Yes, five.

At this time, Yang Yuji and Fisher already had the strength of the bottom of the general, and they were still the strong in this class.

And Anilu, who has just joined, as long as he learns to be domineering, he will also have the strength of the bottom of the general,

and the other one is the natural Devil Fruit ability that Chernos wants to invite

, and as for the fifth, this is Tezzolo, who is about to enter the Golden Country.

It stands to reason that now Tezzolo’s strength is only about the middle level of the lieutenant general, and it is two levels away from the bottom of the general.

And if these two classes want to cross, it is not so easy.

However, Chernos was very sure that the next person in their pirate group who grew to the bottom strength of the general was Tezzolo.

And the reason why this conclusion was reached was because of Tezzolo’s Devil Fruit.

Tezzolo’s Golden Gold Fruit is very strange, this fruit hardly has any potential for exploitation.

Chernos helped Tezzolo think of countless ways to develop the fruit’s abilities, but none of them worked.

No matter how much Tezzolo tried, Tezzolo still failed to develop any useful abilities.

Tezzolo also thought that he did not have the talent to develop the ability to fruit, and at one point became very frustrated and sad.

However, Chernos knew that in the plot of his previous life, Tezzolo had developed the fruit ability to the point of awakening.

You must know that not all devil fruits can be awakened, and not everyone has the talent to awaken demon fruits.

And Tezzolo’s ability to awaken the Golden Fruit shows that he is not only very suitable for the Golden Fruit, but also has a talent for developing the ability to develop the fruit.

So Chernos had an idea.

Whether the awakening of the golden fruit will be determined by controlling the amount of gold.

The more gold Tezzolo can control, the stronger his strength will become.

And as the amount of gold is controlled more and more, qualitative changes will also trigger quantitative changes, making Tezzolo’s fruit ability awaken and Tezzolo’s strength become stronger.

In this way, controlling a large amount of gold allows Tezzolo’s strength to advance to one level, and the awakening of the fruit ability allows Tezzolo to advance to another level.

And at that time, Tezzolo will enter the realm of the bottom of the general.

Thinking of this, Chernos couldn’t help but be a little impatient, wanting to enter the Golden Country quickly.

The short journey from Becca Island to Apayado Island, coupled with the Liberty’s extremely fast moving speed, allowed them to reach Apayado Island in less than 40 minutes.

When they came to Apayadoku Island, they saw a magnificent gate, and when they drove to the gate, an old woman came out.

“If you want to enter Angel Island, you have to pay an entry fee, which is 1 billion per person.

Of course, you can also choose not to pay. After

hearing the astonishing amount of entry from the old woman’s mouth, everyone exclaimed in unison.

As the treasurer, Tezzolo certainly knows the financial situation on the current Varice Pirates.

Don’t say 1 billion, they can’t even take 100 million now.

What’s more, everyone has to pay 1 billion, which is simply unrealistic.

So he said to the old woman: “We choose not to pay!”

After hearing Tezzolo say this, the old woman said very calmly, “Okay.” Then

he quickly took out his camera and took a picture of everyone.

After that, he ignored them.

After watching this familiar scene, Cheros couldn’t help but cover his mouth and smile secretly.

He knew that the currencies of Kudao and Qinghai were not the same.

The currency used here is Il, while the currency used in Qinghai is Bailey.

The exchange rate between the two is 1 Bailey to 10,000 IL.

That is to say, each person needs to pay an entry fee of 100,000 Baileys.

Of course, the Chernos did not intend to pay for this money, after all, they were here to occupy here.

After a small interlude, everyone took the Liberty and headed towards Apayado along the cloud road.

After arriving at the empty island, everyone was attracted by the scenery on the empty island.

On the side of Apaya Duokong Island, there is actually a huge forest, not only that, but the landscape here is also very peculiar.

There are several empty islands of various sizes, which are distributed in the air of different heights, and there are huge vines around them, connecting these empty islands.

From afar, it looks like a beautiful sky garden.

Such a beautiful landscape also made several girls on the boat exclaim.

“Wow, it’s beautiful here.”

However, as the ship approached the island, there was a sound of battle on the empty island that was very contrary to this exquisite landscape.

“The robbers who snatched our island, hurry up and return our island to us.”

“The island of the gods is a gift from heaven, how can it be said that it is your island? But you, stubbornly want to fight for the island of God, repeatedly provoking war, it is simply looking for death, if it were not for the order of God Ganfor, we would have eliminated you long ago. ”

Hahaha, then I really thank you, thank you for your grace of not killing, but we just want to provoke a war and take back the island of Apayado, which belongs to us.”

“It’s simply stubborn, in that case, let’s teach you a little lesson.”

The two sides on the empty island did not agree and began to fight again.

Facing both sides in the fierce battle, the Chernos group disembarked very calmly and walked towards them.

And as they got closer, the two sides in the war also noticed the Chernos them, but now they were fighting hotly, and they did not have time to pay attention to the Chernos and continue to fight.

While pulling out his ears, Anilu asked Chernos: “Captain, do you want me to kill these weak mortals?” ”

Anilu just followed Yang Yuji to cultivate domineering, although his progress is very fast, but the process of cultivation makes him very unhappy.

In less than 40 minutes, he was beaten several times by Yang Yuki, and Yang Yuki, as his name suggests, taught him to cultivate armed color domineering during the battle.

At this time, he couldn’t beat Yang Yuji, and he could only hold his stomach for fire, intending to find these weak mortals to vent the fire.

It’s just that Chernos didn’t let him get his wish.

“Anilu, your tricks are too powerful, it is estimated that these people will be electrocuted by you if they can’t withstand your moves.

Let me do it anyway. After

Anilu was rejected by Chernos, not only did he not feel uncomfortable, but he felt a little proud.

He shook his head and said a little Versailles: “Alas, sometimes too strong is also a trouble. At

this moment, a terrifying coercion rose up into the sky.

Anilu, who had just finished Versailles, suddenly looked towards the source of that coercion in shock.

I saw that both sides that were still fighting just now were all unconscious, and only the cadres who were the first two swords intersecting were left, looking around a little at a loss.

Chernos showed a gentle smile on his face, and said with a smile at the two people: “I’m sorry, it was a little noisy just now, I’m afraid you won’t be able to hear me, so I let the others quiet down.”

The two men were frightened, and said to Chernos resignedly: “You… You say!

“From now on, this place is occupied by me.”

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