In Luo Yu’s arms, Hancock gradually fell asleep, Luo Yu looked at the boundless sea and ordered this sea king to gallop at full speed.

Although it is a windless zone, it is a nest and settlement for sea kings, but they also have their own territory between them.

A sea king class unscrupulously rampage, naturally will also attract the dissatisfaction of other sea kings, but under the crushing of Luo Yu’s terrifying overlord color domineering, even if the size is comparable to the island kind of terrifying sea king, they also look at Luo Yu with their huge eyes in shock, and dare not easily step forward to attack this little bug.

Time passed slowly, Han Cook curled up in Luo Yu’s arms, finally slowly sobered up, opened some sympathetic beautiful eyes, and subconsciously asked: “Huh?” How long did I sleep? ”

As soon as she finished speaking, she reacted again, she was still held by Luo Yu in her arms, and she blinked her eyes suddenly, and her little face immediately appeared with an extremely happy and joyful blush.

When he slept, did Luo Yu actually hold himself all the time?

Immediately, she was a little embarrassed again. Looking at Luo Yu ashamedly, he said embarrassedly: “Luo… Luo Yu, are you tired? ”

Luo Yu has been looking at the sea in the distance, although the sea is calm, but there are constant waves in his heart.

When Hancock woke up, he smiled and looked at her in his arms, “Sleep a little longer, and you’ll be on Nine Snake Island, my words… Holding you for the rest of your life won’t get tired. ”

The previous sentence made Hancock slightly stunned, and his little face showed a sense of loss and sadness, when she arrived at Nine Snake Island, didn’t it mean that she was going to separate from Luo Yu?

But the latter sentence made Hancock’s heart instantly full of sweetness, and even almost fainted happily.

“This… This means… Legendary marriage?! ”

Han Cook blushed a little face, and even subconsciously said his thoughts, so that Luo Yu couldn’t help but smile after a moment.

Although he knows her character very well, he knows that Han Cook, this girl, is extremely arrogant, narcissistic, takes out flowers, and likes to think cranky.

But when Leng Buding heard such a sentence, it still made Luo Yu laugh.

Luo Yu pinched Han Cook’s little face hard, and said, “Marriage or something, it’s too early for you, what are you thinking about this girl?” ”

In an instant, Hancock’s whole person seemed to have been struck, his expression became extremely frustrated and lost, and the luster of his big eyes also dimmed down.

“Lo… Doesn’t Luo Yu like me? ”

“How so?” Luo Yu gently hugged Han Cook’s soft body and said, “Even if I don’t like you, I can’t ignore this feeling you have for me.” ”

Hancock’s beautiful eyes lit up again, but he puffed out his small face, and said a little stubbornly: “That’s to get married!” Luo Yu must marry me! ”

Luo Yu didn’t know why Han Cook was so sensitive to the word marriage. feeling, but looking at her so cute look, Luo Yu still couldn’t help but chuckle and rubbed her little face: “Okay, how about a pact, when you become the emperor of Nine Snake Island, I will marry you.” ”

“Han Cook will definitely become the emperor of Nine Snake Island!!”

Hancock became extremely determined in an instant, and he didn’t even think about what the emperor of Nine Snake Island was, anyway, it was something she would definitely get!

Even, at this moment, the overlord-colored domineering in her body faintly felt a sense of impatience.

And it just so happened that at this moment, several huge sea kings sent unfriendly messages to Luo Yu and the car under him, and Luo Yu raised his head slightly, and the overlord color domineering bloomed.

In an instant, because of this point, the overlord color domineering in Han Cook’s body broke out again, but strangely, it did not conflict with Luo Yu’s overlord color, but seemed to fuse together!

Luo Yu also looked at Han Cook in his arms with some surprise, and then stood up holding her, but Han Cook looked at Luo Yu with a look of obsession and attachment, and even a little confused, not knowing that he was erupting with an overlord-colored domineering that was enough to make ordinary people instantly unconscious.

“Hahaha, overlord color… Aggrandizement! ”

Feeling that Han Cook’s overlord color was almost superimposed on himself, making the firmament begin to shake, Luo Yu laughed proudly, and once again urged his fruit ability.


Terrifying, as if the overlord color that can shake the heavens and the earth, blooms here, and the sea roars because of this!

The air seemed to crack, there was a hum, and the white clouds in the sky were scattered, revealing a clear blue sky.

The windless and calm sea seemed to set off a wave, and the waves started from Luo Yu’s feet and crashed in all directions.

Almost all of those huge sea kings screamed sadly, and even the smaller ones were directly stunned by this terrifying overlord-colored domineering!

Luo Yu and Han Cook, that inexplicable overlord color fusion, is not just as simple as one plus one!

Moreover, coupled with the power of strengthening the fruit, this power that broke out because of coincidence seems to be able to shake the heavens and the earth, and even, it has been comparable to the future four emperors, known as the most domineering man red-haired Shanks!

The sea is trembling, mourning.

It is surrender to the king, trembling in the face of the king. Shake!

Here, stands a future Pirate Emperor, and a king who will shake the entire world!


Hancock’s two sisters are tragic, and under the destruction of this terrifying overlord-colored domineering, they almost fell unconscious all the way to Nine Snake Island.

However, after experiencing the domineering overlord color back and forth, it is estimated that their resistance to the overlord color has gradually strengthened, and it will not be so easy to be stunned next time.

Luo Yu put Hancock’s two sisters on the shore of Nine Snake Island, and then stood quietly on the beach, looking at Hancock, who was not as tall as him at this time, and only reached his chest.

“I… I don’t want to be separated from Luo Yu…”

Hancock opened his eyes wide, looked up at Luo Yu, and hugged Luo Yu’s body hard.

Luo Yu just looked at her with a smile and said, “We have an agreement.” ”


Han Cook’s big eyes seemed to have mist surging, and there were some teary eyes, and that kind of lethality almost made Luo Yu agree to come down and stay with her on Nine Snake Island.

Although Luo Yu also had the power to be qualified to forcibly descend here at this time, staying here may not be qualified to reach the top of that world again.

Luo Yu thought in his heart, but to stand above the throne of heaven with Hancock, standing in the holy place of Mary Joa, overlooking everything.

The Emperor of Nine Snake Island is just the simplest signpost.

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