“Teacher Kulokas, thank you for your guidance and gifts, I will definitely strive to become an excellent doctor.”

“Come on, little Keya, with your talent, future achievements will definitely surpass mine.”

At the beginning of the Great Voyage, under the Twin Cape Lighthouse, Ye Feng and his party were saying goodbye to Kulokas.

Wanting to learn medical skills did not happen overnight, and after staying here overnight, Ye Feng and the others were ready to start a new journey.

Because Keya is gifted and well-behaved and sensible, Kulokas has the feeling of seeing his granddaughter, so he takes Keya as a disciple.

And gave the medical book he wrote to Keya.

At this time, both of them were a little reluctant.

“Ye Feng boy, take care of the little girl Keya, of course, and those three little girls.”

Kulokas looked at Ye Feng, with his age, it was nothing to call a few people like that.

“Don’t worry, Uncle Kulokas, when our trip is over, we will come back to see you.”

Ye Feng answered, and then the ship began to start, and Nami and the women also said goodbye to Kulokas:

“Goodbye, Uncle Sunflower.”

“Uncle Pick, goodbye.”

“Teacher, take care of your body, I will come back to see you.”

“Old man, you must not die next time you come back, hahaha!!!”


In a long whale chirp, Ye Feng and the others left on a sailboat, and soon they could not see their backs.

“It’s nice to be young!”

Sighing, Kulokas smiled and blessed until he could not see the boat, and then returned to Rab’s stomach with his back hand.


“Oops, Oops!”

On Ye Feng’s pirate ship, Nami’s exclamation suddenly startled everyone.

“Nami, what happened?” Ye Feng raised his head and asked puzzled, this has just set off, there should be no problem.

“There is about to be a big storm ahead, and our nautical charts don’t seem to be accurate.”

Nami was in a cold sweat, and the two questions she said were crucial in navigation.

In particular, this is a great shipping route full of risks, which is several times more dangerous than the East China Sea.

“Inaccurate nautical charts?”

Hearing Nami’s words, Ye Feng’s brows suddenly furrowed, this question was his negligence.

In the Great Route, what is necessary for navigation is the recording pointer, and the role of nautical charts is not great, it has been eliminated.

If Ye Feng remembered correctly, Kulokas had a record pointer in his hand, but it was obviously too late to turn back now.

His brain was racing rapidly, and Ye Feng suddenly thought that the Whiskey Mountain Range seemed to be a necessary place to enter the Great Voyage, and it should not be far from them.

With this thought, Ye Feng said, “Don’t worry, there is an island ahead, and we will make plans when we get there.” ”

Ye Feng’s words were gentle and confident, as if with some mysterious power, which made Nami and the others’ anxious hearts instantly stabilize.

Not far ahead, the sky that was still clear at the last moment was covered with dark clouds, and terrifying thunder rolled and galloped in the clouds.

In the blink of an eye, a ferocious storm descended, and then turned into hail.

Ye Feng dared to swear that for the first time in his life, he saw hail with a large basin, even bigger.

“You guys hide well, be careful not to get hit.”

Quickly explaining, Ye Feng stood on the deck with a solemn face, shattering those large hailstones.

If she was smashed by that thing, Nami and the women would definitely not feel good, and the hull would not be able to withstand it.


Ye Feng directly turned into a round of light masses, scattering countless beams of light in mid-air, as long as it exceeded the hail the size of his fist, it would be smashed into powder by him.

“Fortunately, I awakened to see and smell domineering, otherwise in the face of so many hailstones, I really can’t do everything.”

When he passed through the cloud and rain layer, Ye Feng landed on the deck and thought happily.

Although this hailstorm brought a hint of crisis, it also allowed him to successfully awaken his domineering, which was an unexpected gain.

“Is this the Great Route, no wonder it is called the graveyard of pirates, this terrible natural disaster, it is really terrifying.”

The storm passed, and Nami and the women still had palpitations.

Seeing the crisis of the Great Voyage for the first time, not to mention them, Ye Feng was a little surprised.

I really don’t know how so many pirates breed in such a harsh environment.

“These are just appetizers, and disasters that are more terrifying than this abound, and we will all encounter them in the future.”

Ye Feng said this, which also made everyone have a mental preparation.

Then he looked ahead, where an island loomed.

If nothing else, it’s whisky town and a stronghold of Baroque studios.

“The island has appeared, and everyone is ready to land.”


At the same time, on the island, in a dimly lit room, two dark shadows are hiding in secret and talking secretly.

“Mr.8, I found that a ship is heading towards the peak of Whiskey, would you like to inform everyone to do it?”

“Let everyone get ready and see the situation before making a decision.”


As one of the dark shadows left, the room fell silent again.

It didn’t take long for the island, which had been dead and silent, to become lively.


“Fellow adventurers, welcome to Whisky Town, I am the mayor here, if you have any needs, just tell me.”

Standing in front of Ye Feng and the others was a middle-aged man with curly hair, with a warm smile on his face, and a very hospitable look.

With Ye Feng and the others on the island, there was also a pirate group, but compared to Ye Feng and the others, those people were much more embarrassed.

“Old fellow, less verbose there, hurry up and bring me good wine and food, otherwise I will kill you.”

“Didn’t you hear our captain, don’t hurry up, we are a group of Sabiya pirates from the West Sea.”

“Stupid, what to talk to him, go.”

The group shouted and walked towards the town, hearing the name of their pirate group, Ye Feng almost didn’t laugh.

Sabia, I really don’t know which genius came up with this magical name.

However, Ye Feng looked at the backs of those guys, but he was slightly sympathetic, looking like a dead person.

Whiskey town, but the territory of the Baroque studio, many people specialize in hunting pirates for bounty.

Ye Feng concluded that these guys were estimated to not survive tonight.

“Let’s go too!”

Ye Fengyi was bold and took the lead into the town, not taking these miscellaneous fish to heart at all.

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for ten evaluation votes!! Kneeling for support!!!

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