Although Luffy’s brain circuit is simple, he also knows that now is the best time to rescue Yamaji.

The strength of the army was reduced, the main general Aunt went crazy, and was still stared at by Ye Feng, and the strength of the entire Aunt Pirate Group could be described as very empty.

Large and small, only dozens of stalwartas remained, and the small soldiers on Cake Island were basically emptied.

The pressure faced by the Straw Hats gang is not known to be many times less than in the original book.

As for defeating Aunt, Luffy and the others didn’t particularly care, their main purpose was just to find Sanji.

“Yosie, let us out, Becky!”

Laughing, Luffy pleaded directly to Capone Becky.

“Hmph, you better put on earplugs first!”

Although a little upset, Becky reminded Luffy and the others.

Then he glanced around, found a hidden location, and released Luffy and the others.

For some reason, for the time being, he is not ready to expose.

At this time, Auntie’s screams still did not stop, the scene was chaotic, and everyone’s attention was attracted by her.

For a moment, no one really found Luffy and the others.

On the original wedding stage, Sanji had already taken Bryn to hide aside.

It’s just that Brin’s strength is not very strong, and he was stunned by Ye Feng’s overlord-colored domineering at the first time.

This also made Sanji breathe a sigh of relief, finally no longer having to act, more tired than fighting with Solon.

Against the violent roar of his aunt, Sanji suddenly saw Luffy and the others, and his heart was both moved and worried.

After all, they are facing the Aunt Pirates.

Although Ye Feng restrained Aunt, the remaining ministers were not easy to deal with.


Not far away, Luffy and the others also found Sanji and immediately shouted and beckoned to him.

However, this moment attracted the attention of Katakuri, as well as Morguns and others.

“Straw Hat Kid Luffy!”

When Morguns’ bird’s eyes saw Luffy, they suddenly sparkled, as if they saw a treasure.

“This guy is worth paying attention to, the straw hat boy challenging the Six Emperors Aunt will be a big news that will sensational the world.”

I don’t know what he fancy Luffy, in short, he fell in love with Luffy at a glance and felt that he had the potential to become an emperor.

I have to say that this birdman’s eyesight is indeed very accurate.


On the Golden Maple Leaf, Ye Feng sensed through perception, and soon the location of the historical text was in the treasure house inside the cake tower.

“Robin, the text of history is…”

After placing the guest of honor in the main text of the history, Ye Feng looked at Nami and the women again:

“Nami, Vivi, Carmen, you accompany Robin, as for Perona, Nokigao, Koya, and Cornice, you will stay on the ship for the time being.”

To prevent anyone from interfering with Robin’s interpretation of the text of history, Ye Feng made such an arrangement.

With the strength of Nami and the women, it is enough to cope with the possible obstruction.

As for Ye Feng himself, he naturally stared at Aunt.

Otherwise, if this crazy old woman goes crazy, Nami and the others can’t handle it.

“Then there we go!”

Robin and the others answered and jumped off the deck.

Vivi turned into lightning, Carmen turned into a phoenix, and Robin appeared with two wings behind him, carrying Nami, and the four flew towards the cake tower in unison.

This scene did not hide from the people below.

And at this moment, Auntie’s crazy screams finally stopped, her eyes scarlet, staring at Ye Feng like a demon.

“Their goal should be the text of history, Mondor, you go and stop them.”

Katakuri’s eyes flashed red, and he explained to the clerical officer behind him, Mondor.

Mondor is the brainstorm of the Aunt Pirates, not weak in strength and good at strategizing.

“Okay, Brother Katakuri!”

Hearing Katakuri’s explanation, Mondor answered respectfully, and rushed to the cake tower with several ministers.

In the treasure cabinet, in addition to the main text of history, there are many rare treasures, which are things that Auntie attaches great importance to.

If they are all lost, after the fact, even these children will probably be severely punished by their aunt.

Thinking of the terrifying scene of life being extracted, the Mondol people couldn’t help but speed up their pace.

After watching the Mondol and the others leave, Katakuri’s eyes were red, and then he spoke again:

“Mom, don’t worry about us here, Smooji, you and I go to each other’s Straw Hat Kid, Brother Peros Pero, you still act according to the previous plan.”

I don’t know what future fragment Kaji saw to make such a decision.

If this evolves, events will undoubtedly become similar to the original again.

If Luffy and the others want to escape safely from all nations, it is still a very difficult thing, and they need to go through the blockade.

You know, if you don’t count the emperor, among the major royal groups, the overall strength of the Aunt Group is undoubtedly the strongest.

In addition to a few general stars, the remaining Perospero, Daifuku, Owen, Eggman Baron and others are also very strong.

There are also major forces deployed on other islands, and in terms of overall strength, the strength of the Dama Regiment is extremely large and amazing.

And the royal regiments such as Whitebeard and Kaido, although they are inferior to the Aunt Regiment in terms of subordinate troops, they will not be much worse.

Supernova and the like want to challenge the imperial group, it is undoubtedly a fool’s dream, and the people below can solve them without the help of the emperors.

After Katakuri made arrangements, the remaining ministers of the Aunt Group all followed his instructions and began to act.

Katakuri takes the initiative to find Luffy, he wants to rescue his sister Bray, and Bray is on Luffy’s back.

Perospero is looking for Gaji and others who are watching the play, and the technology of Jerma 66 is something that Aunt is bound to get.

As for Auntie, since Ka Er said don’t worry, everyone trusts it immensely.

Above, Ye Feng took a deep look at Katakuri, a flash of praise flashed in his eyes, and did not make a move to stop their action.

“Foreseeing the future is domineering, and there are indeed some doorways!”

PS: Kneel for subscription! Thank you all for your support!!! _

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