Dressrosa, Palace Heights.

Doflamingo, dressed in a pink feather coat, sat in front of the window with a gloomy face.

Looking at the phone worm where no news came out, through the glasses, you could see two burning flames in his eyes.

“Ro, Straw Hat Kid, Smogg…”

The gloomy words were like the cold wind blowing out of the abyss of hell, freezing cold, making people feel cold all over.

“The SAD factory can be lost, but Caesar, there is absolutely no room for loss!”

“According to Monet’s intelligence, Ye Feng’s guy didn’t make a move, it seems that he was really just passing by.”

Various thoughts raced through his mind, and finally, Doflamingo made a decision:

“No matter what, I’m going to go there myself!”

A touch of unwilling words fluttered in the breeze, and in front of the windowsill, there was no figure for a long time, only curtains fluttering in the wind.

With the loss of two capable subordinates, if Caesar is still captured by Luo and others, Doflamingo will not be willing in any way.

Although Baby-5 and Buffalo were sent before, after Monet lost contact with Virgo, Mingo couldn’t help but feel angry in his heart and decided to go out himself.

Of course, the reason why he dared to do this was that Ye Feng did not make a move.

Otherwise, he who had seen Ye Feng make a move in the top war would definitely not have the guts to trouble Ye Feng.

In this world, the more you know, the more you will fear, and the reason why Mingo is afraid of Kaido is because he knows Kaido’s horror.

In the same way, he had seen Ye Feng’s horror, and he would also be afraid and afraid of Ye Feng.


Punk Hassad, Luffy and Law and others naturally did not know anything about Doflamingo’s hands-on.

At this moment, everyone was excitedly preparing for the banquet.

Even Ye Feng and his party participated in the banquet at Luffy’s invitation.

It is also inaccurate to say that everyone is happy, because there are two people who are hugging each other and crying.

These two people are naturally Jinweimon and Momonosuke.

When Momonosuke found out what was missing, Jinweimon immediately drew his sword and roared up to the sky, if it weren’t for Luffy and others to stop him, this guy would probably have committed suicide.

As a retainer, not protecting the young lord was his greatest dereliction of duty and the greatest shame of the samurai.

Of course, in front of outsiders, the two are still called father and son.

“Luffy-san, please tell me, who the hell harmed Momonosuke like this?”

When Momonosuke fell asleep, Kinemon knelt down in front of Luffy with a serious expression.

Because of too much blood loss, days of starvation, and grief, Momonosuke only had time to recognize Kinemon and passed out.

He didn’t wait for Jinweimen to ask the truth of the matter.

“Ah, I’m sorry Jinweimen, I don’t know about this.” Looking at Jinweimen, Luffy returned seriously.

“According to Peach’s own account, it may have been cut by something in the garbage heap.”

Although Luffy had a tendon, he could also understand Jinweimen’s mood at the moment, and the importance of that thing, he naturally understood.

After hearing his words, Jinweimen fell into a dead silence, and after a few breaths, he was full of sadness and raised his head and said:

“This may be Momonosuke’s fate!”

After that, Jinweimon walked silently to Momonosuke’s side, guarding it step by step, his eyes were sharp, like a lone wolf.

Seeing this, the others shook their heads one after another, and they didn’t know how to comfort this kind of thing.

Even after Luo checked Momonosuke’s injuries, he said that he could not do anything, even if he reconnected it.

Because after his scan, he found that some of Momonosuke’s nervous systems had been necrotic, and there was no possibility of repair.

In fact, it was precisely because of Luo that Ye Feng secretly moved some tricks, leaving him helpless.

I have to say that his actions are indeed precautionary.


“Ye Feng, wouldn’t a man like you also come for something like that?”

Suddenly, Smogg’s voice sounded behind Ye Feng.

“Huh, what do you think?” Ye Feng did not turn around, but asked with interest.

Hearing this, Smogg raised his eyebrows, “If you say so, I think I already know the answer!” ”

Smog was not a fool like Luffy, so he naturally heard the meaning of Ye Feng’s words.

Immediately afterwards, he asked again: “So, I wonder what your plans are next?” ”

“Can I understand that you are questioning me, Smogg?”

Ye Feng turned around slightly, and an invisible momentum rose from him, instantly enveloping Smogg.

“Uh, uh,”

Shrouded in his terrifying momentum, Smogg’s pupils contracted violently, and cold sweat flowed down his forehead like rain.

At this moment, Smogg felt like he was being targeted by a prehistoric ferocious beast, his body stiffened in vain, and he did not dare to move.

Just like Monet who was previously targeted by Solon.

“Ye Feng is in charge, Smog is in charge, I didn’t expect you two to know each other.”

At this moment, Luo walked towards the two from not far away.

Seeing this, Ye Feng glanced at Smogg, and then retracted his momentum, as if he had done nothing.

“Phew, phew, ,”

As for Smogg, he took a few deep breaths before recovering, his back was already wet.

Looking at Ye Feng’s gaze, there was full of jealousy, and there was a touch of fear.

“This monster, I haven’t seen it in the past two years, I’m afraid its strength has grown a lot!” Secretly thinking in his heart, Smog was full of powerlessness.

Now his strength is several times stronger than two years ago, but facing Ye Feng, he feels that the gap between the two is even greater than two years ago.

This can only show that while he is progressing, Ye Feng has not stopped.

What a terrible thing this was, Smogg couldn’t imagine it.

While Smogg’s mind was mixed, Law had already walked up to the two and looked at the two with a little curiosity.

“Hehe, Luo, you should know that I am from the East China Sea, and I have had a relationship with this guy Smogg.”

Ye Feng smiled at the corner of his mouth, and said without care: “Let’s talk, the food over there seems to be ready, I’ll go over and take a look.” ”

When the words fell, Ye Feng didn’t care what the two thought, and walked not far away without thinking about himself.

In his opinion, food is much more attractive to him than two big men.

After he left, Law and Smogg looked at each other before talking.


PS: Kneel for subscription! Thank you all for your support!!!

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