body.

"I know you won't listen to people well."

Lynn raised the corner of his mouth, and then the island below began to float with his thoughts.

Synthetic fruit VS floating fruit.

The former is to integrate everything into oneself.

The latter is to freely control all non-life bodies that have been touched.

In the blink of an eye, Basuet became a huge rock giant

Armed color domineering like a tsunami, quickly covering the week

Look at Lynn again. At this moment, the mud floating behind Lynn condenses into a huge wasteland in the air.

And Lynn also released the armed and domineering.

At this time, the hundreds-meter-long wasteland formed in the air was all covered by the domineering armed color.

The blade made of earth and stone seems to be invincible.

"The domineering amount of armed color is too exaggerated!"

The monk Urgi looked stunned

"Unexpectedly, you can cultivate the armed color domineering to this degree." Feeling.

Look at Barrett again, his performance gives people a kind of evenly matched

Upon seeing this, Ainilu clenched his fist secretly.

He targets Lynn and has been chasing Lynn.

He learned from Lynn

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