New World, the new headquarters of the Navy, the original G2 fortress.

In order to cope with the more ferocious era of sea thieves, Akainu, a powerful new marshal, directly moved his headquarters here.

At this time, in the marshal’s office, from time to time, the sound of the roar of the red dog was heard.

That terrifying anger, like a volcanic eruption, enveloped the entire naval base.

Some passing navies, after noticing the movement here, chose to detour, for fear of becoming a punching bag for red dogs.


“Hmph, damn the world government, is it really a Draco dogleg?”

Fiercely hung up the phone worm, and the red dog snorted coldly with anger on his face.

After taking over the post of marshal of the navy, some of Akainu’s ideas also subtly changed.

In the past, when he was a naval admiral, everything above was on top of the Sengoku, and he just had to follow orders.

You don’t have to think about anything else or how to wrap it up.

And now, after becoming a marshal, everything is the first to find him, no matter how big or small, he needs to deal with it.

At this time, he understood that it was not easy for the Warring States.

Especially in the face of the world government, the five old stars and the Draco, it is more troublesome than the duel between him and the green pheasant.

Now the red dog thinks about the problem, the first thing that comes to mind is the interests of the Navy, and the second is the world government.

And not as before, everything is subject to the arrangements of the world government.

To put it bluntly, the wings are hardened and I want to fly solo.

The identity is also different, how can you tolerate others pointing fingers at it.

Admiral, good villains also need face.

No, this guy even smoked a cigar, which is bigger than the previous pie.

“It’s terrible, I can feel your anger at home, Sakaski!”

Suddenly, a beating sound sounded outside the door, and then the lewd face of the yellow ape appeared in front of the red dog.

“Whew! The guys from the World Government asked to increase Ye Feng’s soulless bounty, and this time, it was directly raised to 3.5 billion Bailey! ”

Exhaling a breath of smoke, the red dog replied unpleasantly.

In his opinion, this was purely to publicize Ye Feng’s prestige, and it would not benefit the navy at all.

In a sense, bounties are indeed the pursuit of pirates, and the higher the bounty amount, the stronger it is.

Ye Feng’s bounty amount at this time was 25, and there were not many people who surpassed him on the sea.

If it is raised to 3.5 billion, it will be terrifying.

You know, Ye Feng went to sea for only half a year, and the bounty reached 3.5 billion Bailey, which is simply unprecedented.

This move will undoubtedly push the momentum to another level.

In particular, Ye Feng had just defeated Whitebeard before and replaced him as the strongest in the new world.

At such a juncture, raising his bounty is easy to give people the feeling that the navy is afraid of him.

This situation is the most unhappy for the red dog.

“The world government and the Draco people are really rich!”

Directly walking to the sofa on the side and sitting down, the yellow ape said frivolously.

Ran Goose, his words seemed to have stabbed a certain pain point in the red dog, making his face instantly livid.

“Hmph, just now the world government called, the Navy’s military spending in the next two years will be reduced by one-third again.”

Saying that, the red dog slammed his fist angrily on the desk, if it weren’t for his control, this table would inevitably be scrapped.

The reason why the red dog is angry is because since a few years ago, the world government has intentionally or unintentionally reduced the military spending of the navy.

The purpose of this was not understood or cared about before, but he is clear now.

The main reason is that in recent years, the navy has gradually become stronger, which has triggered the vigilance of the world government, so it will want to weaken the navy.

In addition, the world government also began to put its hands in the navy, so it chose him to succeed him as marshal.

But obviously, Akainu is not completely loyal to the world government, and in his heart, the navy is the most important.

“Reducing military spending, that’s really a headache!”

Hearing the red dog’s words, the yellow ape murmured, his expression was inexplicably sad, as if he was worried about whether his salary would also be reduced.

“Demon Ye Feng, that guy, one day, I will send him to the Great Prison Under the Sea!” Chiinu’s eyes were low, and he spoke resentfully.

When the yellow ape heard the sound, he glanced at him lightly and did not answer.

Perhaps, he was embarrassed to hit the red dog.

For a while, the atmosphere in the marshal’s office fell silent.


On this day, the wind is fine and the sun is shining.

On a certain spring island in the New World, because the scenery here is good, Ye Feng and his party are staying here.

At this time, in a natural hot spring, the heat was steaming, and Ye Feng, Nami and other women were leisurely soaking in the spring water.

“Hey, there are more women, sometimes it’s not a good thing!”

Glancing at the frolicking women in front of him, Ye Feng secretly sighed, his heart full of sadness.

Silently recited a few words of the mantra of clearing the heart, came out of sight, out of mind, closed eyes and nourished the mind.

“Forget it, don’t soak!”

Ran Goose, smelling the wisps of fragrance in the air, Ye Feng couldn’t calm down, and finally simply got up and left.

At this time, three days had passed since the Draco’s revenge, and Ye Feng and the others were preparing to leave the New World and head to the first half of the Great Voyage.

The purpose, naturally, is to prepare for the search for lanternfish.

Anyway, for Ye Feng and the others, they don’t have any destinations, so they should be tourism and treasure hunting.

In the afternoon, after finishing the meal, Ye Feng was just about to take a look at it for a while, and he found that the sky was a little abnormal.

I don’t know when, in the cloudless sky, there were several more clouds.

On the calm sea, there are also bursts of waves.

Suddenly, accompanied by a gust of breeze, a figure appeared in Ye Feng’s line of sight.

PS: Kneel for subscription!! Thank you all for your support!!! _

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