“Men are so strange!”

“Yes, yes! There is no xiong! Looks ying/bang/bang’s. ”

“I don’t like to talk either, I practice every day…”

“Wow! Look, look! What is that? ”


“Nope! Like a carrot! ”




The Nine Snakes Pirates, bathing at the door, crowded with a large group of Amazon Lily female men, one by one – peeping/voyeuring.

That’s all, they still quarrel.

Luo, who was soaking in the bath, jumped one after another in his brain, stroking his forehead angrily and funny, and for a moment, he roared sharply: “Really when I am blind?” You women/liu/mang!!! ”



“Men are so vicious!”



The sound of twitter, the group of peeping / voyeur / crazy is scattered as birds and beasts.

Luo sighed and continued to scrub his body.

Temporarily joining the “Nine Snakes Pirates”, Luo’s evaluation of this decision is – the pros and cons are mixed, and the overall benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

There are roughly three points, one is hiding in the Amazon Lily Female Warrior, effectively avoiding Doflamingo and the world government’s search for herself. The two have a domineering cultivation method. The three do not have to worry about trivial matters such as clothing, food, housing, and transportation, and can put all their energy into cultivation.

The downside, just a little… Is it disturbed by SAO? The group of Amazonian Lily warriors who have never seen the world is too unrestrained.

After taking a bath, Luo wiped his body dry, and when he got dressed…


The sound of snakes spitting cores sounded.

Tilting his head slightly, Luo glanced obliquely.

A large python with a long toothed skull on both sides of its head twisted its body and swayed left and right to look at Luo.

“Salome… What are you doing here with your master, Boya Hancock? Luo Yitian’s lips twitched, and his expression was gloomy: “You don’t know… My favorite thing to eat snake meat hot pot? ”

The python Salomei instantly stiffened and sweated, and his frightened tail straightened, “Shhh! With a thunderous momentum, he fled in embarrassment.

“Huh…”, Luo Xian smiled fullly.


The bath shi door is wide open.

The python Sarome went and returned, poked his head, and “hissed” at Luo in protest.

Luo He had the spirit to compete with a python, and his eyes were on the person leaning against the door frame: “Hey, hey! I’m taking a shower! ”

The python Salome “snake fights the human power”, naturally relying on its owner, Boya Hancock.

Boya Hancock glanced at the half-naked Law and said, “How do you know?” ”

Rowe understood that what Boya Hancock asked was how he knew about the slave mark “Tianxiang Long Hoof Print” on her back.

“After five days of enduring, finally can’t bear it?” , Luo put on his clothes and replied in a deep voice: “I have a special source of intelligence. ”

“You know the last five days, too! You promised to help the concubine remove the mark, why didn’t you do it? Boya Hancock said irritably.

Luo Duan looked at Boya Hancock and looked at a delicate work of art: “My Devil Fruit ability is not strong enough, if I do it rashly, it will easily hurt you and destroy your beauty.” ”


High heels hit the ground, Boya Hancock approached Luo step by step, holding his cheeks shyly, and coquettishly said: “The concubine wants to hurry up~~~!” Good no good? ”

And then.

Boya Hancock is worthy of being a woman with a bad temper, and in the blink of an eye, she made a heart shape and launched a surprise attack: “Sweet and sweet! ”

I have to say that the charm that “Sweet Fruit” gave to Boya Hancock was too strong, and Luo almost lost his mind and was petrified by the pink light.

With a long breath, Luo stared at Boya Hancock and said, “Boya Hancock!” Everything requires a process, you…”

“Shut up! You impudent man, you dare to call the concubine by her name! Boya Hancock pointed to the tip of Rowe’s nose, overlooking with the absolute height of his head, and gradually bent his body back into an arch, as if he despised the movement to the extreme.

Sensing the danger, Luo stepped back and retreated.

“Men are like that! Hypocrisy, quibbles, rhetoric … It’s really disgusting! “, Boya Hancock snorted, his hair fluttered, his body dexterously turned, his left leg supported the ground, his right leg raised to the top of his head, and he gave Luo a split leg.

“ROOM! Replacement! ”

Luo had already taken precautions, but he only had one item at hand – soap.

So the skill is actually – “ROOM! Replacement! Throw soap! ”

Luo shifted three meters away and dodged the attack.


Boya Hancock kicked the soap, and the soap bounced against the wall and coincidentally fell under her feet.


For some reason, the level of the female emperor in the hall was lost, and she fell on all fours in exclamation, but fortunately, the python Salome even served as a meat pad.

And Luo stayed… Boya Hancock’s skirt, wearing nothing?


Luo felt as if there was something on his cheek, reached out and touched it, it was a little red, it was blood… But, not his.

The corners of his mouth twitched, and Luo couldn’t help but complain angrily: “There are a few days of women every month, don’t you know how to use health / sheng / cotton!” Bastard! ”

“Spill blood on your face, rip off your ears, or kill you… No matter what the concubine does, she will be forgiven, because the concubine body is so beautiful! Boya Hancock blushed shyly and dropped a sentence arrogantly.

Luo: “…”, hehe.


PS: Ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for tips, ask for full scores….

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