"At Whiskey Peak, we got a 1, plus the two now, the harvest is really very rich."

"It can be seen that Crocodile's collection of... Devil Fruits must have gone through a long period of time."

Lafitte turned his cane, smiled slightly, and said politely, "Ben's strength has soared today, this is a big happy event."

"In addition, the captain is about to become Qiwuhai, it's really a double happiness, it's really very happy."

At this time, the people below have opened the two wooden boxes separately.

One of them, in the shape of a pineapple, has a light brown body, and there are circles of strange patterns on it.

The other one is apple-shaped and pale white in appearance, and also has the peculiar patterns unique to Devil Fruits.


The air seemed to be quiet, and they looked at the two Devil Fruits one by one, their eyes unblinking, very serious and focused.

The first to react was Cavendish, his obsession with... Devil Fruit is much stronger than others.

"Pineapple-shaped, this is natural."

Cavendish's eyes were extremely bright, and with a look of excitement, he quickly said: "Great, this young master's chance has finally come, quack"

Karina put down the big package, wrinkled her beautiful eyebrows, and asked with a puzzled look on her pretty face.

"This devil fruit, I have a little impression, it is indeed a natural type.

But what it was, I really can't remember."

Perona's beautiful eyes were shining, she gave a crisp smile, and said proudly: "You don't know this, it's better for this princess to answer it for you, hee hee..."

"This devil fruit is a swamp of nature. Once eaten, it will turn into a swamp man, and you can turn your body into a swamp."

Nami nodded with a sweet and pure smile, "Not only that, but those with abilities can turn the surrounding into a swamp, leaving no room for people to stand."

"As long as you can't fly, then in such a situation, you will be finished."

"After all, once you sink into the swamp, the more you struggle, the faster you sink, and you will eventually drown in it."

Al Rita carried the big black iron rod, smiled and said: "Anyway... As long as it is a natural type, then this fruit is destined to be no worse."

"Didn't Chris say that there is no strongest devil fruit, only the most rubbish user."

Betty took a breath and remained calm as always, "Speaking of which, this Devil Fruit is indeed very powerful."

De Zaya brushed her red and yellow hair, her pretty face showing a look of doubt, and asked, "What about the other one, it should be a superhuman type."

Keya smiled sweetly and said in a sweet voice: "I remember this, it's really superhuman."

"If I remember correctly, it is the superhuman speed fruit, which can increase the speed of those who are capable.

Sisters, I'm not wrong."

Makino nodded, still so gentle, "It is indeed the fruit of speed, Xiaoya, you are right."

Robin smiled lightly and said intellectually and elegantly, "No matter what...

Whether it's swamp fruit or speed fruit, they're both very good."

"It seems that Crocodile has hidden all the good things, which is a bargain for us."

Sara smiled disdainfully, and sarcastically said, "Such a weak Shichibukai, he deserves to be killed."

Mikita laughed, "Yes, since he is so weak, then the throne of Qiwuhai has to be given up."

"A trash like him can't be a Qiwuhai, hahaha"

At this time, Ah Jin was still so indifferent and said something.

"Although these two fruits are good, they are still much worse than my explosive fruits."

Cavendish frowned, with a tangled look on his face, and said extremely depressed: "Both are very good, how should I choose, it's really annoying!"

Bashas laughed and laughed, "What's so tangled, eating both, what a simple thing, Wei Hahaha..."

The poisonous smile was ugly and attached, "Come on, eat both, so that you can become stronger."

"The captain said that the best is not necessarily the best."

Luo was still so indifferent and expressed his opinion.

"Although the swamp fruit is a natural type, it is not suitable for you. There is no need to choose this one."

"You are a swordsman. If you eat the speed fruit, then the speed of drawing the sword can be increased very quickly, and the speed of drawing the sword is the same."

Hawkins nodded and agreed: "Speaking of which, this Devil Fruit is indeed very suitable for Cavendish."

"As a swordsman, if he eats the Fruit of Speed, his combat power will increase dramatically. There is no doubt about that."

Bartolomeo shrugged his shoulders very casually, "If it were me, I would definitely choose the natural department."

"Elementalization, just from this point of view, you have to choose swamp fruit."

Fan Oka was expressionless, and said coldly: "It seems that this is another fork in fate."

Crow looked at Cavendish, the light of wisdom flashed in his eyes, persuading.

"If you eat the swamp fruit, then your swordsmanship will be of no use at all."

"Luo is right, the swamp fruit is the best, but it is not suitable for you, and it will not help you much in improving your strength."

"I remember the captain saying that speed is power.

When your speed reaches a certain level, your combat power will also soar."

"So, no matter what, the speed fruit is the best choice."

Lafitte stood his cane in front of him, and said in a gentle, gentle manner: "If you encounter such a problem, just ask the boat."

"In terms of Devil Fruits, the captain is definitely an expert, and he knows the most."

Hearing this, Cavendish's eyes lit up, and he suddenly realized: "Yes, what is this young master struggling with, just ask the captain and you'll be done."

He quickly turned his head to look at Chris with a full smile, and hurriedly said, "Captain, give me an idea. Your words are the most authoritative."

"As for what they said, this young master will treat them as farting and ignore them at all, hahaha..."

Everyone was too lazy to pay attention to Cavendish, and one by one they cast their eyes on Chris, waiting for him to give an answer.

Chris wrapped his arms around him, calmly as always, and said lightly, "Such a simple thing, what are you still struggling with."


Do you need someone else to tell you such a simple truth?"

Cavendish smiled a little embarrassedly, and quickly replied: "Actually, I also plan to choose this one, and the main thing is to listen to your advice, Captain."

"Okay, since even you said so, then the young master has nothing to hesitate."

After speaking, without any hesitation, he directly picked up the speed fruit, sent it to his mouth, and took a big bite... When we got here, all the squad leaders ate the devil fruit and sprinkled flowers to celebrate. .

In addition, the swamp fruit will be eaten by all the girls. Who do you think is the best to eat, Princess Weiwei, Nami, or Leiju, you can leave a message in the book review area.


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192: The horror of the speed fruit, and Reiju eating the swamp fruit! (for automatic subscription)

"Zizou, every time I see someone eating a devil fruit, I feel so sick, I get goosebumps all over my body."

Queen Sweetheart rubbed her smooth forehead, a bitter smile appeared on her pretty face, and she said helplessly.

Betty took a breath, shrugged her shoulders, and said casually: "I don't want to try this feeling in my life."

Makino frowned, smiled, and said softly: "You can see how bad the Cavendish looks when you look at it."

"Eating a devil fruit is like eating a fly, it's nauseating!"

Karina shook her head and couldn't help sighing.

At this time, Bassas looked at Cavendish and said with a big laugh: "Cauliflower, don't ink your special mother, hurry up and show your ability."

"The fruit of speed, I really want to see how fast you can be."

With a poisonous laugh, he didn't say a word, "I won't be armed with domineering, no matter how fast he is, he's still a piece of garbage."

Bartolomeo put his hands in his trouser pockets and tugged, "Since the captain said so, then this Devil Fruit must be very powerful."

"It is estimated that it is not much worse than the explosion fruit."

Hawkins frowned and said in a low voice, "From the looks of it, I'm no longer his opponent."

Luo carried the demon sword and cried, as always, coldly, "It seems that in this battle for squad leader, he will be able to get a good ranking."

Crow pushed his glasses, his serious face showed a rare expression of regret, and said with emotion: "If I had encountered this fruit earlier, I would definitely choose this one."

"Although the air pressure fruit is very good, it is still a lot worse than the speed fruit, and it is not a level of existence at all."

"According to Van Oka, this is destiny!"

Lafitte stood his cane in front of him, smiled slightly, and said something politely.

"If he continues to fight Crocodile now, I believe he will definitely lose."

"But he was caught and pushed into the city. It is impossible for us to find such an opportunity. We can only wait for the next time."

At this moment, Cavendish spread his hands, smiled, and looked very excited, like a madman.


"Too strong, is this the power of the Devil Fruit?"

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