The armed color domineering of the SSSS-level is indeed very different from the SSS-level, and it is very appropriate to describe it as a qualitative change.



Luo Chen's left and right hands were sword fingers, a small black light appeared from the tip of his left finger, and a small white sword light appeared from the tip of his left finger, and a small white sword light appeared in his right hand.

SSSS-level armed color domineering VSSSSS-level ice sword intent!


He made the two come to a needle against Mai Mang! Unexpectedly, the sound of gold and stone hitting each other was cut.

It seems, up and down ?!

It shows that the binning of the system is still very accurate.

But these two, it seems, can be superimposed?

Luo Chen was in the double knife flow of Thor mode, mixed with SSSS-level armed color domineering, so he simply defeated the red dog in one move.


As his mind flipped, the light on the sword fingers on both sides suddenly changed.

The armed color domineering is covered with a clear white cold ice sword intent, and the cold ice sword intent is also covered with a layer of armed color domineering.

You have me and I have you.

Due to the special properties of the Cold Ice Sword Intent, the two did not conflict.

Luo Chen thought about it, put away this attempt, and took out the reincarnation.


With a gentle sword sound, reincarnation first emitted an extremely cold aura, then the sword body was covered by a layer of black armed color domineering, and finally a layer of thunder light jumped out above the armed color domineering, blazing and extremely dazzling.

Reincarnation as the carrier, sword meaning as bone, armed color domineering blessing, thunder and lightning as the table, almost 1+1+1=3.

Such a sword attack, Luo Chen felt that it would not be inferior to the SSSS-level armed color domineering, and even in some aspects, it was even better.

If, plus Thor mode, and Double Sword Mode?

Luo Chen was a little moved: In this case, if he fights with Kaido again next time, I don't know if his defense can withstand such an attack.

This trip to the Golden City, in addition to the domineering harvest of armed color, there is also money, Luo Chen's carry-on space, there are now more than 300 billion berry!

The golden gold that the Golden Emperor Tezzolo offered to the Draco was as much as 300 billion.

Moreover, after a few years, the amount of gold in the sky will be mentioned to 500 billion.

I have to say that opening a casino is really making money.

It's a pity that Golden City is difficult to control, and it also needs the policy support of the world government, otherwise Luo Chen will not have to worry about the expenses required to overthrow the Draco and the world government in the future...

"Tuk Tuk."

At this time, Robin came to knock on the door, Luo Chen put away the reincarnation and opened the door, asking what happened.

Generally speaking, Robin and Lonely High Red rarely come to bother themselves, except that there are real things.

"Morguns really gave face, and put so much gold on my face."

Luo Chen looked at the few newspapers handed by Robin, and the corners of his mouth curved.

"And the letter from Mr. Klockdahl."

Robin pulled out another letter.

Luo Chen opened it and saw that it turned out to be the development of Klockdar these days, although he raised the threshold, but the pirates who came to ask to join Luo Chen were still in an endless stream.

At this point, he already has five teams, and they are all elite soldiers.

The pirate group under the four emperors can now surpass him in strength, less than five fingers.

To be honest, Luo Chen did not expect much for what kind of power Klockdar could accumulate, he believed in his own strength more.

However, Klockdar was able to develop so rapidly in a short period of time, and Luo Chen was still very surprised.

In addition to these, Robin also informed him about the translation progress of the historical text: that historical text, she has roughly successfully interpreted.

"This is the information I interpreted, maybe there are some deviations, but the general direction is this."

Robin handed over a piece of paper, the words on it were dense, and there were many marks in it, it seemed that even Robin, in front of this historical text, was a little inaccurate.

Luo Chen took the paper, but at this moment, a prompt sound of the system suddenly sounded in his head:

"Ding, get 1/30 of the historical text, the historical text mission is activated, collect all thirty pieces of historical text, and you can get a world treasure chest."

Luo Chen was surprised: "World treasure chest? What the heck? "

There have been golden and purple, colorful treasure chests, but never any world treasure chests.

Judging from the name, this treasure chest is extraordinary, not a simple reward, and may be related to the mysteries of this world?

However, Luo Chen's confidence in whether he could collect all the historical texts was obviously insufficient.

There are thirty pieces of the historical text, four of which are signposts, each recording a location, and when the four locations are connected on the map, the last island "Lovedru" appears in the center.

And in rumors, Ralph Drew is the place where One Piece Roger buried his great treasure.

Four pieces of signpost text, one each for Kaido and Charlotte,

The other twenty-six pieces of historical text are the intelligence text and the historical text, and by collecting them, you can get the whereabouts of the three major ancient weapons and the blank history.

A completely blank hundred years of history requires a collection of thirty pieces of historical text.

"By the way, I remember Roger once collected it neatly."

Luo Chen's mind flashed.

According to rumors, Roger has sent a complete article connecting thirty pieces of historical text to Ralph Drew, as long as he finds Ralph Drew, he does not need to find other historical texts, and he can also know what is going on in that blank hundred years of history.

From the historical text that Robin handed to him just now, it can be regarded as 1/30, then, he only needs to find the four signpost texts, and then find the complete article left by Roger to complete the task!

In this way, the task is much simpler.


At this time, a strange cry came from outside, which made Robin and Luo Chen turn their heads.

It was the lonely red giant bat, which at this time was jumping around on the ship's mainsail, hissing, and obviously uneasy.

"Captain, Xiao Hei said that there is danger ahead, should we take a detour."

Lonely High Red shouted loudly at this time.

Since he ate the bat fruit, he could know what the giant bat meant.

As for the name Xiao Hei, he casually chose it according to the color of the giant bat a while ago, after all, the pets that follow around still need a name.

"Danger? What does it sense? However, it seems to be a little late. "

Luo Chen walked out of the room to the balcony fence to look around, and found that a thick fog rose around at some point, and when his vision reached more than ten meters away, it would become blurry.

This is still the vision of a supreme person like him, if you change to an ordinary person, I am afraid that I will not be able to see from a few meters away.

Boats traveling in this dense fog environment are undoubtedly dangerous, and they don't have time to avoid the reef when they see it.

Could it be that Xiao Hei reminded the crisis because of this aspect?

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