
Before Luffy could finish his words, a fist hit Ye Feng directly in front of him.

“It seems that Nami has already negotiated with them!”

Muttered secretly, Ye Feng’s head turned sideways like lightning, easily dodging Luffy’s fist.


With a soft sound, Luffy retracted his arm and shouted dissatisfied:

“Hey, Nami has already told us, you are so boring!”

Luffy is a straight-tempered person who can’t hold back anything he says. Although he understands that Nami’s incident was an inadvertent incident, he is still a little unhappy.

Compared to Luffy, Zoro is more direct. He picks up his sword and walks out of the house.

“I said before that I would give it a try, how about starting now?”

“good!”Ye Feng’s expression remained unchanged and he followed Sauron forward.

“Wait, I want to compete with Ye Feng first, Zoro, don’t compete with me.”

With a loud shout, Luffy flicked his arm, grabbed a tree trunk and flew out, landing directly between Ye Feng and Zoro.

Later, Nami and Usopp also followed out. When they saw Keya, Usopp’s eyes lit up and he ran over in a hurry.

“Hey, Keya, are you here to see me? Are you feeling okay?”

Keya smiled and said:”Mr. Usopp, I’m here to say goodbye to you. I have decided to go to sea with Ye Feng.”

I felt that it was awkward for Keya to call him Mr. Ye Feng, so at Ye Feng’s request, Keya directly called him by his name instead of Mr. Ye Feng.

“What, Keya, you want to go to sea?”

Hearing Keya’s words, Usopp was stunned and couldn’t help but exclaimed.

His shout immediately attracted the attention of others

“Nami, this is Keya, who will also be our future ship doctor.”

“Keya, this is Nami, our future navigator.”

Under Ye Feng’s introduction, Nami and Keya greeted each other.

Usopp seemed to have fallen into some kind of despair and couldn’t extricate himself. Zoro gestured and looked back. Luffy

, on the other hand, was full of envy,”Yeah , Ye Feng, you have found another partner. It’s so awesome. I have to speed up too.”

“Well, I believe your partner will surpass mine soon!”

Looking at Usopp in a daze, Ye Feng responded seriously.

It won’t be long before Luffy will meet Sanji. With Zoro and Usopp, he will have three partners, indeed more than Ye Feng..However

, some things are often unexpected


In an open space not far from Usopp’s house, Ye Feng and Zoro stood opposite each other.

Under the threat of Zoro’s three swords, Luffy surrendered shamefully.

At this time, the atmosphere in the venue was solemn.

I saw Ye Feng standing with his hands behind his back, his face calm. Compared with his calm and calm expression, Sauron’s expression was much more solemn.

“Ye Feng seems to be defenseless and full of holes, but in fact he is like a hedgehog with thorns all over his body, making it impossible for me to attack him.”

Staring at Ye Feng with sharp eyes, Sauron not only held swords in both hands, but also held a sword in his mouth, assuming his most powerful fighting form.

Even so, he still did not dare to take action easily, because Ye Feng could not help but , bringing him huge pressure.

This is a kind of power, the power that comes with the strong.

Compared with Ye Feng, Sauron’s current strength is still too weak and completely incomparable.

“No, I will lose without a fight if this continues.”

A drop of cold sweat slipped from Sauron’s forehead. A fierce light flashed in his eyes. Sauron no longer hesitated and rushed towards Ye Feng with his knife.

“Three-sword style·Ghost slaying!”

Facing Ye Feng, Sauron directly exploded with his ultimate move. There seemed to be an evil ghost behind him, and it fell with Sauron’s sword.

Ghost Slash is not Sauron’s strongest trick, but it is definitely the one he uses the most. Move.

The two swords in his hands are crossed and attack Ye Feng from a flank. The third sword seals the void. As long as Ye Feng dodges, he will be struck by the third sword. The sharp sword light flashes and the cold sword energy is more than ten meters apart. Feeling numb on scalp

“Good moves and not weak attacks, but unfortunately, he has not reached the level of a swordsman.”

When the sword light approached, Ye Feng still showed no signs of nervousness and commented lightly.

Sauron hesitated for a moment, but cut down the swords without any hesitation. His intuition told him not to underestimate Ye Feng.

Sure enough, at the critical moment, the white light In a flash, Ye Feng’s figure disappeared.


In doubt, Zoro heard Luffy shouting

“Hey, Zoro, behind!”

But before Sauron could react, a chuckle sounded in his ears:”Haha, have you ever been kicked at the speed of light?”


Bang bang bang!!!

With a harsh sonic boom, Ye Feng kicked Sauron on the back, kicked him away hard, and broke several big trees before stopping.

The ultimate Speed brings ultimate power and destructive power.


“So strong, almost like a monster. With that kind of speed and strength, are they really human?”

Spitting out a mouthful of blood, Sauron put one hand on the ground and looked at Ye Feng in disbelief.

Just one blow caused him to lose his fighting power. This kind of thing has never happened to Sauron before.

He felt that he His internal organs tumbled, and his spine felt like it had been kicked off.

“Zoro, are you okay?”

With a hiss, Luffy appeared in front of Zoro and asked with concern.

“Ahem, it’s okay, that guy is a monster, be careful!”

Leaning on the tree trunk, Sauron solemnly explained.

“Well, I get it.”

Luffy responded, and looked at Ye Feng with fighting intent.

At this time, Ye Feng was still standing with his hands behind his back, as if he had never moved, with a faint smile hanging on the corner of his mouth, which was unpredictable.

“Kizaru’s catchphrase is indeed quite cool!”Ye Feng thought sadly, feeling extremely beautiful.

At this moment, Luffy’s voice sounded, followed by his attack.

“Ye Feng, it’s my turn!”

“Rubber rubber pistol!”

Luffy’s attacks basically arrived before his words. His arms were like springs, stretching tens of meters in an instant.

The speed of his fists was comparable to bullets, and the power was comparable to rocket launchers.

However, Ye Feng is light, and the speed of light is faster than bullets. Much faster, he dodged Luffy’s fist with a slight dodge.

“Luffy, be serious, otherwise you will be like Zoro, defeated in one move!”

“Hahaha, I’m much better than that idiot Zoro.”Luffy laughed loudly after hearing this, and his eyes became brighter.

“Rubber rubber machine gun!”

With a roar, Luffy’s arms punched out wildly, 2 turned into 4, 4 turned into 8, 8 turned into 16… The fist shadows filled the sky, with the sound of thunder, overwhelmingly bombarding Ye Feng.

“This move is a bit interesting, but the enemy won’t stand still and let you hit me. Let me show you my speed.”

“At the speed of light, light changes thousands of things!”

With a calm comment, Ye Feng turned into a flash of light and moved away as if teleporting, and then the speed became faster and faster. In the blink of an eye, with Luffy as the center point, a bright band of light formed around it, as if countless Ye Feng appeared..Bang

, bang, bang bang bang!!!

Then, there was a muffled crackling sound, and Luffy was seen flashing back and forth in the air, like a ball, being kicked non-stop.

His face was beaten violently at a speed visible to the naked eye. It turned into a pig’s head.

There was no way to catch up in the air. Luffy couldn’t fight back at all, let alone dodge. He could only be beaten passively.

“Oops, what’s going on? It hurts so much, why can’t I see the attack? Pain, pain, pain, pain……”

Even though Luffy was a rubber man, he couldn’t stand being beaten hundreds or even thousands of times in a short period of time, so he couldn’t help but cry out in pain.

That miserable voice simply makes those who hear it sad and those who see it cry.

Even a tough guy like Zoro felt terrified when he heard this.

The cute girl Keya turned pale with fright and couldn’t bear to look at her, but Nami looked at it with gusto and looked eager to try.

Finally, Ye Feng stopped attacking and the light dissipated, revealing his figure.

After torturing Zoro and beating Luffy, Ye Feng felt refreshed.

The corners of his mouth couldn’t help but curl up.

PS: Please give me flowers and 10 points!! Begging for support!!

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