"Captain, you can already see the upside-down mountain ahead, should we repair it now, or rush straight up" Kadun stepped out of the wheelhouse, a map in his hand and compared.

Weiss pondered for a moment, "Let's fix it first, this upside-down mountain will be destroyed if you don't pay attention to it, it's better to prepare." "

You find the upper-current first, and if you find it, tell me, how long will it take to find it?"

"Okay captain, if you get close to Upside Down Mountain, in a minute or so, I walked through Upside Down Mountain, and it's very familiar," Ka Dun patted his chest and promised.

Vis walked to the bow of the ship, and in the distance he could see a red continent sinking across the sea, which circled the world and divided the world in half.

The pirates of the four seas want to enter the new world, either from the windless belt or from this upside-down mountain.

Upside down Hill has four upwelling currents that can drive boats, and the water is very intense. Even the slightest ship could have fallen apart by him.

Most pirates will fix themselves when facing the Upside Down Mountain, checking if there are any problems on the ship, lest they make an irreparable mistake.

The Chris doesn't need to pay so much attention, since the voyage to the present, the whole ship has not gone through any fierce battles, it is nothing more than that some wear and tear in the storm has been repaired.

It is said that it is going to be repaired, but in fact, it is also to see how other pirates survive this current. Even if the shield had crossed once, Vis wanted to be more stable.

Slowly approaching the Upside Down Mountain, at this time, on this sea, despite the purge of Rogue Town and the encirclement and interception of naval warships, there are now five or six pirate

ships parked on the sea! All the ships are parked on the sea, some don't know how to cross, some want to watch the others go first.

Everyone knows that the sea is not only prepared for all kinds of storms and tsunamis.

The most important thing is to guard against people, no one can guarantee that when you ride the upwelling current, someone will give you two cannons, and the ship will be destroyed and killed.

Even if it misses, the speed of the rising current is very fast, and if it deflects a little course, it will rush towards the cliff at a very fast speed.

"Captain, we've found the right current, we just need to sail the ship over, do we need to kill these pirate ships outside first

" "It's okay, these people can't affect us

" "Jack will see the ship break into the rising current later, and you will immediately lower the sails. "

As for Karina, let's be a mascot for the time being.

"Brothers, let's head for the Great Passage," Vess ordered!

"Whoa, obey my captain," the Shield Wolf howled, the second time he had stepped into the Great Passage.

"Yes, Captain," Jack still had a grim face.

On the surface of the sea, the other pirate ships spotted Chris's movements, "Captain, a ship over there has moved, what should we do"

What about the captain's scar on his face? Of course, they followed, they had the confidence to rush forward, so let's go together. "

The captain is mighty!" "

The captain is domineering

!" "The captain gives you a monkey!"

As the pirates cheered, the pirate captain coughed a few times, "What kind of pirate group is that?"

"It's not a pirate ship, it's just a flag with the word rescuer written on it" The pirates at the lookout looked at it.

"Oh, then wait, why aren't the pirates following, let them explore the way"

As for what happened on these pirate ships, Weiss didn't know, and now the Chris was about to ride the rising current and rush towards the Upside Down Mountain.

"I'll take the helm of Kadun, you will specify the direction, Jack, you pay attention to your surroundings, if there are pirates who come to make trouble, kill them directly

" "What about me, what about me?" Karina couldn't help but feel a little anxious when she saw that she didn't seem to have commanded herself. Everyone on this ship has their own role, and it seems that it is useless to be alone.

"You..." Originally, Weiss didn't want to arrange Karina's, but seeing her excited appearance, it didn't seem to be good to discourage her enthusiasm, "You follow Jack, let her give you a gun, and if there is an enemy, fight the enemy together"

The ship is getting faster and faster, even without the blessing of the sails, it is incredibly fast. The rising currents were attracting the Chris more and more, pulling and pulling, as if to draw him into the abyss and bury him in the sea.

The waves rolled, and the white sprays crashed together, giving a feeling of suffocation, and the water of the sea was drawn to the upside-down mountain.

After a terrible jolt, the Chris finally landed on the sea channel that was going upstream!

The speed of the ship suddenly increased, and Karina was unsteady on her feet, and almost collapsed on the deck. Vis didn't have the energy to pay attention to that now, he was preoccupied with controlling the rudder.

At this time, it was still on the sea, and it would be funny if you didn't pay attention to hit the top of that cliff.

The tugging force from the rudder was getting stronger, and the Chris seemed to be a little off course.

"How did you control the rudder, Weiss, it's about to collide," Karina screamed, and was about to crash into the Red Earth Continent.

Although Jack did not scream, his hand holding the gun was already a little white, and he looked nervously ahead.

Fortunately, Weiss had enough strength to control the rudder and return to its normal course, and smoothly rushed to the upside-down

mountain! Boom! The

ship was smoothly carried to the top of the mountain by the ocean current!

Now it is only necessary to control the rudder, as long as the wreckage of some ships above and the possible cannonballs behind it are avoided, there is basically no problem.

Kadun walked up to Jack arrogantly, "Sullen man, I just saw your embarrassed appearance, and my face turned white, hahahaha

!" "Weak chicken, if you weren't standing next to the captain and knowing that the captain would save you as soon as possible, I'm afraid you would be scared to pee your pants" Jack replied not to be outdone.

Kadun smiled awkwardly, but he didn't know that when Kadun crossed the upside-down mountain for the first time, he was almost scared! At that time, he was an ordinary person, although he is now, but who made him have a strong captain.

"No, no, you won't be really scared

last time" "Hmph, how is it possible, last time I came, I was in charge of the overall situation" Seeing Jack's exaggerated expression, Ka Dun snorted, but anyone could see that he was bragging.

"Alright, you two don't quarrel, the most dangerous thing is not over now. Jack, pay attention to whether there are any pirate ships coming up from other seas, and if you find them, you will be killed directly!"

Four ocean currents eventually converged into one, rushing towards the Great Channel.

And at this time period, if two ships arrive at this rendezvous point at the same time, then they will inevitably collide, and finally the ship will be destroyed and people will die!

Even Weiss has already drawn his knife, once he finds a ship, no matter what the ship is, he can only ensure his own safety.

As if by God's favor, the four currents converged on one side, and the Chris also rushed into the descending current without encountering other ships from all over the world.

As the Chris swept down the descending current, a huge wind blew on his cheeks, splashing a huge splash that sprinkled the entire Chris, and the Vess and his party officially entered the Great Passage.

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