“Oh, good, so big!”

Half a day later, when they saw the behemoth shrouded in layers of fog in front of them, Nami and the other women couldn’t help but shout.

Even Ye Feng couldn’t help but feel shocked after seeing the elephant lord with his own eyes.

The thick elephant legs of the limbs are like pillars supporting the sky, which are magnificent.

Ye Feng judged that the length of the elephant lord’s body was at least 20,000 meters, and the height of the exposed sea surface alone was also about 10,000 meters to 20,000 meters.

Such a huge creature is rare in myths and legends.

On the back of the towering elephant, the shadow of a city can be faintly seen.

According to rumors, Zou Island is a mysterious island shrouded in fog, and it is difficult to think of it at an altitude of 10,000 or 20,000 meters.

“Such a big creature, no wonder the legend almost destroyed the world.” Ye Feng sighed.

Even the super large sea king class of Fishman Island is just a younger brother in front of the elephant lord.

Ordinary small islands, it is estimated that the Lord can destroy one with one kick, and the larger one is just a few things.

With its now old, stiff body, it can dry up Drought Jack with one nose.

That thousand years ago, his strength might have been even stronger, at least the first level of four emperors.

“It’s hard to imagine that there really is such a big elephant in the world, and it is still walking.”

“Just from the size alone, there is no creature in the sea that is his opponent, it’s really hard to imagine how it grew so big.”

“I feel like its head is taller than the empty island.”


“If you kill it, it should be enough for the people of a kingdom to eat for a long time.”


Nami and the other women were surprised at first, and then the topic began to go crooked.

Perhaps hearing their words, like the Lord’s two huge ears, stirred up back and forth like a hill.

Suddenly, a huge wind was brought up, stirring up the surrounding mist.

Standing on the deck, Ye Feng controlled the Golden Maple Leaf to fly upwards.

At this time, he saw that behind the right leg of the elephant lord, several pirate ships were parked on the sea.

The pirate ship led by it is a hideous mammoth at the bow.

Seeing this, Ye Feng suddenly knew in his heart.

“Drought Jack should not have received news of Mingo’s arrest, or received that he has not yet started an operation.”

Drought Jack this guy is also a head iron, in the original work, after knowing that Brother Ming was escorted away by Warring States and others, he even wanted to hijack the ship.

If he hadn’t run fast, it is estimated that he himself would have been left behind.

Then he tried to kill the elephant lord, but he was turned over by a nose and driven to the bottom of the sea, if he was not a fish man, he would definitely be drowned.

However, none of this has anything to do with Ye Feng, at least not with him now.

No matter what Jack’s purpose is, whether it is to pursue the remnants of the Mitsuki family in the country of Wano, or to destroy the Principality of Mokemo who destroys the fur people.

As long as he didn’t provoke Ye Feng, Ye Feng could completely ignore him.

However, with Drought Jack’s magical brain circuits, as well as the degree of head iron, there should be a high probability of provoking Ye Feng.

Just when Ye Feng discovered Jack’s fleet, the members of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group who remained below also discovered the Golden Maple Leaf.

Even in the hazy fog, the luster of the Golden Maple Leaf is still so shiny, it is difficult not to notice.

“Captain Moss, there is a pirate ship above, it seems to be going to Zou Island.”

“Stupid, Lao Tzu is not blind, when he sees it, he quickly informs Boss Jack and says that a stranger is about to arrive.”

“Yes, Captain!”


A few minutes later, the Golden Maple Leaf successfully landed on the back of the elephant through clouds and fog.

But what appeared in front of Ye Feng and the others was a ruined and messy town.

The thick smell of blood permeated the air for a long time, and the corpses all over the ground made people feel as if they had come to hell.

Miserable, dead and silent, the death of each corpse was full of unwillingness, and it could be seen from the eyes of Ye Feng and others that these people were killed without resistance.

And these dead people, very different from ordinary people, have a strong animal smell on the outside.

Obviously, these dead people are the indigenous people here, the fur people.

“I smell gas in the air!”

Ke Ya sniffed the cute Qiong nose and said with an unbearable face.

The cruel scene in front of her was not only her, but also the other women were more or less uncomfortable.

“Just now I saw Drought Jack’s ship below, and he must be at war with the fur tribe.

However, it should have been he who fell behind and used the gas bomb studied by Caesar. ”

The scene in front of him, coupled with the thick bloody aura in the air, made Ye Feng frown a little.

From the surrounding environment, it can be seen that Zou Island is a very beautiful place, but these corpses seriously affect his mood.

“There are shouts of killing ahead, and the battle should not be over.”

Among the people, Wei Wei’s perception was only under Ye Feng, and she was the first to hear a faint sound in the distance.

In fact, from the freshness of these corpses, the picture of blood still flowing, it can be inferred that the massacre has just begun.

Moreover, the smell of toxic gas in the air has not completely dissipated.

Ye Feng saw that the domineering aura was instantly released, covering the entire Zou Island, and found that about a kilometer in front of them, a cat and a dog were fiercely fighting with a strong man.

However, the situation is not good, the state of the cat and dog seems a little weak, and it may be defeated at any time.

Around them, some guys wearing gas masks were excitedly slaughtering.

The ground within a radius of 100 meters was stained red with blood, and the corpses of fur warriors lay everywhere on the ground.

Ye Feng recognized that the cat and dog were the two bosses of the fur tribe, the Cat Viper and the Duke of Inulan.

“Pedro, get out of here with everyone, we’ll drag these guys!”

“Cat Viper Boss,,”

“Hurry up, we won’t last long!”

“Okay, Forest Warriors, retreat with their brothers and sisters who have lost their combat power!”

Seeing the situation around him, Pedro made a quick decision, led his men and fought and retreated.

In this case, if the battle goes to the death, it will only increase casualties, and the death will have no value at all, and it will waste the determination of cats and dogs.

Not long after they evacuated, under the attack of poison gas, the combat effectiveness of cats and dogs gradually became weak, and they were quickly defeated by Jack.

And after Jack defeated the cat and dog, he did not interrogate the two at the first time, but turned to look at another place.

PS: Kneel for subscription! Thank you all for your support!!

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