A month later.

"Oh, it hurts!" wailed Svein.

"Can the old man be a little lighter?

Svein's head was swollen with a few hot "hills."

"It hurts now, and I'll be less injured in the future battles!" After speaking,

he picked up the stick and slammed it again.

This is practicing Xi Svein's seeing and hearing, covering his eyes with black gauze and sneaking in the back to achieve the greatest effect.

This is also the method that Reilly once let Luffy practice on Nine Snake Island, and it is very effective!


Three months later.

Five swings in a row, the blinded Svein easily dodged.

"You've seen and heard a lot lately!" Warry admired.

"In the afternoon, I practiced the use of Xi overlord color. "


A year later.

One day in winter, a strong black field began to spread from the inside out of a young man's side, and even the snow on the trees fell where the overlord color passed.

"Is this the use of overlord color? "

It's been a year, and this is the first time he's been domineering according to his own consciousness after he used it inadvertently!"

Overlord is the hardest of the tricolors to learn, and it's nice to learn it in just one year. "

In time......," Warly's flat voice came to an abrupt halt.

He looked at Svein, who was jumping in front of him.

"Perhaps...... The future belongs to him. "

Time flies, time flies.

Three years passed in a flash.

In the Sea of Death Silence, a short-haired boy stands in the air,

with a handsome face with maturity that should not be seen at this age.

"Get up!"

I saw him cross his hands and raise them from his waist to the top of his head.

The sea suddenly began to become rough, and huge waves began to surge.

The entire surrounding sea looked like it was about to topple over.

And the young man in front of him is as small as an ant in the waves, insignificant.

If someone is around, they will probably think that the world is apocalyptic when they see this scene.

The waves of the sea are dozens of meters high, this is a real monstrous wave, a natural disaster!!

And the source of his creation is the handsome young man standing in the air in front of him.

It is undeniable that he is Svein, the powerhouse of the fruit of the sea.

After half an hour, the sea calmed down as if nothing had happened.

"It works pretty well!" Svein said with a sigh of relief.

His eyes looked firmly at the end of the silent sea of death, where the sea and the sky met, and the afterglow of the setting sun was rendered in it, and there were a few black dots flying in the distance, which were the seagulls that represented freedom.

"It's time to go to sea!"

was the end of the seventeen years he had been waiting for, and the beginning of his teen promises!

Warri tinkered with a small boat he had been on to the nameless island.

Now it's up to it to send the young man away.

"Is the old man really not going out with me?" asked Svein sincerely.

He is really reluctant to Warry, after all, they have lived together for seventeen years, and they are not father and son.

Warri laughed, but the contagious laughter could not change the sadness of the time of separation.

"I'm old, and I'm really going to be old in a few years, so how can I travel with you.

"The future belongs to you young people! Go for a bold adventure!"

Svein looked at Warry, who had grown to the same height as him, nearly a meter nine.

Seeing his gray-haired temples again, he also understood that even if he was reluctant, Warry really shouldn't be going to sea with him.

"Okay, old man, take care too!"

Svein turned away without hesitation, afraid that he would actually see Warry cry.

Parting is always sad!

When I actually saw Svein leave in that boat, my eyes were red.


It's been three days since he went to sea, and Svein is still floating on the sea.

Seeing the map that Cardiff had given him, he couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

"I seem to go... Going the wrong way?!" he said incredulously.

"Poof!" he complained. These are the words that Warry blurted out when he was training him and saw that he was careless.

Similar to the mantra of his previous life, "it!"

is normal when you turn the map over and look at it!

There is no text on this map, only simple routes and road signs.

This is naturally understood by a navigator, but for a novice like Svein, it can be described as confusing.

He just looked in the opposite direction of the road signs, and his face turned green when he knew the truth.

Fortunately, he found it in time, and decided to go to the nearest town of Uwen first.

It's also the hometown of Cardiff, a businessman he saved four years ago.

He immediately changed the direction of the sea and set off towards the town of Uwen! After

a few more dull days, Svein finally began to move.

Because three or four hundred meters to the right, there was a large ship that was also sailing parallel to him.

"Look, captain, there's a boat on our right. A pony on the boat shouted.

"Haven't you ever seen a ship!" the captain, who looked like a bear, kicked the horse to the ground.

Then, he picked up the binoculars and looked at them. Suddenly, there was a sound of doubt.

"Huh? The

other horses also took up their binoculars and looked at them, and saw a young man in a simple boat, sitting on the bench of the boat, with his hands folded, looking at them.

The boy was none other than Svein.

One of them said, "Could it be the crew of another merchant ship that has been shipwrecked?"

because their area is extremely prosperous, and they trade clothes, gold, daily necessities, and so on. Merchant ships almost all traveled this sea line.

After the man asked, everyone else nodded in agreement.

"Yes, Captain, we should give him a signal. The

captain went up and said, "What if it's a pirate?"

Obviously, pirates are also prevalent in this area.

While they were discussing together, Svein didn't miss this good opportunity to hitchhike

! His mind moved slightly, and the direction of the current on the thirty-meter sea surface centered on him began to change, flowing in a completely different direction from the current around him.

In a few minutes, he had already reached the vicinity of the ship, and a group of people on the boat were discussing things, but they were slapped coldly, and they were a little upset and wanted to scold.

As a result, when I saw the person in front of me, my mouth gradually became larger and became an "O" shape.

"It's a ghost!" everyone

who was yelled at by his voice also looked back.

The result was the same expression as him.

But he didn't yell at him, but he looked at the boy in front of him with strange eyes.

Svein was stared at the hair, and couldn't help but say hello, "Hello, dear friends!"

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