Five days later, Weiss fully recovered from his injuries, and the golden lion saw that the strength of the three Jacks was too low, and then trained them for a month of death.

Vis also got a better rest.

A month later, the group said goodbye to the golden lion and started a new journey. Now the shield controls the clouds and releases the Chris into the sea.

The Chambord Islands, although there were many fewer pirates on it, because it was a third less area, but it looked more prosperous, and Vess parked the ship at the coating factory, ready to coat the Chris.

"Hey, hey, what's the joke, isn't that the sword demon's ship, how could it be here," a coater said with some incredulity as he saw the ship falling from the sky.

"It's... This... Is it really good to appear in Chambord Land so blatantly, aren't you afraid of being surrounded and suppressed by the navy again?"

Weiss and his party jumped off the ship, and the coaters were speechless when they saw it, and all of them stopped what they were doing and looked at them.

"Hmm... Can someone coat me? I'm going to the sea!" Vis said as he saw a crowd of people looking at him without speaking.

Those people looked at each other, and some did not dare to step forward, this had destroyed a third of the land of Chambord, and was called the most brutal criminal by the world government.

Who knows....

"That Sword Demon Master, I can serve you!" a middle-aged man in his forties gritted his teeth and stepped forward, it could be seen that he was very nervous!

"How long

will it take?" "If you are in a hurry, we can cooperate with multiple people, and it will take half a day at the earliest!"

"Okay, you can act, but the membrane must be strong, don't break it in the sea" Weiss said cautiously.

It was 10,000 meters deep under the sea, and if something really went wrong, except for Weiss, who could hold out for a while, the rest would not survive.

This time, Vess's party did not wander around the island, but waited directly on the shore for the coating to be completed.

In fact, Weiss still wanted to find Reilly, but the lawless area has been destroyed and no one can be found.

Originally, Weiss wanted to land directly from the floating island and then go to the new world, thinking that the purpose of his own sea was to enjoy the magnificence of the sea.

Then Fish-Man Island is a beautiful scenery that you have to enjoy, plus the sullen man, the weak chicken, the sassy bag and the two beautiful ladies all want to see the fish-man, so they start again directly in Chambord.

This time no one bothered Jack, who was looking intently at the coaters and seemed to really want to learn.

But those coaters mistakenly thought that Jack was here to supervise them, so they did it very carefully, and even the materials were used the best!

The coating speed was unexpectedly fast, and in less than half a day, Chris was covered with a layer of transparent bubbles.

"Now, here's two million Baileys, it's a reward," Karina carried a box and put it in front of the middle-aged man.

The man was visibly stunned, he was the person in charge of this place, and he originally wanted to send him away as soon as possible, so that this place could return to normal.

I didn't want to collect money, but I didn't expect Weiss to actually give money

! It seems that the sword demon is not as terrifying as the legend, at least the consumption

is paid! The sun is shining, shining on the bubbles beautifully, the sea is sparkling, and the sunlight reflecting on his body is beautiful in a flash.

Weiss and his party boarded the Chris, and under Jack's control, the whole ship sank towards the deep sea!

The sun shines through the surface of the sea, and the rays of light shine on the bottom of the sea.

The surrounding fish passed by the Chris and swam into the distance, and some curious fish did not seem to have seen such a 'creature' as the Chris, so they spit bubbles closely, and swam away when they did not get a response.

"Is this the underwater world, it's really beautiful" Karina and Joanne leaned against the side of the ship, admiring the unique beauty of the seabed.

Joanne tried to reach out and touch the bubble-spitting fish, but was blocked by the membrane and was a little disappointed.

That fish looks delicious!

" This is still in the shallow sea, so the scene you see is very beautiful, and when you reach the place where the sun does not shine in the deep sea, it will kill people

" "Deep-sea monsters, all kinds of sea kings, if you don't pay attention, you will be destroyed by the ship, and the current we are descending now is considered mild, if you meet that kind of furious one, you will be buried at the bottom of the sea if you break the membrane

"" If you can enjoy it, you can enjoy it as much as you can, if you die later, there will be no way"

Vis lay on the deck, drinking a special drink, and said casually, but he didn't see Karina looking at him wrongly.

"Is there anything scary like you?"

"Still a little timid, do you see any changes to Jack and

the three of them?" When Karina heard this, she saw the three men leaning against the side of the boat, playing cards, as if they hadn't heard what Vess had said.

Only then did he realize that Weiss seemed to be deliberately intimidating the two of them.

There is a captain here who has killed from a small to a big one, and he is still afraid of some sea kings

! As for the current, let's talk about it when we meet!

Soon the sight of the bottom of the sea dimmed, and the positions of the three Jacks did not change, they were still playing poker there, but the lighting equipment on the ship was lit up.

Karina and Joanne stayed by Vess's side, always feeling safer that way.

The surroundings were empty, a pitch-black seabed, where nothing could be seen, and only the sound of the sea flowing could be heard in my ears.

The two of them no longer had the same excitement as when they had just gone to the sea, and now they leaned against Ves's side, looking around worriedly.

I'm afraid that some unknown creature will rush from the darkness.

And their worries were fulfilled!

A giant sea king, looking at a glimmer of light on the bottom of the sea, slid its huge tentacles, leaned over, and at this moment the eyes of the three people on the ship were red, put down the cards in their hands, and approached the side of the ship.

By the way, under the Golden Lion's one-month extreme death training, the three of them were able to master the armed color and the domineering color of seeing and hearing.

"There's something coming from the Captain!, it should be a giant Sea King!" Kadun said, and the three of them stared cautiously into the distance.

"It's not one, it's two, our lights are so bright that they all come in!" Vis was still lying on top of his chair.

"What should I do, Vis should think of a way, you can't seem to attack inside the coating!" Karina shook Vess's arm, she was about to cry

! Now by the light, she could already see the huge sea king

! A tentacle was bigger than the whole Chris

! A giant octopus monster!

What was a huge yellow flat thing that followed him!

The octopus monster seemed to have sensed the difference between Chris, and directly waved its huge tentacles, and the sea water kept tumbling under the agitation of the tentacles, and it looked like it was about to split on top of Chris.

"Vess, think of a way!"

"Anna" Vis patted Joanne's head, which was a normal reaction to a huge creature.

Seeing that the tentacles were about to touch the Chris, Weiss's eyes changed, and the momentum of his body changed, and a wave of ripples rippled, with a breath of destruction, he rushed directly towards the two sea kings.

The octopus monster's eyes changed, and his eyes were no longer Chris, but the corpses of countless people of the same kind in the sea of corpses and blood, and then he lost his instincts and sank into the deep sea!

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