Hawkeye is gone, Weiss is comfortable, and finally he doesn't have to fight every day. What do you say Anilu? That's a one-sided torture, okay.

You said that you tortured and killed Hawkeye, but I am afraid that I will not dare to say this in the future.

It's just that Weiss is not without the slightest benefit, and in the competition with Hawkeye, his swordsmanship has made great progress.

He went to sea at the age of eighteen, and it has been three years now, and at the age of twenty-one, he is in a period of high strength, which will last until he is thirty years old, and then remain at his peak for decades.

But at that time, it is estimated that this strength will not be of much use.

"Captain, Captain, good news, Captain!" said Kadun, who came from the sky with a cloud in his hand.

As for the rest, after witnessing the battle between Vis and Hawkeye, they realized their shortcomings and trained harder.

It's a poor man, it's not good to follow, you have to compare with monsters.

You see, Karina, Joanne and Robin, after they got on the right track on Sky Island, they went shopping leisurely every day. Because Sky Island has become a gathering place for commerce, you can meet almost everything on the sea here.

However, it is a good thing to be self-motivated, unlike some people, who are twenty-eight years old, are about to run for three, and have nothing to do all day long, and do not even have a daughter-in-law.

"Captain, what's wrong with the flowers on my face, looking at me so strangely

" "It's nothing, what's the good news?"

Kardun always felt that there was something wrong with the way Vis stared at him, and he felt like he was thinking about something strange, he didn't seem to have done anything excessive recently.

Because Jack is practicing, even Demon Valley Town has always been on duty.

"Oh, it's about Blackbeard, his situation is very bad now, and he can even be said to be miserable" Even though he had already read the information once, Kadun didn't know why he still felt that this Blackbeard was a little miserable.


on" Kadun was helpless, knowing that his captain's laziness had committed it again, and he knew that Karina would come: "Intelligence shows that Blackbeard almost does not dare to show his traces in the town now, and once he is discovered, he will be besieged by the pirates on the entire island or town" "

For this reason, a lot of pirates have died in the New World, but this Blackbeard's life seems to be very tenacious, and he can't get rid of it."

Now the Navy and the CP people have also stepped up their search for them, he was caught by the Navy before, but I don't know why he escaped later," Kadun said.

"Who arrested him?"

"The pheasant general, it seems that something happened and left after that. Then let Virgo transport it, he is a vice admiral of the G5 branch of the Navy New World, it stands to reason that Blackbeard, who was handcuffed by the sea building stone, should not be able to escape from the warship

" "continued" As long as it is Virgo, then it is clear.

"The navy is just a small head, after all, they can't send troops to the New World on a large scale, that will arouse the pirates' desire to resist, so it's basically the two generals plus Vice Admiral Karp to take turns to go to the New World"

As for the young general, there is no doubt that it must be the yellow ape.

"The real big heads are the people of CP, those people are simply pervasive beings, no matter where Blackbeard is, they seem to be able to find

it" "In the new world, Blackbeard has been assassinated fifteen times in three days, and ten of them have planned

it" "After each time, this Blackbeard will shout a word to the sky..."

Weiss thought that it should be something important to keep this hero in mind at all times.

Kadun looked at Vis a little weirdly: "I will definitely kill you, Sword Demon!" and hurriedly said: "This is Blackbeard's original words

" "..."Vis was silent, asking himself, he shouldn't have hurt Blackbeard so much.

"But this Blackbeard's life is really big, so many assassinations have not killed him" Ka Dun was a little surprised by Blackbeard's strength, it was really perverted.

"Didn't you think it was the CP people who wanted to catch it alive?"

"Yes, if Blackbeard is killed, and the Dark Fruit doesn't know where it will appear, it will be more troublesome to find it when the time comes" "It's

better to take advantage of the present to maximize the benefits of the living."

"During this period, Bruggie's people discovered a very interesting secret" Kadun didn't believe it when he first saw the news, if it weren't for Bruki's subsequent series of operations, he thought it was a joke.

"What's the secret?"

"Stracey, the queen of Happy Street, is a CP person!" After Cardun finished speaking, he wanted to see Vess's shocked expression, but unfortunately Vis was unmoved.

Vis thought to himself that this is a kind of, if you say that you found the experimental site of Vegapunk, Vis will have to go to it anyway.

Seeing that Vis didn't react, Kadun continued: "But this Strixy didn't know that Bruggie knew that he was a spy of the CP, so he sent someone to follow the contact over there

" "According to what he meant, he wants to send the spy to the Holy Land

!" "Poof!"

Vis squirted out Joanne's special drink, and looked at Kadun with some surprise: "Bruki has already acted?"

"Not yet, it's just been well planned, and initial contacts are underway. Because the contact time is relatively short, I can't join the CP yet, and when I join the CP, it is estimated that it will be easier to enter the Holy Land

" "What does he think now

" "Now the plan has been formulated and there is preliminary contact. But in the end, it is still up to you, Captain, to make a decision, after all, this matter is too big, he doesn't dare to make a decision easily

" "Let him let go of his hands and do it, and when we figure out the distribution of the Draconians, we will go to the Holy Land for a walk" Weiss said without any psychological burden.

"Did he say how long it would take

?" "Three months!"

"Huh, so fast?" "Yes, because Bruggie continued to dig down after confirming Tracey's identity, and found that CP was currently purging and vacating most of the personnel

" "Including the Spandain father and son on Justice Island, they were killed by the angry Five Old Stars, so Bruggie felt that this was an opportunity".

"By the way, even the CP9 group that was framed by Spandam before has returned to the CP, and that Luqi was directly given a high position

" "It's okay, it's the same if you don't go back or not" If Weiss still had the mind to subdue them before, now, forget it.

"How did they pass the CP's brush selection? This time the big purge, it will definitely be more strict, as far as I know, CP has always had its own cultivation of talents

" "Well, Bruggie said that there is a way to deal with this"

"That's okay!" "

Then Captain, I told Bruki about this matter, let them rest assured and bold to do it?"

"Go, don't worry about strength".

When Kadun left, Weiss was relieved and sent spies to the Holy Land, which was exciting to think about.

No, we have to find someone to share it with, who are we looking for?

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