Boom click!!!

Several islands, plus huge cannonballs with a diameter of twenty meters, fell on Marie Joa at the same time.

Any one is enough to create great power.

At this time, the combination of the two causes more amazing destructive power, not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Accompanied by creepy grinding teeth and cracking sounds, huge cracks stretched in all directions like spider webs.

If it weren’t for the fact that all of the Red Earth Continent was mountain stone, the degree of hardness was not much worse than that of the sea lou stone.

I’m afraid that in this wave of attacks, the entire plane is enough to be destroyed.

Because of this sudden attack, the battle of everyone was also briefly interrupted.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, the scene was divided into several camps again.

On Ye Feng’s side, Nami and Robin’s five daughters all returned to him, and the nine elemental puppets also guarded around him like loyal guards.

On the side of the revolutionary army, under the support of the dragon, it also occupied the side and confronted the navy.

On the side of the world government, led by the five old stars, they looked at Ye Feng and the others.

But it was much more embarrassing than at the beginning.

The previous several legions added up, at least a thousand people, but now there are only hundreds, and less than half of them remain.

Among them, some of them died from the attack of the Nine Elemental Puppets, and some died from the attack just now.

As for the high-level combat power, there was no damage, after all, the battle was full and it lasted for a few minutes.

And above everyone’s heads, there is a golden lion.

Looking around, the originally luxurious and picturesque Mary Joa has become a mess.

Most of the buildings such as Pangu City and Social Square were destroyed in the attack of Golden Lion and Walde.

Only a very small part remains, and one of them is a building, which is very intact and can be said to be intact.

“Hahahaha, I didn’t expect that madman Wald also participated, this battle is really more and more interesting.”

At a high position, the golden lion knew the origin of the huge cannonball that suddenly flew in.

This made him look forward to the next battle even more.

Not only the golden lion, but also many high-ranking officials of the world government who have returned to God have also guessed this point of Walde.

“Bastard, these guys should have been executed back then.”

The five old stars of the eight-character Hu Wuxing scanned the surroundings angrily, and saw the broken Mary Joa, exuding boundless murderous aura.

But saying these words at this time is no different from an afterthought.

There is a very strange place in the pirate world, which is the death penalty.

Even if a criminal who commits a heinous crime is caught, he will rarely be directly executed, and he will be imprisoned in a large underwater prison.

On the one hand, it is to punish these people.

On the other hand, they are afraid of the big devil fruit, reappear on the sea, and give birth to more powerful beings again.

Such as Wald, Golden Lion and others, all of them.

The benefits of this are very obvious, and it does inhibit the chance of the birth of a strong person on the sea.

But the disadvantage is that once an accident occurs in the undersea prison, allowing these sea thieves and vicious criminals to escape, it will cause extremely serious consequences.

Two years ago, the riot at the Great Prison under the sea triggered extremely bad effects.

It not only intensified the riots in the sea, but also gave the world government several more powerful enemies.

Now is the time for them to bear the consequences.

“Air force units, wait to deal with the golden lion above.”

The goatee five old stars look the oldest and the oldest, similar to the role of the wisdom tank in the five old stars.

After he spoke, the commander of the air force immediately nodded in response.

Then, his words did not stop, and he made the battle arrangement again:

“CP0 is still in charge of the women, the legion of the able, the pacifist legion, and the army, responsible for dragging those puppets.”

When mentioning several puppets, a solemnity flashed in the eyes of the goatee five old stars.

In the previous battle, the strength of the nine elemental puppets was fully revealed, and the terrifying lethality caused great losses to the side of the world government.

It can be said that these nine elemental puppets have dragged down half of the world government’s combat power, making it impossible for them to form an overwhelming force.

After arranging this side, the eyes of the goatee five old stars then turned to the naval camp.

Even he had to admit that the strength of the navy was indeed strong enough to dominate the side, and he had the confidence and qualifications to compete with the world government.

Only then did they discover that unknowingly, the strength of the navy had swelled to such a point.

Or rather, they have not taken the navy in their eyes before, but just used it as a watchdog.

At the critical moment, it was found that the dog already had the power to eat back at the owner.

The goatee and the other four looked at each other inexplicably, their eyes were immediately closed, and then they looked at the red dog:

“Akainu, I hope your next performance will satisfy us.”

Subconsciously, they are very dissatisfied with the previous performance of the red dog and the Navy.

If this is the case, the consequences are self-evident, and the red dog and the navy will lose their trust.

What awaits the red dog and the navy afterwards will be unforeseeable consequences.

Of course, the premise is that world governments can survive until after the Great War.

Hearing his words, the red dog froze for a while, and his whole body exuded gurgling heat.

In the entire navy, he fought hard alone, and everyone else did nothing, so what could he do.

In the end, it is still the world government that is unpopular, so that all the masters of the navy cannot stand it.

Plus the opponent is the revolutionary army, Karp, Warring States and others will be strange with their hearts.

Being able to drag down the strength of the revolutionary army is already giving face to the five old stars.

For the actions of the world government, Ye Feng and the others all watched coldly and did not stop it.

At such times, it is not a simple tactic that can determine the outcome of the battle.

The key is to look at the comparison of the combat power of the two sides, especially the gap in top combat power.

PS: Kneel for subscription!! Thank you all for your support!!! _

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