"If you want to be famous, get on this boat, it's that simple."

  Lafitte turned his cane, smiled gently, and said very gentlemanly: "Since I can achieve my goal, then I will definitely get on the boat."

  "Thank you Captain for taking me in, Lafitte is very grateful!"

  Chris nodded and said something confidently.

  "In the future, you will be honored for today's decision."

  After speaking, he turned around and walked towards the coast.

  Baccarat took elegant steps, smiled and said, "There is one more person, and it's even more lively when you get off the boat."

  Queen Sweetheart blinked her beautiful eyes, a little narrow, "I hope his strength is not too bad, or he will definitely be bullied by Bassas."

  "Since it's decided to get on the boat, let's have a fight, Lafitte."

  Bassas looked at him with arrogance and started to invite battle directly.

  Poison Q smiled mysteriously, "I've been waiting for this day, I've been waiting for a long time, and it's finally coming."

  Lafitte held the cane behind him and asked politely, "Why do you want to fight with me, aren't we partners?"

  "You don't know that."

  Bashas said loudly: "Our ship has a rule, the strong are respected!"

  "As long as you have the strength, you can challenge anyone, even the captain."

  Having said that, Bashas shrugged his shoulders and said with a strange smile: "I won't talk about the battle for captains. It's too difficult, and you're not qualified."

  "However, you can participate in the battle for the vice-captain."

  "How about it, find a place and have a good fight, I haven't done it for a long time, I really want to hit someone."

  Lafitte's fair face showed interest, nodded and agreed.

  "This boat rule is very interesting!"

  "But you're right. The captain gave me the feeling that it was too terrifying. I definitely wouldn't dare to challenge him."

  Lafitte turned his cane and said with a gentle smile, "I can't be the captain, but if the vice-captain, I will take this position."

  (Lafitte has appeared, and the battle for the squad leader can be started next. Are you looking forward to it? Well, the expectation is right (* ̄︶ ̄). )

015: The Battle of the Vice-Captains, Begin! (for flower collection)

  "Chris, leave them alone?"

  Queen Sweetheart glanced behind her, a worried look on her pretty face.

  Betty said lightly: "There is nothing to worry about, this day will definitely come, it is not surprising at all."

  Baccarat shook his head slightly and smiled bitterly.

  "Although I don't like fighting and killing, our ship rules are destined to be unavoidable."

  Chris looked straight ahead and said calmly, "Natural selection, survival of the fittest, and the weak have no say."

  Soon, the group returned to the Chris.

  The big ship pulled out and headed for the deep sea.

  "Captain, find an uninhabited island, I'm going to make a big fight."

  Bassas looked at Chris with a confident look.

  Poison Q leaned against the chair, showing a rare excited look, and said, "It's finally about to start, I've been waiting for a long time."

  Lafitte turned his cane in a polite manner.

  "Captain, since Basas wants to challenge me, then agree to him!"

  "I won't give the position of vice-captain to anyone else."

  Chris nodded and reminded: "It's okay to fight, but be careful when you start."

  "If anyone goes too far, don't blame me for killing him."

  After he finished speaking, he walked directly to the training room without looking at them.

  Queen Sweetheart rolled them a glance and said angrily, "I don't understand, why do you guys like to fight so much, hum!"

  Baccarat waved his hand and smiled, "Okay, let's go to see Chris practice, let them go."

  The three beauties, chatting, followed Chris away.

  "Lafitte, let me tell you in advance, I am a superhuman sonic fruit person who can shoot laser cannons from my mouth."

  Bashas shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "If you're not sure, then you can admit defeat."

  "After all, if you are maimed, the captain is afraid that he will kill me."

  Poison Q rarely showed a serious expression, and said solemnly: "You are right, the captain is not a good talker."

  "If you really crippled Lafitte, today next year will be your memorial day."

  Lafitte adjusted his top hat and replied politely.

  "Don't worry, I'm not as weak as you think."

  "Also, I will pay attention when I start, and I won't hurt you."

  Inside the training room.

  The Sweetheart Queen sat in the chair and said with a smile: "Who do you think will win?"

  Betty lit a cigarette and said lightly, "It must be Bassas, needless to say."

  "This guy's Devil Fruit is really too powerful, how could he possibly lose."

  Baccarat looked at the two of them and smiled gently.

  "What are you guessing here, just ask Chris and you'll know."

  Queen Sweetheart laughed, nodded and said, "That's what you said too. Let's leave this kind of professional question to our captain."

  "Chris, let me ask you something, do you think it's Lafayette or Bassas?"

  All three looked at the man in front, waiting for him to give a standard answer.

  Chris waved the blood-red sword without thinking, and said directly: "Lafitte is stronger."


  The three big beauties looked at each other in disbelief.

  "What did Chris say?"

  The Queen Sweetheart looked puzzled and said in disbelief: "He said that Lafitte is stronger, I heard right."

  Betty spit out the smoke in her mouth, frowning, very confused.

  "How could it be him, impossible!"

  "This guy looks like a theater actor, and his skin is so white, like a little white face."

  "How could he possibly be Bassas' opponent?"

  Baccarat shook his head and said with a wry smile: "We can't find the answer, let's listen to what Chris has to say."

  Chris brandished his sword and gave a simple sentence without explanation.

  "When they fight, you'll know the answer."

  Lafitte is a hidden master.

  Dare to rush to the navy headquarters during the Qiwuhai meeting...

  Advance to the city, hypnotize the navy, open the door of justice...

  When Blackbeard fought Ace, he easily avoided Ace's flame attack...

  Too many examples have proved that this guy is very powerful.

  The three looked at each other again, and they knew Chris' character.

  Since he said so, there will be no answer if you keep asking.

  "I'll take a good look later to see if it's really what Chris said."

  The Sweetheart Queen still couldn't believe it, how could Bassas lose.

  Betty took a breath and said lightly: "Chris said so, and the result must be Lafitte winning."

  "But I'm also very curious. I'll have to take a good look at it later."

  Baccara realized that the two of them were the same, and became angry.

  "You two..."

  "Why don't all of them think it's a big deal, and the more the discussion, the more exciting it is."

  "We are women, so don't join in the fun."

  Queen Sweetheart patted Baccarat on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Aren't we boring, let's have some fun."

  three hours later.

  "See, see, see..."

  "There is an uninhabited island in the front left, and there is..."

  The alarm officer at the observation deck also knew what was going to happen next, and was very excited.

  The siren was so loud that it even took the strength to eat.

  (Next, is the battle between Bassas and Lafitte's vice-captain. What is the result? Are you looking forward to it, hee hee~~︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿. )

016: The position of the deputy captain is calling me! (for flower collection)

  Inside the training room.


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