
The heaven and earth shook, and the holy light shocked the world.

A bright white light burst out from Ye Feng’s body, surrounded by gleaming white light. Ye Feng was like the incarnation of the God of Light in the human world.

Noble, supreme, and inviolable.

When all the navy saw this scene, they couldn’t help but become a little stunned.

“No wonder this guy is called the ‘Light Bringer’, he should be some kind of unknown devil fruit ability user. Smoker narrowed his eyes, guessed thoughtfully, and then said to himself:

“In this case, it depends on how you escape from the sea tower stone net.”

Confirming that Ye Feng is a Devil Fruit user, Smoker’s expression became more confident.

Hailou Shiwang has natural restraint against Devil Fruit users. As long as it falls, Ye Feng can only catch him.

But the next second, Smoker was severely A slap in the face.

Stab! Stab!!!

Just as dozens of Hailou stone nets were about to fall, white light suddenly exploded around Ye Feng, and countless dazzling lasers shot out instantly.

Under the sharp light, he breathed Destroy all the sea tower stone nets

“Nami, Nokigao, and Keya, collect those sea tower stones. These are all valuable things.”

“Something valuable? good!”

When she heard that it was valuable, Nami’s eyes immediately glowed with gold, and she transformed into a hard-working little bee. She picked up more than a dozen sea tower stones in front of her at lightning speed. The speed shown in that moment made even Ye Feng stunned. Ashamed. Only after the three women picked up all the sea tower stones did Smoker and the navy react.

“Colonel Smoker, what now?”Dasiqi, the girl with glasses, asked in a low voice in Smoker’s ear.

Smoker’s eyes twitched fiercely, and he was so angry at the actions of Ye Feng and others that he took several deep puffs of his cigar.

He had never seen such a needless Bilianzhi. People, even the sea tower stone, he doesn’t have many men to do that.

“You guys grab those three women and leave Ye Feng to me.”

Pull out the ‘Ten Hands’ from behind, and after giving an explanation, Smoker took the lead and rushed towards Ye Feng.


The smoke fruit ability is activated, and Smoker’s left hand turns into billowing smoke, like a white vine, winding towards Ye Feng.

Smoker’s plan is very simple, use the white vine to trap Ye Feng, and then use his ten hands to solve it

“Appeared, Colonel Smoker’s fruit ability”

“This time, the pirate shouldn’t be able to escape anymore!”

“That’s for sure. I don’t know how many pirates have been captured by the Colonel in the past few years.”

The eyes of all the navy soldiers were shining, staring at Smoker with admiration.

In their hearts, Smoker was the patron saint of Rogge Town and an invincible existence in their hearts.

However, the next scene was different from what they imagined. It’s different. I saw smoke penetrate directly into Ye Feng’s body, as if it was just a ball of air.

“It’s just a wrong name, not a wrong number. The name Smoker really suits you.”

The light flashed, and Ye Feng floated in the air, looking down at Smoker with a hint of ridicule.

“A natural devil fruit user? Smoker ignored Ye Feng, but frowned tightly,”Now we are in some trouble!””

Ye Feng showed off his skills before, and the strength he showed made him dare not underestimate him. He felt that Ye Feng’s Devil Fruit ability was extraordinary.

Now, after coming to the conclusion that Ye Feng and he are both natural Devil Fruit users, Smoker I even felt a headache.

I secretly regretted taking action without investigating clearly.

Of course, this idea only existed for a moment.

“Everyone retreated, leaving the three women alone. Randomly support from a distance with special bullets.”

Taking a deep breath of the cigar again, Smoker gave the order decisively.

With the attack methods Ye Feng showed before, if he attacks the soldiers under him, I am afraid that no one will survive.

It must be said that Smoker is a Qualified officer.

The special bullets he was talking about were naturally the seastone bullets that can deal with people with abilities. But Ye Feng knew the role of seastones, so he changed it to a name exclusively used within the navy.

“Sir, let me help you!”

After all the other marines left, only the girl with glasses, Dasqi, did not leave. She walked to Smoker with her sword and stood side by side with him.

“Idiot, get out of here quickly. Smoker’s face turned dark instantly and he growled:”Don’t cause trouble for me here.””

Smorg was so angry that he had the urge to beat Dasqi to death. He asked all his men to evacuate. Isn’t it just a tactic because he was worried that Ye Feng would hurt them.

But Dasqi, a stupid woman, actually took the initiative to send him.

“As a marine, I will never back down from pirates.”

Facing Smoker’s scolding, Dasqi insisted with a sacred face. Smoker was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.


Cursing angrily, Smoker couldn’t help but let her stay here.

“Haha, your subordinates are quite interesting.”

Looking at the farce between the two, Ye Feng chuckled, with a strong sense of ridicule in his words.

But in his heart, Ye Feng secretly guessed the relationship between Dasqi and Guina. The two have exactly the same face. I don’t know if there is a relationship. associated with


With an unhappy snort, Smoker launched an attack on Ye Feng brazenly.

“White smoke launcher!”

In the billowing smoke, Smoker flew towards Ye Feng at high speed. Driven by the smoke, his speed instantly increased several times.


Ten hands up to two meters long were swung out violently, making a harsh buzzing sound. Ming, swept straight across Ye Feng’s waist

“Such a cruel attack.”

After being hit by Smoker, Ye Feng’s body turned into a ball of white light and disappeared, and then a voice came from behind Smoker.

“Go to hell!”

With a look on his face, Smoker swept his hands behind him without hesitation. After turning around, he saw the same scene again.

“What a weird ability.”

Looking at Ye Feng who reappeared a few meters away, Smoker was filled with solemn confusion, but he continued to kill Ye Feng.

“The effect of this move is quite good.”

In front of Nami and others, Ye Feng said with a smile on his lips.

If Smoker and others saw this scene, they would definitely exclaim that it’s impossible. Ye Feng is here, so who is fighting against Smoker? ?

In fact, it was just a phantom projected by Ye Feng using light, which was enough to deceive vision.

Without awakening the power of seeing and hearing, no one noticed this situation at all.

“Forget it, we’re done playing, it’s time to end.”

Muttering to himself, Ye Feng appeared in front of Smoker who kept attacking the air like a fool.

“There is a saying in my hometown that it is disrespectful to come back without reciprocating. If you have been attacking for so long, I will return the favor.”

As he opened his mouth, Ye Feng’s fist was instantly covered with a layer of purple substance.

“Armed and domineering!”

Seeing this scene, Smoker couldn’t help but exclaimed. His whole person immediately turned into a white mist, and he wanted to retreat.

But before he could move, a majestic and huge force hit him hard in the heart, knocking him back. He returned to his original form and flew dozens of meters away. He crashed through several buildings before stopping. He collapsed on the ground dejectedly, bleeding from the corners of his mouth, and stared outside with a horrified look on his face.

“Colonel Smoker”


This scene made Dasqi and all the navy stunned for a few seconds. After reacting, they all ran towards Smoker.

“Let’s go!”

With a faint glance, Ye Feng left with Nami and others.

PS: Please give me flowers, please vote for comments, and beg for support!!!

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