“Anything that is contrary to justice, I will eradicate it.”

The red dog crushed the cigar into the ashtray, and the yellow ape’s whisper did not hide from his ears.

Monchi S. D. Long, belonging to a taboo within the Navy, was completely blocked more than a decade ago.

In the new generation of navies, little is known about the relationship between dragons and navies.

In the eyes of the red dog, the dragon and the revolutionary army, and the pirates, are not much different, they are all targets that he wants to eliminate.

It can be said that the absolute justice of the red dog simply cannot tolerate the existence of all forces opposed to the world government.

However, I don’t know if he ever thought about whether the world government represented true justice.

It can be seen that Akainu hates Draco in his heart, but he has to obey the orders of the world government and Draco.

The final direction and position of the Navy is not something that the red dog alone can influence, at least for now, the Navy is still the biggest pawn of the world government.

“Now that the Revolutionary Army is in action, are we sending troops to support Mary Joa?”

The yellow ape ignored the red dog’s emotions and asked instead.

There was not much discussion with the red dog about the dragon.

With a slight groan, the red dog slowly spoke:

“Mary Joa currently has Vine Tiger and Green Bull guarding, and there is no need to increase troops for the time being, not to mention, the navy’s current strength is also insufficient.”

The comprehensive strength of the navy is very strong, but the territory that needs to be managed is also very large.

The current situation on the sea is so tense that the forces of the navy are scattered everywhere, and there is no time for other things.

What’s more, the strength of the world government is not the navy, and the main focus of the red dog is still on the country of peace, Ye Feng and others.

He didn’t pay much attention to protecting Draco and maintaining the safety of the World Conference.

Especially last time, after the Doflamingo incident, the red dog met with the five old stars, which made him very unhappy in his heart.

Until now, he is still indignant in his heart.

“Now the form on the sea is somewhat complicated, and we need to strengthen our vigilance so as not to be found by those scum.”

Lighting a cigar again, the red dog spoke again with a solemn expression.

The breath of the storm is getting closer and closer, and the changes on the sea cannot be concealed from these big people at the top.

With the movements of the aunt, whitebeard, and blackbearded emperors, the whole new world is secretly surging.

Countless sea thieves rubbed their hands, seemingly planning something.

The red-haired pirate group wandering around disappeared at a critical moment and disappeared.

Ye Feng’s whereabouts were even more mysterious, floating in the air, and no one knew where he would appear in the next moment.

In addition, there are powerful sea pirates such as Wald, Golden Lion, and Special Strength, I don’t know where to hide.

But the Navy never ignored these people and kept an eye on their movements.

These lawless sea thieves are absolutely hostile to the world government and navy, and cannot be underestimated.

Chi Inu faintly felt that during the world conference, these guys would definitely not let go of such a good opportunity.

I will definitely take advantage of this opportunity to make a big fuss.

It turns out that Akainu’s intuition is very accurate.

It didn’t take long for the Navy to receive intelligence that the Golden Lion was gathering people and horses in a certain sea area of the New World to rebuild the Flying Pirate Group.

This news, like a hurricane, swept the entire new world, and countless pirates who knew the prestige of the golden lion rushed towards where the golden lion was.

For a moment, the atmosphere of the new world was once again suppressed by several points, and the breath of the storm was closer.

At this moment, anyone with a little vision and wisdom perceives that something is wrong and feels that something big is about to happen.

Compared with the high profile of the Golden Lion, Wald and Barrett are much more low-key.

Wald was once betrayed by his partner and never trusted anyone again.

Barrett’s situation is similar to his, only recognizing his own strength is the truth of surviving on the sea.

However, although the two of them did not expand their power, their own existence could not be ignored by the navy.

On the contrary, his whereabouts are more secretive, making the navy more cautious and vigilant.

At the same time, in the dark world, many giants have also held video conferences through telephone worms.

These villains are more sensitive to crisis awareness than anyone else.

Similarly, they are undoubtedly the happiest group of people about the coming storm.

The more chaotic the world, the more opportunities they have to make a big profit and make a windfall.

Perhaps, you can also become more beautiful like emperors such as Whitebeard and Aunt.

Fame, wealth, status, these greedy guys all aspire to.

And these guys don’t know at all that their every move is watched by the world government.

With Stussy’s introspection, any dynamics of the dark world will not be concealed from the world government.

To some extent, it is the indulgence of the world government that will give the dark world the opportunity to exist and expand to this day.

Where there is light, there is darkness, and there are two sides to everything.

When the turmoil on the sea and the situation became more and more solemn, Ye Feng and the others were moving towards a mysterious place.

And their destination is the ultimate place – Ralphdru.

One of the world’s ultimate secrets, legend has it that only the Roger Pirates have reached a mysterious place for eight hundred years.

It won’t be long before it will be displayed in front of Ye Feng and the others without reservation.

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