“Don’t worry, in the future, you will definitely not regret today’s decision!”

Since Wei Wei was so solemn, then Ye Feng naturally couldn’t help but express it.

“In order to show my sincerity, those Baroque studio members on this island, I will help you remove first.”

Ye Feng’s words fell, and the white light mask that wrapped the room disappeared with it.

In fact, preparing to kill those little minions on the island was not only Ye Feng’s sincerity, but also Ye Feng’s intention to show his strength.

In this way, Vivi and the two can believe that he really has the strength to defeat Klockdar.

“I’ll go first, I’ll see you later.”

As soon as the word ‘wait’ sounded, Ye Feng’s figure had disappeared from the room, and only a flash of light remained in the pupils of Wei Wei and the two.

“No wonder Mr. Ye Feng is called the ‘Messenger of Light’, presumably he is also a Devil Fruit ability, perhaps, he is really sure to defeat Klockdar.”

Staring in the direction where Ye Feng disappeared, Wei Wei couldn’t help but murmur, and the words contained a strong hope.

Alabastan is really on the verge of dying.

“Princess Vivi, how are you going to explain it to His Majesty?” Looking at Vivi distressedly, Ikalem asked.

“Father will definitely support me in this matter.” Vivi showed her face and showed a beautiful smile:

“Moreover, I have always wanted to see the different customs and customs of various places, and when the voyage is over, it will not be too late for me to return to help my father manage the country.”

Mentioning this, Wei Wei’s eyes couldn’t help but show a trace of longing.


On the other side, in a restaurant in Whiskey Town.

“Things settled?”

Seeing Ye Feng returning with a smile on the corner of his mouth, the Nami women who were waiting for him here all had a realization.

Before, Ye Feng said that he was going to recruit a new partner, but now he must have succeeded, otherwise he would not have behaved like this.

After sitting down and pouring a glass of wine, Ye Feng replied, “Well, it’s basically successful.” ”

“What do you mean?” Several women were puzzled.

“We made a deal and she won’t officially join us until the deal is done.”

Hearing his words, Nami couldn’t help but pout, “Che, that’s how you guy tricked me onto the ship at that time. ”

“Me too.”

“Well, me too!”

In addition to Nokigao, Keya and Carmen also responded.

“Eh, huh!” Seeing the playful gaze of the four women, Ye Feng’s hand holding the cup paused slightly, feeling slightly embarrassed.

If you think about it, it seems like that’s really the case.

“This island is full of enemies, I will go and solve them first, and you will eat here slowly.”

After drinking the wine, Ye Feng put down the wine glass and walked out, his back a little embarrassed.

Hearing his words before leaving, the agents in the room suddenly became anxious.


Forehead! Cluck!!

At this time, suddenly several rays of light came from outside the door, and several agents did not have time to react, and they fell to the ground with wide eyes.

In fact, Ye Feng had already discovered their movements.

“Wait for me, I’m going too.”

Looking at the corpses on the ground, Carmen immediately shouted, his eyes full of desire to fight.

“Since it is a battle, it is natural to go together.”

Nuo Qi was eager to try, and not willing to be left behind, he followed out.

The rest of Nami and Koya looked at each other, both saw each other’s helplessness, but did not hesitate to get up and walk outside the house.

They can’t always rely on Ye Feng, and sooner or later they must learn to be independent and protect themselves.

Entering the Great Shipping Route is the opposite of the kind of greenhouse in the East China Sea, and future battles are inevitable.

Even if you don’t have enough strength to participate in the battle now, you must first adapt yourself to that environment.

With this awareness, the four women of Nami followed behind Ye Feng, working together to deal with the little minions that Ye Feng had specially left for them to practice.

“Good enlightenment.”

In mid-air, Ye Feng praised and continued to fly forward.

With the strength of Carmen and Nami, it is possible to deal with ordinary pirates.

This battle can be regarded as the first trial for the four women to come to the Great Voyage, especially for Nokigao and Keya.

Don’t seek to kill the enemy, focus on participating, experience the feeling of battle, and don’t know how to deal with sudden battles in the future.


“Surround this guy and don’t let him run.”

“A pirate with a bounty of 50 million Bailey, if I kill him, I will definitely become a cadre of the studio.”

“Gee, I want this guy’s head.”

Ye Feng’s killing soon attracted the attention of other agents in the town, and in a short time, all the agents rushed over.

One layer after another, the water around him could not be drained.

Among them are several cadres, Mr.9, Mr.13, Miss.Monday, and Miss.Friday.

“Very good, finally come to Qi, I will find it one by one.” With a faint glance around, Ye Feng finally made a move.


The invisible aura spread, and the vast and boundless momentum was like a mountain, instantly pressing on the hearts of hundreds of agents.

“This guy is too weird, everyone goes together!”

“Go up together, kill this guy!”


These agents are ruthless characters who usually ask for money or death, or kill countless people, but under the oppression of Ye Feng’s momentum, they arouse their ferocity.

In the heaven-shaking shout, Qi Qi rushed towards Ye Feng with scarlet eyes.

“It’s a pity, it’s still a little worse than the overlord color domineering.”

Ye Feng sighed silently, if he awakened the overlord color domineering, he could solve these miscellaneous soldiers with one look.

Unfortunately, one step away is always something missing, so that he cannot cross that layer of obstacles.

“Forget it, just use you to experiment with my new tricks.”

When the thought fell, he saw Ye Feng’s right hand stretched out, and a silver lightsaber about one meter and five meters long appeared in his hand out of thin air.

“The power of light, the sword shines, a flash!”


The silver light flickered, the sword light waved, and with a brilliant sword light, dozens of agents were cut out in two silently.

“Two flashes!”

The light rose again, and a silver lightning bolt swirled between dozens of agents.

Then the figures of the agents were still, standing still, like puppets controlled by someone.

A breeze blew through, and the bodies of those agents fell into pieces.

“Three flashes!”

The icy voice was like the voice of death, and death shrouded the minds of all the remaining agents.

Before they could react and beg for mercy or escape, the soul-harvesting blade of death had arrived.

Countless silver and white sword lights intertwined, connecting the remaining hundreds of agents, and lighting up at the same time, forming a large net.

Immediately after, the same time passed.

The brilliance flashed, and Ye Feng stood with his back to those agents.

The expressions on their faces were different, ranging from fear, confusion, and killing intent.

They don’t even know that they are dead.


It wasn’t until a spraying sound came out that the bodies of these agents exploded in no particular order.

The error is less than 0.1 seconds.

PS: Kneel for flowers, very evaluation votes!! Thank you all for your support!!

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