“Koya, Cornise, Nokigao, wait for the three of you to stay on the ship!”

On the deck, Ye Feng looked at the women and explained softly.

It is also normal for him to make this arrangement, but Ya and Cornice are not combatants, and their combat effectiveness is weak.

Nokigao, on the other hand, is a sniper who is good at long-range assistance, and staying on the ship to provide fire support is the most suitable.

As for Nami, Robin, Vivi, Carmen, and Perona, Vivi alone can entangle a general-level powerhouse.

The combined force of the other four women can at least drag down the combat power of the two generals, and maybe they can also fight back.

No way, Perona’s ghost fruit is too weird, even if the general and the four emperors do not pay attention, they will have to capsize.

“Then we’ll support you from above.”

Ye Feng arranged it this way, and the three daughters of Nuo Qi High School obeyed very obediently.

None of them were willful and impulsive personalities, and they knew that Ye Feng’s arrangement was for the good of everyone.

Secondly, after Ralph Drew’s party, the Golden Maple Leaf also underwent a weapon upgrade.

Although they could not fight side by side with Ye Feng and the others, they could operate the Golden Maple Leaf and carry out long-range fire attacks on the enemy.

At that time, it will definitely give the five old stars and others a big surprise.

“It’s arrived!”

After a few breaths, the crimson rock wall disappeared, replaced by an empty red land.

All kinds of luxurious and majestic buildings appeared in front of Ye Feng and others.

However, Ye Feng and the others’ gaze was not on those buildings, but on those people in front of them.


The first time the Golden Maple Leaf appeared, with a majestic sound, countless lasers instantly shot out from the rear of the crowd.

I saw hundreds of pacifists, their eyes jumping, locked on the Maple Leaf, and shooting lasers continuously.

However, a white light flickered, wrapped around the outside of the Golden Maple Leaf, and the terrifying laser seemed to hit the water curtain, causing ripples without causing any effect.

“Nice fireworks, I am very satisfied with such a welcome scene!”


With a chuckle, in a flash of blue light, Ye Feng slowly appeared figure.

“This kind of carving insect trick is probably underestimating me, Five Old Star!”

The slender Danfeng eyes narrowed slightly, and Ye Feng’s gaze was like electricity, shooting directly at the five old guys who were leading in the crowd.

Immediately afterwards, his gaze turned slightly, and he looked behind the five old stars.

From the color and style of the clothes, Ye Feng could tell that these thousands of people were from different institutions.

Some are well known, others are hidden.

First of all, there is the C member dressed in strange clothes, and it is Lu Qi who takes the lead, a total of twelve people.

Then came the most familiar navy on the sea, although the number . But the momentum is very strong.

Three giants, marshals, three generals, lieutenant generals of the headquarters.

But from their state, it can be seen that except for Akainu and several lieutenant generals under his command, the others do not have much idea of fighting.

Ye Feng’s gaze swept over and lingered on his green-haired man.

Sensing his gaze, the green-haired man grinned softly.

This person is the new admiral of the Navy, Green Bull.

Then, when he saw dozens of guys dressed in black and exuding a rich dead aura, Ye Feng’s eyebrows couldn’t help but frown slightly.

The decoration and breath of these guys are the same as those guys who ambushed him more than a year ago.

If he guessed correctly, these people were the dead warriors secretly cultivated by the Draco, the Dragon Guard.

In addition to these three departments that Ye Feng knew, there were several strong men in dark green uniforms, and several guys in blue uniforms.

Behind them, there were hundreds of meters of Qi Yuxuan soldiers.

Obviously, these are the hidden forces of the world government.

As for their origins, Ye Feng vaguely guessed that they should be the army and air force that had never appeared.

Since Steel Bone Kong is the commander-in-chief of the three armed services of the world government, it is normal to have an army and an air force.

After that, there were thousands of soldiers of different shapes, exuding an exceptionally powerful aura.

From these soldiers, Ye Feng felt a trace of the breath of an able.

“These should be the legion of capable people, that guy from Vegapunk, it’s really an incredible existence.”

Without thinking about it, Ye Feng could guess the origin of this legion.

The scraps abandoned by Vegapunk allow Caesar to create artificial devil fruits.

Then, after several years of research, his attainment in the Devil Fruit must be more perfect.

This legion of capable people, the legion of endowers who have more than Kai, can see the gap just in appearance.

After the legion of capable people, there is the pacifist legion, hundreds of tall pacifists, just in terms of momentum, it gives people a strong sense of oppression.


From the formation displayed by the world government, it can be seen that the five old stars attach great importance to Ye Feng.

Or rather, the importance of this great war.

After all, in this battle, they need to face other forces, such as the revolutionary army, the golden lion, Wald and others.

and other pirates who may take advantage of the fire.

World governments have ruled the world for hundreds of years, their power is entrenched, and their intelligence capabilities are unique.

If it weren’t for that, it wouldn’t have put on such a big position.

“There are more than twenty general-level masters, and the rest are the weakest are general-level, and the background of the world government is indeed terrifying.”

With strength to Ye Feng’s level, it is not difficult to see through the strength of the world government.

It can be said that his strength has exceeded the ceiling of this world and initially transcended this world.

I have to say that the background of the world government is indeed terrifying, with more than twenty general-level combat powers, thousands of lieutenant general-level combat powers, and thousands of major general-level combat powers.

This terrifying strength is enough to destroy the old four emperors at the same time.

And this is not all the combat power that the world government can come up with.

If you count those allied countries, the combat power that the world government can coordinate, it makes people’s scalps numb to think about.

Those pirates on the sea, if they knew the real power of the world government, I am afraid that most of them would be scared away in an instant.

From now on, there will be a shadow in the psyche, and they will not dare to be as unscrupulous as before.

However, in the face of such a battle from the world government, Ye Feng only had a serious expression and did not pay too much attention to it.

The person he really cares about is the real mastermind behind the world government, the mysterious Lord Im.

The huge perception shrouded the entire Mary Joa, and at the top of the tallest building in Mary Joa, Ye Feng found the figure shrouded in black robes.

Immediately, his gaze instantly cast over.

PS: Kneel for subscription!! Thank you all for your support!!! _

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