"This peacock, relying on high-speed straight punches, makes the air rubbed, and then produces flames."

"With the shock wave of the straight punch and the terrifying high temperature, it brought a fatal blow to the opponent."

"I have to say, your taijutsu is really too strong. In the younger generation, I have never seen taijutsu stronger than yours."

The ghost spider's eyes gradually cooled, and he said loudly: "I admit, I underestimated your potential."

"As a seed of sin, if you survive, then the justice of the navy will no longer be maintained."

With a big hand, he tore off the cloak of justice, threw it aside, and said something sonorously and forcefully.

"For justice, even if you die today, you will never be spared!"

"Next, I will go all out to use all my cards and be sure to kill you!"

Chris still wrapped his arms in front of him, and said calmly, "Is it using the ability to return life, or planning to awaken the devil fruit?"

"Ghost spider, give you five minutes.

After this time limit, I will not be with you, so if you have the ability, just use it."

"Speaking of which, since I went to sea, you are still the strongest navy I have ever encountered."

"Let's dance, just let me test my strength!"

Hearing Chris's words, the ghost spider got angry, the blue veins burst out on his forehead, and he said something very angry.

"Chris, you darn bastard, you treat me as a sparring partner."

"No...forgive, you will pay for what you say."

"Wake up!"

Brush...In an instant, the appearance of the ghost spider has undergone great changes.

The six feet on the left and right sides became even bigger, full of explosive power.

A powerful aura emanated from his body, majestic, a kind of heroic spirit that dominated the world.

The power of the elite lieutenant general of the headquarters is fully demonstrated!! With a bang, the ghost spider stepped on the sand surface heavily, stepping on a large circular pit, the smoke filled the air, and the people jumped high and rushed towards Chris.

"Chris, being able to push me to this level, even if you lose the battle, is enough to be proud of yourself."

"The next slash is not... a small fight, but don't let me kill Chris."

"Awaken the Eight Swords God Slash!"

As soon as the voice fell, the eight feet came together and held it high, and the eight big swords had already covered the armed domineering, flashing dark rays of light.

The violent sword intent erupted from the ghost spider, with a sense of majesty and a sense of vision: a god descending to the earth.

Although the attack has not been released yet, judging from this momentum, the lethality of this blow is definitely not comparable to the previous one.

Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, finally went all out, betting his life to fight... bosses, the picture above is towards the peacock.

This is the skill that Kai uses when he fights the ghost shark.

For the specific content, you can go and see Naruto, I won't mention it here, I don't want to count the words.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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184: The battle is over, the ghost spider received a call from the headquarters! (for automatic subscription)

"Ghost spider, if your speed is still so slow after awakening."

Chris was calm and calm as always, and said calmly: "Then no matter what attack you launch, I can reject it."

"Mirror Repulsion!"

He lifted his right hand slowly and placed it on his head, and a translucent mirror appeared in an instant.

Bang...Although the ghost spider has awakened, its power has been greatly improved, and its attack power has become much stronger.

But the result is still the same, in the face of Chris's repelling ability, no matter how sharp the slash, it can only be nullified.

"Damn repulsion..."

The eight knives stopped above the mirror, unable to touch the mirror at all, let alone break it.

The ghost spider gritted his teeth, and his eight legs suddenly exerted force, pressing down with all his strength, breaking the mirror no matter what.

However, he was doomed to fail.

An extremely strong repulsive force hit him, bounced him away, and the man flew upside down into the sky.


The ghost spider used six moves again, and it came down like lightning, carrying a violent power, and charged towards Chris.

"I don't believe it, I can't break you, the broken five, mirror!"

"Awakening Eight Hits!"

Left and Right: Four 4 knives each, all armed, attacked Chris.

The force was fierce, a gust of wind blew, and the sword energy rippling, it seemed that the space was cut open, and it vibrated faintly.

With an expressionless face, Chris said lightly, "Ghost spider, remind you, there are still four minutes left."

"Double-sided Repulsion!"

This time, Chris raised both his left and right hands, and two, translucent mirrors appeared beside him, protecting him in the middle.

Bang bang... Two explosions came, left and right: the four 4 knives all stopped in front of the mirror, but they still couldn't touch the mirror and were directly repelled.

"Damn, you can use two sides, mirror."

The ghost spider was bounced off again, and its eight legs held the handle of the knife tightly, and said angrily: "I don't believe it anymore, when your repulsive force is exhausted, I will kill you immediately!"

"Attack, as long as you keep attacking, you can definitely break this damn mirror!"

"Justice will triumph over evil, there is no doubt about that!"

Without the slightest hesitation, he rushed towards Chris again and launched the strongest attack.

Immediately afterwards, sonic booms continued to sound in this battle area, bang bang bang, and it couldn't stop... Navy Headquarters, Marin Fando! In the office, there were daily meetings, as usual, the lowest The rank is also Major General.

Brannu stood aside, looked at the generals present, and said in detail: "The headquarters contacted Boyahan Cook and made some understanding."

"She gave the answer, she wants to stand in the new world and let the name of the Empress spread throughout the sea."

"According to the results of our analysis, the reason why Boyahan Cook is reluctant to return to the Nine Snakes Island should be this reason."

"She not only wants to make a name for herself, but also to improve her strength and make her combat experience richer."

"So whatever...

No matter how we communicate with her, she will not leave the new world, and will be stationed there in the future, constantly hunting pirates with a bounty of over [-] million."

Hearing Branno's words, Cap laughed and said something.

"Very good, this woman's consciousness is really getting more and more terrifying."

"There are only a few women I admire, she is one of them, hahaha..."

Polusallino leaned back in his chair, cocked up, terrifying."

"If it continues like this, another emperor will be born, it's really scary!"

With a resolute look on his face, Sakaski said solemnly, "Damn sea scum, if something happens every day, they should be wiped out!"

Dauberman nodded and echoed, "Just a woman, why does the whole world revolve around her."

"Strictly order her to leave the new world, otherwise, I will solve it by force, and I don't believe that she dares to... make trouble again."

Cha Dou shrugged his shoulders and said in a breathy voice, "Isn't it good to let her stay in the new world?"

"Anyway...she has been: hunting pirates, which is still beneficial to us."

The flying squirrel was expressionless, and agreed: "Let the pirates go and kill, so that we can save our hands, this is indeed a good thing."

At this time, Staff Officer Crane held his chin with both hands, his eyes flashed with wisdom, and he said something in an old voice.

"Why did Boyahan Cook stay in the New World? We don't need to go into the answer to this question at all."

"If she is willing to stay in the new world, with her beauty, she will naturally attract a lot of pirates, so fighting is inevitable."

"Those pirates with a bounty of over [-] million were solved by her one by one, which must be a good thing for us."

"So you don't need to care what her purpose is, just let her toss."

Staff Officer Crane showed worry in his eyes, and said with a serious face: "What I'm worried about now is that the ghost spider is already in trouble."

Warring States knocked on the desk, very decisively, "Brano, immediately.

Contact Ghost Spider and I will personally ask how the battle is going."

"Yes, Master Marshal!"

Branu didn't hesitate, and respectfully agreed, then quickly called Ghost Spider and contacted the past... Alabasta Kingdom, the desert outside the rainy land.

The sky was dark and cloudy, and it looked like it was about to rain.

Looking at the direction of the battlefield, the squad leaders laughed one by one, all very happy.

"A series of attacks, this ghost spider is already exhausted, the battle will end soon, Wei Hahaha..."

Bassas raised his arms high, his face full of excitement, and his voice was very loud.

The poisonous light was still so ugly with a sinister smile, hehe said with a smile: "The captain said, give him five minutes."

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