“Oh, God, I really don’t know what to say!”

Looking at the four so-called priests in front of him, Ye Feng shook his head with disdain.

“Ye Feng, who are these guys?”

Seeing that the comer was not good, Nami and several women walked to Ye Feng’s side one after another and made a fighting stance.

Without waiting for Ye Feng to answer, the four great priests spoke

“I am the four priests of God, Shadley, Seurah, Gaidaz, Ohm, and those who dare to disrespect God will be punished.”

After speaking, the four great priests rushed towards Ye Feng and the others.

“I didn’t even put Anilu in my eyes, just a few of you.”


As soon as Ye Feng’s mind moved, four dazzling pillars of light descended from the sky, like a passage from the heavenly realm to the world.

“God, divine punishment?”

“How come, could this man be a god too?”

“Help, God Anilu, save me!”

“Lord God of Light, spare your life, please forgive me for my ignorance!”

Oppressed in place by the powerful power, the four great priests looked up at the sky, and they were immediately frightened.

This trick, they are extremely familiar, is very similar to Anilu’s divine punishment.

Just feeling the terrifying coercion in the pillar of light, the four of them quickly knelt down and begged for mercy.

In their opinion, the man in front of them must be the same strong as Anilu.

“If it is useful to beg for mercy, this empty island will not die so many people.”

What Ye Feng was referring to was naturally those who were killed by Anilu, even if they begged for mercy, they were still killed by Anilu without hesitation.


The four pillars of light were like divine punishments descended by the sun god, and instantly bombarded the four gods.

“God Anilu will not let you go!”


Hit by the pillar of light, the four great priests suddenly let out heart-rending screams, including unwillingness before dying, begging for mercy, and curses.

Ye Feng listened to all this coldly, and did not pay attention to it at all.

The four pillars of light lasted for several breaths before dissipating, and under the intense heat, the four great priests were burned to ashes one after another.

At this time, Ye Feng raised his head slightly, as if talking to himself, and seemed to be talking to someone:

“Hehe, Anilu, my play is not so good!”

From the beginning, Ye Feng knew that Anilu was monitoring this place with a heart net, which was nothing more than really treating himself as a god, bored to have some fun.

And Ye Feng and the four great priests were pawns that he used as pastimes.

Unfortunately, this time he was destined to kick the iron plate.


Ye Feng’s words, coupled with the killing of the four great priests, seemed to anger Anilu.

The thunder shook for nine days, and in an instant, a thunder broke through the clouds, carrying great divine power, and rolled down towards Ye Feng.

“Insect tricks!”

With an indifferent comment, Ye Feng palmed his hand, and a heaven-piercing light rose up into the sky, straight to the thunder.


The two collided, like a comet hitting a small broken ball, sending out an earth-shattering explosion, and a blinding light illuminated the entire empty island.

The terrifying explosion wave spread out in the breath, and all the white clouds that were affected were engulfed and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The entire empty island shook for several breaths.

When the blast wave disappeared, the inhabitants of the empty island looked into the air in horror, and the white clouds there were now empty.

“Is this a divine war, in addition to the god Anilu, there is a god coming?”

“Gollum, what to do, if there is a divine war between the two gods, we will definitely be affected!”

“Anyway, I hope it doesn’t affect us mortals.”

On Angel Island, countless residents prayed in their hearts, praying that the battle would not break out and would not affect Angel Island.

On the other side, the rest of Shandia, a group of Shandia warriors gathered together, with a solemn expression with a trace of hope.

“Great, finally someone dares to challenge the god Anilu, and besides, it seems that the two sides are evenly matched.”

“Whoever it is, hopefully he can defeat Anilu.”

“I just hope that there won’t be another god Anilu.”


The holy land of Apayado, in the temple at the top of the giant tree.

Looking at Ye Feng, who appeared in front of him in vain, Anilu’s face couldn’t help but become frozen.

“I know a lot of strong people, but there is not one who claims to be a god, I am curious, who gave you your courage?”

Looking at Anilu quietly, Ye Feng’s eyes seemed to be looking at a pen.

That’s right, it’s a pen.

Anilu has the strongest natural thunder fruit with the strongest attack, and its speed is not below that of the general Yellow Ape.

It has unrivalled potential.

But he was obsessed with the infinite land, confined to a small empty island and vainly claimed to be a god, and the fierce pattern of his heart made Ye Feng look down on.

That is, a character who is rampant in his ambition.

“Hmph, Qinghai people, dare to be disrespectful to this god and accept the sanctions of this god!”

“Thirty million volts thunderbird!”

With a cold snort, Anilu directly attacked, and a huge thunder giant bird screamed, and instantly rushed towards Ye Feng.

The terrifying thunder and lightning around him emitted a piercing thunderstorm.

“Since you are interested, then play with you.” With a senseless whisper, Ye Feng made a casual move, and an angel greeted the thunderbird.

The two sides were entangled, fighting each other inextricably, hitting from heaven to earth, and soon the thunderbird fell below and was directly torn apart by the angel.

“Thunder Beast!”

Seeing this, Anilu roared again unwillingly, and then a huge thunder wolf roared and pounced on the angel.

One white and one basket, two figures fought and fought, shaking the huge vine to tremble, making those empty island residents all terrified.

Once the vine in the sky falls, it will definitely affect many areas, and I don’t know how much damage it will cause.

In less than a minute, Thunder Wolf was defeated, his face turned black, and Anilu couldn’t help but increase his output:

“Sixty million volts thunder dragon!”


With a domineering dragon groan, among the clouds, a hideous thunder dragon flew out with its teeth and claws.

With rolling thunder and lightning, it wound towards the angel, and the sharp dragon claws tore towards the angel’s wings.

But at this time, the angel’s hand flashed, and a silver-white giant sword appeared out of thin air, slashing down at the dragon’s head.

At the critical moment, the thunder dragon swung its tail and slapped it on the big sword, successfully avoiding this blow.

The two scuffled together again, the sword light flashed, the claw shadow was heavy, and the fight was inseparable.

In the end, both dissipated at the same time.

PS: Kneel for flowers, very evaluation votes! Kneel and beg the support of the big guys!!

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